Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 335 Invitation

Chapter 335 Invitation

After waking up the next day, Li Shuyao didn't pay attention to the situation of the song at the first time, nor did she check her mobile phone. to the most explosive time.

She estimates that when she starts to win the championship, her songs will appear in various clips, not only this song, but also the previous songs.

It should be the smallest I have a big dream, and this song Fade has the highest appearance rate, and then various short videos will follow the trend and use it...

I still have to win the championship, this will be the fastest, otherwise it will take a while to spread.

Fade's song must have some commercial cooperation, and all the money for the cooperation must be donated. In fact, she has considered donating anonymously, but Lu Yao persuaded her to keep the name.

In this era, there may be some strange rhythms at any time. In case someone is jealous of her someday in the future, this is also something that can justify her name.

You can keep it private, but in case someone attacks you with this one day, you can use it as a defensive shield.

Although Li Shuyao thinks it's not good to make charity so utilitarian, there's nothing to do about it. Anyway, if no one attacks her, she won't use it, just use it as a hole card.

Li Shuyao reckons that this song will definitely make a lot of money after it becomes popular, and this song can also be adapted into various versions. Electronic music is like this, and even every performance is different.

Therefore, this song is the mother version, which can be derived from countless versions.

She doesn't plan to donate the derivative version of the money. After all, there are still so many friends pointing at her to go to a well-off society. It is still in the early stage, and donations should be tested. Don't donate too much all at once. This thing needs to flow slowly. .

After a few years, gradually explore the channels of charity, and then gradually increase donations.

After all, she really wants to help those in need, not to give the money to those liars!

Li Shuyao is a relatively easy to satisfy person, in fact, she is almost satisfied now.

Money should not be too much. If there is too much money, people will easily have some crooked thoughts, have an illusion that they are omnipotent, and then make mistakes.

In fact, it's like the sudden powerful power in the novel, but without the matching heart, it is easy to be unable to control this power, and then lose yourself in the power.

Money is also a power.

There have been many people lost in money throughout the ages, and there will always be people in the future.

If she didn't have the ability, Li Shuyao would still be a social animal, but now that she has the opportunity, she wants to enjoy life more.

Playing professionally is also very enjoyable, not just lying down.

The song Fade has been very popular in the e-sports circle these days, and Li Shuyao's own traffic is not small now, coupled with the joint promotion of several parties, it can't be said to be a household name in the e-sports circle, it can also be said to be popular. We all know.

In fact, even if Li Shuyao didn't watch it directly, she could feel it. In the past two days, she had a lot of information thieves, and during the live broadcast, the live broadcast room was also frantically swiping this song.

Li Shuyao also sighed a little. Sure enough, the charm of this song in the e-sports circle is different... She has already begun to think about whether to integrate the classic game music from her previous life.


A company that makes games does better music. might consider cooperating with the fists of this world. Anyway, these songs are also used in the alliance in that world.

This idea flashed through her mind during the live broadcast, and then she temporarily put it behind her.

The current training is still quite heavy, and there is not much time for her to think about the song. She has left the follow-up cooperation and promotion of the song Fade to Lu Yao for the time being.

Anyway, just talk to her when the time comes.

And while she was waiting for the next regular season game, a somewhat unexpected person came to CR's club.

Then Shen Zongyue came with him, and even Lu Yao came with him.

"So... you have so many people here, what are you trying to do?" Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows in the conference room and looked at the person in charge of the League of Legends event operation here, who seemed to be called Drizzt .

Don't think I don't know you if you name yourself a card master!You are clearly an outlaw fanatic!

That's right, this guy has a man's beard, but he named it a card...

Li Shuyao was a little curious, what little League of Legends Easter eggs could be found on this guy, such as Poppy's hammer, Poppy's mushroom, Poppy's plane, Poppy's Gundam...

"Uh...then let's get straight to the point, so we don't want to delay your training." Drizzt raised his hand with a smile and introduced the woman next to him and said: "Well, this is the person in charge of our competition music dance bud."

"Hello." Wu Lei smiled and stood up.

"Hello." Li Shuyao also stood up with a smile, shook her hand and sat down.

"Well, we are here this time. We want to discuss with you about music. When we are in the finals of the spring playoffs this year, we want to open with a live music performance. Take the stage slowly." Drizzt said his thoughts.

"So, you want Yaoyao to create a piece of music?" Lu Yao asked.

"That's right." Wu Lei nodded: "Actually, we have been paying attention to Li Shuyao. We like your music very much. Recently we also paid attention to the song Fade, so we thought that if you look at it from the perspective of a player Creating a piece of pure music may be more in line with our game."

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao raised her eyebrows, she just wanted to bring the fist song over, and now it's delivered to her door?

"Well, I wonder if it will disturb our normal training." Shen Zongyue pondered for a while and said, "Maybe, we can cooperate during the summer split."

"Oh, that's right. We heard that Li Shuyao's music production is very fast. Otherwise, I wouldn't bother you." Wu Lei smiled and said, "Of course, if it affects your normal training, you can play it first."

"It's okay, don't bother me, this thing is fast." Li Shuyao waved his hand, copying songs will delay training, and the other party wants pure music, then... faster.

"It's okay?" Shen Zongyue looked at Li Shuyao suspiciously. He had heard about Li Shuyao's production speed, but wasn't that very inspiring, and this kind of customized one would work?

"Do you have any requests?" Li Shuyao asked.

"We think like this, can we use our traditional musical instruments and modern music to make a combination to show a grand music scene." Drizzt said with a smile: "Using traditional musical instruments combined with modern e-sports, I think It must be a very exciting opening."

"Ang... If you say that, I already know it." Li Shuyao nodded thoughtfully: "When do you want it?"

"Naturally, the sooner the better," Drizzt said.

"Okay then, let's go." Li Shuyao patted on her clothes and said.

"Ah? Where are you going?" Except for Lu Yao who was helping his forehead, everyone else looked confused.

"Go to music, let's go, I'm done today, I still have to practice." Li Shuyao beckoned, and then Shi Shi ran out of the conference room...

(End of this chapter)

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