Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 362 Golden Rain

Chapter 362 Golden Rain
"Hey, haha... go on, go on, hahaha... Go ahead, fuck him!"

"Go on the road, go on the road, teleport and fight, fight, haha, you dare to catch me, haha."

"Oh, oh, this Jess is too miserable. I was surrounded by 5 people under the tower, and my teammates were all killed. Oops, I was killed again. This is 0-6."

Lu Yao was a little speechless looking at this Fang Xuening who just said that he was so sleepy that he was going to squint for a while, but now this guy is not sleepy at all, that guy is a little bit out of energy.

"Fight the dragon, fight the dragon, haha, FSG is a little bit on the top, and it's time to join the little dragon group with CR."

Fang Xuening rolled up her sleeves and waved her hands excitedly, looking like she wanted to have a fight with the other party, and the two kittens stared at each other in a daze.

Although let's just say, this guy is indeed a little silly at times, but today it seems a little too excited.

Brother Gou looked at the picture on the big screen in confusion, and then found Li Shuyao in the corner.

Although let’s talk, it’s a bit hard to understand why Ma Ma is on the screen, but think about it, it should be the same as Ma Ma watching TV or something.

So, in the kitty's simple world view, Li Shuyao is going to act in TV!
Well, I don’t know why I can still recognize what TV is in the kitten’s simple worldview.

Lu Yao looked at the screen and smacked his mouth. I am afraid that he will really win the championship this time. This wave of Xiaolong group CR won a big victory again. They directly exchanged 1 for 5 and won the group again. Yao Yao also directly won the double kill .

At this time, Yaoyao has reached a terrifying 6-0. In this situation, even she, who doesn't know much about e-sports, knows the final result.

Speaking of which, she should actually go to the scene today, but that guy Li Shuyao said no, saying that she is such an adult, why should her parents go to the scene for the test.

Therefore, they were not even given a ticket.

Just, pretty outrageous.

However, at this time, she felt that she still had to go to see it. She was not allowed to watch it before the fight. After the fight, she had to go to celebrate together. Check the time. There is still time to go now. After all, even if it is over, there will be good things in the future. Long interviews and stuff, so it was still possible to catch up with the celebration.

Even if this guy doesn't need an agent to put pressure on her at this time, she still needs two friends to celebrate together.

"That's right, that's the way it is. Hahaha, Xiaopao jumps face, jumps face, haha, ugh, Xiaopao single-handedly kills Jess, and Jess is 1-8."

"Haha, this is called a game, this game is really good, right, right, kill, kill, hahaha..."

Lu Yao rolled his eyes at the nervous Fang Xuening, tugged at the guy's sleeve and said, "Hurry up and pack up, let's go to the celebration party."

"Ah? Huh? What celebration party?" Fang Xuening was pulled up from the lazy sofa with a confused expression.

"I won't have a celebration party if I win." Lu Yao was speechless.

"Oh...that's right...but I'm full." Fang Xuening blinked.

"You were full an hour ago, and it will take another two hours for them to start the celebration banquet. You still can't eat by then?" Lu Yao rolled his eyes.

"Oh... that's right." Fang Xuening nodded, "Okay, let's treat it as supper."

"By the way." Fang Xuening suddenly reacted: "Why are you at home today, even if Yaoyao doesn't let us go to the scene, you should still be at the company, shouldn't today be a good opportunity for publicity. "

"I... I have already made arrangements." Lu Yao waved his hand: "I have made arrangements during the day, what to do if I win, what to do if I lose, I will make arrangements when the time comes, don't worry , what we need most now is to share the joy with her when she wins!"


"of course."


"Wow, in 19 minutes, the economic advantage of 1 has been achieved. This can be reversed. I burned Xiaoming's thesis." Zhou Shiyou looked at the time and economic gap on the screen and said vowingly.

"That's right, if I lose, I'll break Xiaoming's meal card." Hao Xiao nodded with a serious face.

"Indeed, if I can lose, I'll shave off Xiaoming's hair." Jiang Shi also nodded.

Sun Xiaoming: "..."

You say yours, what does it have to do with me!Why do you always take me with you?Say, do you have any plans for my thesis!
Hmph, I'm leaving soon, and you won't be able to threaten my thesis by then!
However, before leaving, do you want to give them some guidance... Oh, please help, everyone doesn't go to the laboratory very much every day, what should they do after graduation? Could it be that graduation is delayed?

It is not difficult to graduate from graduate school, and it is too shameful to delay graduation.

At any rate, the doctor will be postponed.

"It's coming, it's about to open, it's about to open, rumors have been sent."

"I feel like it's the last wave!"

"Go, go, go!"



"This teleportation directly landed on Ryze's face, is it already opened like this?" Ge Li shouted loudly.

"Regardless of Ryze, the direct target is the one in the middle, wow, what kind of damage is this, this Xia was directly injured and killed." Wawa also said.

"Xiao Cannon took off again, hit Galio with a flash, and then pushed away the horse with a big move. Here, Jess was cut to death by Sword Fairy and Clockwork again. Ryze tried to run with a big move, but was given a big move by Clockwork. It's broken!"

"Is this wave possible? It's only 21 minutes. Only Centaur and Galio are left. These two brothers can't defend the tower."

"With Xiaopao and Jianji's push tower, the speed is still very fast."

"The line of soldiers in the middle has continued. This wave of FSG is very dangerous."

"But there are no artillery vehicles in this wave of soldiers, but it's really hard to clear the line with only Nosuke."

"Are you coming? Are you really coming?"

"It's coming, it's coming, the two front tooth towers were smashed, and FSG's Nosuke charged desperately, but it still didn't work, and was directly wiped out by CR."

"I can't bear it anymore, I need a wave!"

"It's a miracle, it's really a miracle. From not making it to the playoffs last year, to this year's crazy winning streak and winning the championship, everyone here has been questioned, and even Yaoyao even wrote a song to Mingzhi, Now CR has told you what is the true e-sports spirit and what is never giving up."

"Let's congratulate CR for winning the spring finals!"

"Audience friends at the scene, audience friends in front of the screen, are you ready! We really want to go back to the era ruled by CR."

"It's hard for you to imagine that this is a team that has just been reorganized this year. There are even three teenagers who made it to the final stage for the first time, and even one of these three teenagers played LPL music for the first time this year. District up master, this is simply unbelievable!"

"At this time, Kaitian's music sounded again on the field. Haha, this is Li Shuyao's BGM. Stepping on her own BGM, she won the Silver Dragon Cup. Maybe we couldn't imagine this scene from the beginning, but today, this A legend is born!"

"We saw the 6 players and the coaching staff on the field holding our Silver Dragon Cup together!"

"Let us once again congratulate CR. Today, golden rain falls for you. You have come here tenaciously with your courage and perseverance. Congratulations to CR!"

 When I woke up in the morning, it was snowing...

(End of this chapter)

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