Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 369 Fang Xuening's fancy reminder

Chapter 369 Fang Xuening's fancy reminder
For the contempt of the two good friends, Li Shuyao felt that she should prove herself, she needed to let these two guys understand what a real genius is!

Therefore, Li Shuyao sacrificed the time he would have spent resting today, and devoted time to writing this script.

Anyway, it was a video, she estimated that it would be about ten minutes at most, so she didn't have to prepare for too long, so, on this day, she sat on the small balcony on the second floor with a laptop computer in her arms and turned into a small An expert, coded out a script of about 5 words.

Tantai Jingyi looked at the densely packed string of small characters, all of which had grown bigger: "My God, why have you written so much, are you going to be an internet writer?"

"I'm not doing it. I'm going to starve to death as an internet writer." Li Shuyao pouted. What's so good about being an internet writer? You have to update every day, you're exhausted all day long, and you don't make any money.

"Indeed." Fang Xuening nodded approvingly: "It's pitiful to be reminded every day."

Then Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi turned their heads together, looking at Fang Xuening expressionlessly.

"Why do you all look at me... I never urge you to update, I am kindly reminding you, you know, look at this person, he is not very popular in the first place, and he doesn't make updates every day. When will he become popular? Fang Xuening rolled her eyes: "So you have to work hard, you don't update [-] words a day, you're sorry for me leaving messages in the comment area every day."

"Come, come, let me see what you have left." Tantai Jingyi took Fang Xuening's cell phone, and then clicked on the author's message area.

This author is indeed a little transparent, with less than 70 comments accumulated, and the top one is the building built by Fang Xuening. The situation inside is almost like this:

"What time is it still not updated? The donkeys in the production team don't rest as much as you do."

"Author, why don't you update me, I'm sorry for waiting with my heart and mind every day!"

"Author, if you don't update it, there will be no little chirp!"

"I despise those of you urging updates the most. The authors work so hard, so you can't let them rest. Well, I have already rested for half an hour. If you are not dead, hurry up and update labor and management!"

"On the Nai River Bridge, a girl had already drank ten bowls of Mengpo soup, and Mengpo drank loudly: 'Enough, what else can't you forget!' The girl replied with dim eyes: '"Almighty Why is Girls Up Master not updated?"

"I pushed the author against the wall, brushed away her thick long hair, lifted her delicate chin, and said softly in a low and magnetic voice: 'Update soon'."

"The day I met the author, she played with her mobile phone with her head down, and was out of tune with the lively world. Since then, I have taken good care of her. There was a car accident on the street that day, and the flying glass cut her arm casually. I I quickly ran to the hospital with her on my back, she was touched and asked me why I was so kind to her, I said softly: 'I want you to update earlier'."


Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi: "..."

This reminder building, Xiao Ning Leng, has more than 30 floors. In addition to her own messages, there are also some others who came to remind her, but most of them are her messages.

Li Shuyao took the phone over suspiciously, opened the novel, and then glanced at the catalog: "Isn't this author updating every day, and two chapters every day, so why is it so regular?"

"Hey, that's why you don't understand. Although I was urged to update, the author is actually very happy." Fang Xuening took the phone and said.

"Ah? Why..." Tantai Jingyi glanced at Fang Xuening strangely: "What strange attributes have you awakened?"

"Ah bah bah bah, talk nonsense, it's easy for Harmony to know." Fang Xuening rolled her eyes, and then said with a smile: "Look, this guy is a little bitch, right?"

"Hmm..." The visitors nodded in unison.

"For a little pujie, what do you think is the most important thing?" Fang Xuening asked.



"Well... these are indeed very important. After all, they are sources of income, but what is more important is encouragement and recognition." Fang Xuening said with a smile: "I can't get more people to subscribe, so I use this method Come cheer him up."

"When the author saw it, hey, there are still people who like his work so much and come to urge him to update it every day. He must be very motivated when he writes. New readers come to the comment area to see that there are so many people urging him to update. The work must be good Ah, let me take a look too, it will increase his popularity."

"We all know that the author still has his own work, and it is impossible to update so much every day, but this is a tacit understanding between our readers and the author."

"A novel that is not urged to update is not perfect, you know that."

"Tsk tsk, dare you want to whore for nothing." Li Shuyao pinched her waist and said.

"Who says I'm a whore for nothing." Fang Xuening opened the novel's contribution list: "Hey, my contribution is quite high, and I often reward people, and I'm a manager in their book friend group. "

"...and book friends?" Tantai Jingyi opened her mouth.

"What's the matter, Xiaopujie can't have a book friend group." Fang Xuening pinched her waist: "They also work hard to code words, and they also work hard to bring happiness to this world. There is a small group Isn't that normal."

"You don't always drive in the group, do you?" Tantai Jingyi looked at Fang Xuening suspiciously.

"Huh? Am I that kind of person? I'm such an innocent person, would I be the kind of person who can drive?" Fang Xuening also pinched his waist.

Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi nodded together: "Yes."

"I'll fight with you!" Fang Xuening rolled up her sleeves and rushed up... Then Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi picked her up from left to right and threw her onto the carpet next to her.

"Hahahaha...not fair, not fair...hahaha, after the agreement is made, you can't scratch the itch, are two against one...hahaha, you are not a gentleman!"

"I'm not a gentleman." Tantai Jingyi said indifferently.

"I... er... I can not for the time being, haha." Li Shuyao also chuckled, a certain white hair has been a little drifting recently, and he was drinking himself before, heh heh, this must not be forgotten!
She, Li Shuyao, holds a grudge!Today is just the time to settle the old and new accounts together!
Brother Gou and Xiaohong, who had just come back from a walk outside, heard movement upstairs, so they quietly ran to the second floor together, and then they stopped at the stairs.

Xiaohong's mouth opened into an O shape unconsciously, Brother Gou is not surprised, but at this time must not approach, the three will suddenly throw out a small dried fish to tempt themselves at some point, so you can run, run!

Brother Gou turned around and ran downstairs. Don't hesitate at this time, just run!
Halfway through the run, it found that Xiaohong didn't seem to be following behind him...

Vaguely, it heard a little "cracking" sound from upstairs, and there was also such a fishy and salty smell...

Brother Gou tilted his head and thought for a while, then ran downstairs resolutely and quickly.

Xiaohong is still too innocent, it's time for him to experience the beatings of the society.

(End of this chapter)

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