Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 358 Working overtime, so angry

Chapter 358 Working overtime, so angry

The third game was approaching, and Chow Noodles was already mobilizing before the game. He stood in front of the whiteboard and solemnly said to the other team members:
"Now, what we need to do most is to stabilize our mentality and win this round with all our strength. The championship is now one step away from us. I believe that we all know why we have come to this point!"

"To get off work." Li Shuyao whispered quietly.

Everyone: "..."

Although Li Shuyao's voice was a little low, but generally speaking, when she spoke, it happened to be such a small gap.

After all, everyone was listening to Chow Noodles' speech very seriously at that time, so Li Shuyao's words were immediately heard by everyone when Chow Noodles was talking.

"Ahem... Well, it's okay for getting off work. Let's finish the game quickly and get off work!" Chow Noodles said with a smile, "Now we have a chance, and we can get off work as soon as we finish the game."

Li Shuyao scratched her head in embarrassment, she accidentally said what she was thinking just now, but it can't be her fault, it can't be her fault, the main reason is that fried noodles were asked, why can't she not answer!

If she doesn't answer, it's disrespectful to others. So, all of this is so logical. You know, she definitely didn't mean to destroy the atmosphere!
Li Shuyao looked at the fried noodles and opened her mouth a few times but didn't say anything, as if she wanted to say something but didn't know how to say it...

Well, there was such a little bit of guilt in an instant.

Oops, never say that next time!

Big deal invite him to dinner!

Go back and give him another bowl of noodles!Add two extra poached eggs!The little face who promised to feed this guy was flushed.

"Well... okay, everyone, work hard, victory is in sight, let's get off work hard, get off work early!" Fried Noodles shook his fist hard, and then... Then he smiled: "Let's go, let's get on stage, get on stage. "

Tantai Jingyi held her mouth shut and almost laughed, then put her arms around Li Shuyao's shoulders and whispered in her ear: "You are really good at destroying the atmosphere."

"Hiss... I was also surprised, haha..." Li Shuyao smiled awkwardly, then put her arms around Jing Yi and smiled, "Hey, I said I would win the championship with you, but now I'm one step away."

"Let me tell you, don't set up flags indiscriminately. This thing is very powerful in the e-sports field. If you set up a flag, you will lose." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes.

"It's not impossible, I feel that it is impossible to lose." Li Shuyao slammed her mouth: "Well, the gods of this world are a bit at odds with me, so I can't say that."

"Haha, what does it have to do with God." Tantai Jingyi smiled as she walked.

"Hey, let me tell you, it's really you. Sometimes, sometimes I feel like I'm a child of a plane, and I feel like the whole world revolves around me." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Other times I feel like God is playing me on purpose, and I don't know why."

"This is called the impermanence of life." Coffee Bean said.

"Large intestines with small intestines?" Li Shuyao rolled her eyes: "My life is not impermanent at all, I was targeted at me, do you know what is the most outrageous thing, the most outrageous thing is that I just finished talking about pressing the car here You know, you told me it’s a small intestine wrapped in a large intestine? This fucking intestine is broken.”

"Ahem, you can't swear." Xiao Ye coughed.

"Well, you can't swear, it's over." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "Let's go, brothers, let's go!"

The third game...

CR lost as expected...

Li Shuyao felt that she might have been targeted. She chose the Spear of Revenge in this round, but she was targeted crazily when she came up.

She felt something was wrong the moment the three of them surrounded her.

The main reason is that there is no room for manipulation, and the control chain is completely full.

The opponent's operation did not make any mistakes, and they also targeted several times in a row. The result of this was that Li Shuyao's early development was extremely poor.

In this round, Xiao Ye turned to help the bottom lane, but the hero she chose and the tone she set were centered on the top lane, so Li Shuyao's role in this round would be very small.

However, this round was still very tense. CR once relied on Li Shuyao's delicate manipulation to move the situation back, but the jungler on the opposite side seemed to be on the hook, robbing them two dragons in a row...

And then... lost.

In fact, everyone tried their best in this round, but sometimes it seems that they are just a little bit lucky, such as missing a certain key ward, such as the punishment of the dragon...

Everyone didn't blame Xiao Ye for what happened. Punishment of the dragon was originally a [-]-[-] split. When fighting for punishment, both sides might get rid of the dragon.

Therefore, many teams do not fight for punishment, and would rather stop fighting and fight first than fight dragons.

However, some top laners teleported from the wards that were not swept away, and then the summoner skill was changed to punishment, and they came in with the desperate jungler to grab the dragon...

It's pretty outrageous.

After walking off the stage, Li Shuyao was very angry, she felt that she was being targeted again!Hmm... Well, she also made a mistake in this round. After all, she had played two consecutive rounds, and she was somewhat unfocused in this round, and the opponent found a chance.

There is another point that she is more angry.

She is going to work overtime!I have to go back to have a big meal. I don't know what Shen Zongyue has prepared, whether it will be bad if it gets cold.

Ouch, so angry!

However, she still has a lot of respect for her opponent. She still admires that the opponent can adjust his state so quickly and play a wonderful game when he is behind 0 to 2.

Not everyone can play such a good game under such a lot of pressure.

She has also watched a lot of e-sports competitions before. In the final, when leading 2-0, it is very likely that she will directly win 3-0.

At this time, it's not that the technology is really bad, but that the mentality is a little bit broken.


At the end of the stage this time, everyone saw that Li Shuyao's expression was a bit unsightly.

Many people speculated that maybe they were a little unhappy after losing, and Chao Nian was also a little worried about whether Li Shuyao had a problem with his mentality. After all, he is a newcomer. On a stage as big as the Spring Festival, it is normal to have mental problems.

He looked at Shi Qiulian. If there was a problem with his mentality at this time, he might really be chased by others. If Li Shuyao, the sharpest spear of CR, had an accident, the outcome would be hard to say.

But neither Shi Qiulian nor Tantai Jingyi was worried at all, would this guy have mental problems?It's not a special period, and now this guy is very excited, maybe he will knock some villain on the ground and explode with a hammer.

The reason why this guy has a bad face now is very simple.

From what she said before, it can be seen why her face is not good.

This guy is definitely due to working overtime and can't go back to have a big meal early. Well, there is no other reason besides this reason!

 Feng Xiao felt that he didn't sleep that well, but everything else was fine... If he didn't sleep well, he felt a little tired.

(End of this chapter)

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