Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 360 Operation Showers

Chapter 360 Operation Showers
Next, the opponent's picks were indeed as Chow Noodles had expected. They picked Xia from the bottom lane and Jess from the top lane. If you let him take the shooter, the effect may be even worse.

After all, he has never practiced before, and he dare not show such a hero in the game.

No one dares to take a hero that has never been practiced in the game, um, except for the wrong choice... There are even fewer who can carry if the wrong choice is made, and those who can practice as a signature hero after the carry is...just... It became a meme.

"In the second round, the opponent will definitely ban support-type heroes. Let's also ban Luo, and then ban a card." Chow Mian said: "The opponent will definitely choose a support-type mid laner. They should choose...Ryze or Nightmare, but the road is physics, it should be Ryze."

"I'll go, Mr. Coach, your analysis is so accurate." Coffee Bean opened his mouth as he saw that the opposite side had banned two supporters.

"Then I chose clockwork?" Totoro asked.

"Well, wind it up." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

Clockwork in this lineup is actually a guarantee in the later stage, making the entire lineup look less desperate. This has been the case for almost the entire season. Tantai Jingyi has changed from the assassin's messy mid laner to a silently dedicated mid laner. one.

She chooses support mid laners like Cards and Ryze, as well as traditional mages like Clockwork, Syndra, and Desert Emperor.

She gave up all the light to Li Shuyao, and put the pressure on herself.

She is no longer the girl who pursued gorgeous statistics a few years ago, she is now a captain who can carry the team on her shoulders.

From the data after the game, it can be seen that although she does not seem to have the most kills, nor does she provide the most damage, but she has always been the most stable one.

She is not as eye-catching as in previous years, but once the team is in a desperate situation, she is often the one who stands up and looks for opportunities.

Chao Nian looked at Tantai Jingyi's back and nodded in satisfaction. Last year's failure was not completely useless. The team's reorganization and the pain of not being able to enter the World Championship made her a real captain.

Although Jingyi and Coffee Dou are often not as eye-catching as the three rookies, without these two veterans, the entire team would not be where it is today.

The role of veterans is not only reflected on the field, but also off the field, in every moment they are in the club.

"Wow, you're right about Chow Noodles, the other party really chose Ryze." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "But their assistant, a bit uncomfortable."

"Yeah." Fried Noodles nodded: "Coffee beans, you should choose Seti in the end, we seem to be good at beating."

"In this round, we mainly play the early rhythm." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "In the early stage, we mainly help Yaoyao establish an advantage. Xiaoye, please gank more, Coffee Bean, you will go after Xiaoye has been there twice, about after the pioneer group , let's have a stormy early attack!"

"Okay." Xiao Ye chuckled.

"Understood." Coffee Bean also nodded.

"This time we don't want to give up the bot lane completely in the early stage, but we have to end the laning period ahead of time. All the resources in the early stage must be controlled. In about 1 minutes, it should be the second dragon group, and we will end the laning period."

Tantai Jingyi went on to say:

"After the second vanguard in about 6 minutes, we will expand our advantage. At this time, we will advance three ways. We will push the opponent's outer tower as much as possible. If we can pursue solo kills, we will pursue solo kills."

"Let's try to end the battle before 25 minutes, shall we?"

Tantai Jingyi explained her plan in a simple and unhurried manner, and basically set the tone of this game, which is to directly blow up the opponent in the early stage, clean and tidy, without dragging the water.

The opposing team, FSG, is already feeling like it's about to start. At this time, if the opponent can't slap to death before the opponent fully reacts, then the fifth game will be really difficult.

If FSG really wins two games in a row, then it will really become more and more courageous, and it is not impossible to win three games in a row.

This is what CR needs to guard against the most. If the other party really gets up, then they will really be a joke.

"I have an idea, haha, why don't we give this tactic a name, haha, how about calling it Operation Rainstorm." Li Shuyao laughed.

"Zhou Yu? Set fire to it." Xiao Ye laughed.

"Storm, torrential rain." Li Shuyao was speechless: "I haven't told you about the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty in the past two days."

"It's worth talking about, haha."

"Come, come, Zhou Yu, move, Zhou Yu, burn him, burn him!" Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"Ahem, don't swear." Li Shuyao smacked her mouth: "What if the clip gets into the microphone."

"It's okay, it shouldn't be possible." Tantai Jingyi waved her hand: "Even if it's actually edited in by then, wouldn't it still be able to mute the sound, just bi will do, haha."


"Please coach as soon as possible..."

"OKOK, I see." Fried Noodles quickly interrupted the referee's urging. He was a little absorbed in listening, and accidentally timed out.

"Coach, is there anything else you want to tell me?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"No, the arrangement is good." Fried noodles smiled: "I have nothing to say, you guys work hard, I trust you."

"Please coach..."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go..." Chao Nian quickly took off his earphones and walked down, otherwise he would be punished.


"This should be the last game, right?" Fang Xuening opened her mouth and yawned a little. It's almost seven o'clock now. Although it's not time to go to bed, she's so full and sleepy. It's time to get sleepy.

Anyway, I take a little sleep now, and then I sleep until around 10 o'clock in the evening and start playing games, playing with mobile phones and so on.

"I don't know, but it seems quite fierce." Lu Yao also scratched his head: "According to my analysis, Yaoyao should be quite annoyed now, and she might have something to do. "

"That's not enough, Chun Jue, what else can you do here." Fang Xuening sat up all of a sudden, and I'm not sleepy if you talk about it: "Tell me, tell me, what can you do?"

"If there's anything, at most it's just grabbing the road." Lu Yao spread his hands.

"Cut... what's the matter, CR didn't catch the road in which round." Fang Xuening sat back all of a sudden, a little sleepy, let's end it quickly.

Lu Yao: "..." Obviously you dragged me to watch it, why is it such an exciting game now, but you dozed off next to it?

As soon as Lu Yao raised his head, he saw that Xiao Ye had flickered to the top of the road, and then Li Shuyao directly jumped twice at the bloody soldier that he had deliberately kept before, and then jumped directly on the opponent's body, Jess.

"Whoa, gank started in 4 minutes, this is just level 4." Lu Yao opened his mouth.

"The fight started?" Fang Xuening sat up immediately, and then saw Li Shuyao and Xiao Ye beating the top laner Jess on the opposite side.

"Tsk tsk, it's too miserable to go on the road. I was arrested as soon as I pushed the line of soldiers."

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth:
"I don't think Yaoyao's expression is right, she doesn't want to do it again."

 In a dream last night, someone took away all the coins in a game I was playing. I was about to have a physical battle with that person when the phone rang... Woke me up...

(End of this chapter)

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