Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 356 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 356 Victory in the First Battle
When Coffee Dou and Xiaoye came to the top lane twice in turn and got kills, while Li Shuyao escaped when the opponent came to the top lane, the pattern of top lane was basically established.

As Shen Chao said, taking the top lane as the core is a somewhat risky style of play, because when you choose such a hero for the top lane, it is doomed that the frankness of your entire lineup is not enough. Warriors can resist it anyway, and shooters It is irresistible at all.

At this time, your overall fault tolerance rate will drop. It belongs to dancing on the tip of the knife. If you make one or two mistakes, you may lose the entire game.

In this level of competition, unless you are extremely confident in yourself, or a little self-defeating, you will basically not take such an unstable lineup.

But this lineup also has an upside.

It's when you, a top shooter, have established a big advantage, it's really a bit unstoppable.

The time is about to reach 20 minutes. This node is very sensitive, because 20 minutes is the time for the dragon to refresh. Both parties want to do something at this time point, and then control the dragon.

At this time, the opponents had already started to circle back, FSG began to attack CR's middle lane, CR also gathered troops and began to defend the middle lane tower, and Li Shuyao also started to rush towards the middle lane from the bottom lane.

"Come, come, pull, pull, and cheat the opponent's skills." Coffee Bean shouted loudly.

"Wait for me, wait for me, don't call me if I'm not here." Li Shuyao shouted while hurrying.

She is now the fattest point. If she is not there when the team fights, although it is not impossible to win the team battle, it is too risky, and it is easy to be beaten by the opponent. It is a loss for their superior side. It will also break the rhythm.

They are the dominant side, and the opponent will definitely not rush to the tower easily...

"The people are coming, the people are coming, let me release the force field, dou hook." Jingyi shouted, and then began to retreat. Now that there are few people, I still try to let the opponent release their skills, and I have to avoid fighting.

But the opponent was very decisive, because Li Shuyao had disappeared in the bottom lane, and he wanted to expand the results before Li Shuyao came to join the battle.

The other party came at a good time for Li Shuyao's teleportation. This time difference is an opportunity. Naturally, FSG does not want to be killed by CR. If they can seize the opportunity, they must seize the opportunity.

If you can win the team battle this time, you will have a chance to take out the dragon, and then you will be able to come back directly.

"Back, back, back..." Coffee Bean shouted.

The sword girl on the opposite side cooperated with the troops to drill forward crazily, and Galio also launched a big move on the rushing troops at the first time. The opposite lineup is looking for opportunities to open up a group. It is a lineup that does not take the initiative at this time. I am sorry for this lineup. .

But CR naturally knew this, so he quickly started to retreat. The opponent's first wave was too fierce, and there was a chance to play a miracle team when the economy was at a disadvantage.

And in the arena, there are not a few miracle groups that appear.

My Neighbor Totoro has not spoken. He is constantly avoiding the opponent's flying skills. The opponent's main target is him. The sword girl and the horse are cutting him like crazy. He has handed over all his double moves and is now caught. running around.

"I'm here, I'm here, ready to counterattack, ready to counterattack!" At this moment, Li Shuyao rushed over, and had already circled behind the opponent.

"I fucked, I fucked, Xiaxiaxia, I fainted, I fainted!"

Seeing that Li Shuyao was almost in position, Xiao Ye drove the turtle shell and rushed up.

Now that the game has been going on for almost 20 minutes, Li Shuyao has eaten the first tower of the upper and lower lanes, and the second tower of the top lane, and has updated two and a half pieces on her body, and at this time, the top laner on the opposite side has just released a little more than one piece. The lead is already very obvious.

Therefore, when Li Shuyao ran all the way from the side to the middle to join the group, he directly rushed out from the flank, and suddenly felt unstoppable.

Li Shuyao rolled out with her big move, and the moment she became invisible, Xia on the other side was half-blooded in an instant.

"Look at me, look at me, look at me..." Li Shuyao roared loudly.

"Xiaxiaxiaxiaxiaxiaxiaxia..." Xiao Ye yelled along.

"Kill, kill, kill, kill..." Jingyi also rushed up.

"What, what, what, what..."

"Wind up clockwork clockwork clockwork..."

"Brother, keep your voice down, I can't hear you!"


When the team battle started, CR basically listened to whoever yelled loudly. At this time, everyone was yelling.

Coffee Bean, who had been resisting damage from the beginning, was quickly killed, and Totoro, who was the opponent's main fire target, was also quickly killed along with it.

However, Daomei and Galio, who had rushed to the front, had already lost their blood, and basically handed in all the skills that should be handed in, and Jing Yi directly got a double kill.

The centaur was still running very fast, turned around and kicked Li Shuyao, but Li Shuyao's damage was too high, and Shuo Tiao and Xia were directly cut off by her and Xiao Ye.

In an instant, there were only one FSG player left on the field.

Although Li Shuyao's HP was a little crippled by the counterattack of the opponent's double C, but her ult was refreshed crazily, and she was rolling around on the spot in various invisibility, and no one could kick her.

"People, horses, kill, kill... NICE!"



After harvesting a wave of group destruction, Li Shuyao and the others shouted excitedly. After this wave of team battles, Wei En and Udyr will soon be able to take down the big dragon.


"Hey, after this wave, FSG is a bit difficult. CR took advantage of the situation and took down the big dragon. After waiting for a while, five people have the big dragon buff. This detail is really good. " Ge Li said with a little sigh.

"That's right, you can see that FSG played very well in this wave just now, but when Yaoyao entered the field, it was completely defeated. Yaoyao played too well, and basically all the skills that can be dodged are dodged. FSG basically has nothing to fight back." Shen Chao said.

"And the most outrageous thing is that FSG's side is surrounded by men and horses. How can you CR's Wei En be able to go behind." Wawa laughed: "It really feels a little unreasonable."

"Oh, Yaoyao here is a three-piece suit, it's too fat..." Ge Li slammed his mouth: "This is already a development that has completely surpassed the timeline. CR brought the big dragon BUFF and directly pushed away the middle laner." Tower [-] and Tower [-], now attack the second tower in the bottom lane."

"The outer tower is basically useless, look at Yaoyao, look at this person, she went up and clicked the clockwork, and the clockwork lost half of its HP, oh my god." Wawa said.

"This round is basically difficult for FSG. It will take two to three major mistakes to completely turn the situation around." Shen Chao said: "At this time, FSG is looking for opportunities. Give full play to the advantages of their lineup and find a wave of opportunities."

"It's coming, it's coming, the moment the dragon buff disappeared, the teleportation from Daomei and Clockwork lighted up at the same time, and the people and horses also rushed out from the wild area, aiming at Wei En!" Ge Li said excitedly.

"Yaoyao's reaction was very fast. CR as a whole did not retreat but advanced, and directly attacked FSG's bottom lane combination. Wow, FSG's bottom lane was directly penetrated." Wawa shouted loudly: "CR rushed straight up The highlands of FSG, your home is my home!"

"It's gone..."

"FSG wanted to make a desperate move around the back, but it was still directly cracked by CR. In the case of being completely out of touch, CR completely took the initiative."

Geli said:

"Let's congratulate CR for winning the first game."

 Uh, closing the school is a bit busy. In fact, I didn’t write enough yesterday. I bit the bullet and saved the manuscript for two updates. Yesterday, I tested nucleic acid, distributed anti-epidemic materials, counted the list of residents living on campus, made ledgers, etc... anyway, there are a lot of them. Things, basically no time code words...

  I will try my best to make two updates, if I run out of manuscripts, I will GG...

(End of this chapter)

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