Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 333 Electronic Music!Electronic sound!

Chapter 333 Electronic Music!Electronic sound!
Li Shuyao is going to release a new song. This news has actually been promoted in advance in the past two days. Although it is not yet popular, it has already become popular in Station B.

In addition, Netease Cloud's official blog also released a notice that Li Shuyao will release a new song on March 3, but many people responded with expectations.

Compared with the news released by Bilibili and some self-media on Weibo, the news under Netease Cloud official blog is much more harmonious. Those platforms are in chaos because of CR losing the game in the past two days. .

In fact, Lu Yao originally wanted to release this song directly following the enthusiasm of Li Shuyao's competition, but he really didn't expect such a thing to happen temporarily.

It’s fine if I didn’t play, and I lost the game. Although many fans are quite rational, there are always irrational people. Otherwise, why would there be people who don’t like a particularly popular team or individual.

A particularly popular team or individual has a particularly large number of fans, and when the number becomes large, everyone has it.

Some people are sane but think differently and that creates friction.

Some people are simply second-hand...

Then a violent conflict ensued.

It can be said that some people have no hatred for this group or individual at first, but because some fans are too scary, they will rise to hate that group or individual.

The so-called love the house and the crow... the same is true for the hate.

So while Li Shuyao attracted fans of CR, he also attracted a lot of black fans. Usually, he won't be able to tell when nothing happened, but when something happened, he would jump out of yin and yang.

Lu Yao has been suffering from headaches for the past two days. If she hadn't negotiated with all platforms, she would have wanted to postpone posting until the next time Li Shuyao won.

Anyway, it’s like this when you play professionally, and the wind of public opinion will be unstable. When you win, everyone will naturally say hello, but once you lose, basically don’t even think about doing anything, just pretend to be dead.

And this song is a bit special, after all, Li Shuyao has prepared to donate all the proceeds from this song, and it is still not public...

So what Lu Yao is thinking now is to use this song to expand Li Shuyao's influence.

After all, it's all about quality!
Wait until a certain day in the future, when this song is really popular, and then call Quiet Mimi to say that the proceeds from this song have been donated from the very beginning.

The effect is absolutely outstanding!
However, this is all Lu Yao's own idea, whether it will be made public or not depends on whether Li Shuyao is willing or not.


Meng Sijing is simply a fan of Li Shuyao's videos, whether it's joint variety shows, music, or food, she likes them very much. In fact, she can understand games, but she doesn't like them that much.

So when Li Shuyao broadcasts games live, she basically just listens to them and then does other things, or uses another mobile phone to play games or something, using her as the background music.

It's like when there was a TV at home before, I turned on the TV as the background sound, and then I did what I had to do.

In the next step, Meng Sijing plans to put a projector in her bedroom. It will not only be for watching live broadcasts, but also for watching movies.

If it was in the past, Meng Sijing would not have thought of these things. The busy work every day made her not even think about improving her quality of life.

But after listening to Li Shuyao's music and watching her live broadcast, Meng Sijing also felt that she should pay attention to her own life.

Well, thanks to Teacher Li Shuyao's preaching from time to time, many people began to change their lives little by little.

With the first step, there is the second step.

Meng Sijing's first step was not to install a projector, but to cook for herself...

She didn't pay much attention to the fact that Li Shuyao hadn't played in the past two days, she just saw some comments, but she still understood it very well.

She belongs to the kind of menstrual period that will be very painful, and sometimes it will be messed up... I remember that once when I met a client, it was suddenly ahead of schedule, which caught her off guard.

So she understood Li Shuyao very well.

It's just... most people who can understand don't leave comments.

At this moment, she was lying on the bed, one of the mobile phones was showing the live broadcast room of other up hosts, and the other mobile phone was chatting with colleagues who were also fans of Li Shuyao in a small group.

"I'm not in a good mood watching Yaoyao today, there's no water video! Little Hamster Khan has been updated today, and I used to watch it every time."

"Just look at today's barrage. A group of people are saying that she is not suitable for playing professionally. Hmph, they don't know how to understand us girls."

"That's right, let them try what it's like to die from pain!"

"I have to go to work tomorrow, I'm wondering if I should wait for Yaoyao's song, I really want to hear it as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes, it's another pure music. I really like the pure music of Yaoyao. This time it's electronic music. I don't know if I won't be able to fall asleep after listening to it."

"Hey, I'm off tomorrow. I happen to be off tomorrow. I can wait until 12 o'clock."

"Wow, you are so lucky. Ruo Ruo said that a new song will be released in a month or two. This efficiency, tsk tsk, is much better than some years without an album. I hope this time it can catch up with me. during break."

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, and listen to it in the car when I get up tomorrow, electronic music feels like it can refresh me in the subway!"

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, good night everyone."

"Yaoyao and the others go to bed early and get up early, good night everyone."


After Meng Sijing said goodnight to the people in the group... she lay on the bed with her laptop in her arms and watched other videos, patiently waiting for 12 o'clock to arrive.

That's right, she is the one who will rest tomorrow, she can wait patiently until 12 o'clock, and then fall asleep listening to music... Uh, it seems to be electronic music, it may be a little high.

Well, then go to bed later, it's okay to rest anyway!

Oh, and the laptop is for the big screen later!

At 12 o'clock, Meng Sijing refreshed the webpage, and then saw a new video directly appearing on Li Shuyao's account. This must have been discussed with the official, otherwise the review time would not be so good.

Quickly open the video and glance at the number of people watching at the same time...

Good guy, there are more than 3 people watching at the same time?
Close the barrage and open the video.

The expected crazy electronic sound did not appear, but some gentle ding-dong sounds sounded, a deep black spot in the picture extended out with the music, like a spiral storm, a little bit of tension Open your own spiral arm, the color is also constantly deepening.

The black dots in the whole picture are dancing with the rhythm, and the cantilever is rotating silently. When you look carefully, it seems that there is an ever-extending space in front of you, and you are being sucked into that world little by little.

The music and the picture are perfectly combined, and Meng Sijing feels that her brain seems to be continuously extending forward following the picture, subconsciously nodding her head along with the rhythm and the beating black dots.

I don't know how long it took, but she felt that the black in the picture gradually began to fade away, gradually turned into gray, and then gradually faded away.

With the final emphasis of the music, she felt as if she was awakened from that world, and looking at the video, it had completely turned into white.

Meng Sijing opened the title of the video, and the name of the song was written on it:
Fade - fading.

 Thanks to the male nurse who endorsed for the reward, okay~
(End of this chapter)

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