Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 415 This guy can do anything just to sleep

Chapter 415 This guy can do anything just to sleep

Student Fang Xuening is still very laid-back recently...or she has always been very laid-back. Since Li Shuyao and the others returned to the team, this guy has started to let himself go. It is impossible to get up early in the morning, and the live broadcast is very punctual. The preparation for the cover song was a little slower, but it was still a little bit of preparation.

Now she is mainly going to cover those songs of Li Shuyao, and follow her big brother to have meat!
The main reason is that now Li Shuyao's songs are smashing the charts on all major music platforms, and many ups in the cover section are covering her songs.

Fang Xuening, who is the easiest student in the world to obtain the copyrights of Li Shuyao's songs, naturally cannot let this opportunity pass by. She has already sung to the point of knowing whether she knows it or not!
Well, she sang the cover by herself, and asked someone to sing duet and others to share the small money, so it's better to sing it all by herself!

After staying up late yesterday to finish watching the competition, she is quite happy that the No.1 result of the CR competition has qualified, which means that the guy will stay in Xuedao for several days again!

In this way, the summer season will start within a few days after she comes back!

The summer split has started and she can't come back!In other words, I can sleep in all the time!
Well, although there is a little bit of emptiness and loneliness, but nirvana, sleeping late will always be divine!
If let her choose!Oh...she might choose to be carried out by Li Shuyao, it really feels good to be carried.

"Come, come, get up, get up." Lu Yao patted Fang Xuening's thigh: "Your head is sunburned and you still can't get up."

"Hmm... Hug..." Fang Xuening turned around in a daze, pouted her lips and opened her hands.

"Get out, get up by yourself, you think I'm Li Shuyao." Lu Yao slapped Fang Xuening's hand aside: "Today's 'Haunted House' video is online, don't you want to watch it?"

"Oh? It's so fast, it's online now?" Student Fang Xuening sat up after swiping: "What did you cut it into? Why didn't you show it to me before posting it."

"Everyone read it and thought it was pretty good, so we posted it." Lu Yao shrugged and said.

"Me, me, I didn't watch it!" Fang Xuening pouted.

"you are sleeping."

"???" Fang Xuening tilted her head and questioned, "You make me feel like you're calling me a sleepy god."

"Aren't you Juezhu?" Lu Yao blinked.

Fang Xuening: "..."

"Let me tell you, they are not here now. You can easily encounter the iron fist I love. You know, my iron fist is very powerful." Fang Xuening said with widened eyes: "Let me tell you, I will go out in the morning to talk to you." They train a lot more than you do."

"It's just you? What about radio gymnastics? No...the radio gymnastics are quite powerful, and yours can be regarded as a stretch at most!"

"I fought with you!"

Fang Xuening was about to get up with her arms propped up, but Lu Yao tapped her finger on the center of her eyebrows.

"Oh, I'm going... I can't even get up." Fang Xuening stared at Lu Yao strangely with her eyes wide open: "Sister Lu, you actually have such great strength! You didn't secretly go to the gym behind my back Bar."

"I don't know this bit of common sense." Lu Yao withdrew his hand and said, "You won't be able to get up if you are set on fire. It doesn't matter how much strength you have. You just can't get up."

"Huh?" Fang Xuening blinked her eyes: "I don't believe it, come again."

Speaking of which, Fang Xuening knelt on the bed, then looked up at Lu Yao eagerly.

Lu Yao curled his lips, and then tapped Fang Xuening's forehead with a finger.

"I get up... I... Oh, I'm going... I get up... Oh... There's something... I get up... I'm going, really..." Fang Xuening said in surprise: "How do you know?" ? And this kind of common sense?"

"Okay, okay, get up quickly." Lu Yao was speechless: "Look at that video for today's live broadcast, and let you watch the live broadcast."

"Tsk tsk..." Fang Xuening looked at Lu Yao and pouted.


"Look, watch this video, one is for video promotion, and the other is that my own live broadcast is effective. Many people like to watch the reaction of the anchor, right, hehe, especially if you don't let me watch it in advance, Just trying to scare me, right?"

Fang Xuening hummed and said:

"Then edit the video that shocked me and submit it to the video that edits the video of the anchor, and then harvest a group of viewers who have not watched it, and let them watch this video again, maybe they can give it to my live broadcast. It’s time to gain some popularity, right.”

"Then those edited videos of anchors became popular, and we can often contribute articles, which can boost the popularity of my live broadcast... Huh, that's how some big anchors became popular."

Lu Yao looked at Fang Xuening in surprise, when did this guy become smart...

Although it is not as simple as she said, there is nothing wrong with understanding it this way. Use high-quality content to bring up other self-media, and then use the traffic of other self-media to feed back.

After all, now is the era when short videos are king. With so many people broadcasting live, few people will go to the live broadcast room a little bit, and this kind of video that gathers funny clips from various live broadcast rooms is a good way for everyone to get to know many anchors.

If you can always go up, you can leave a deep impression on everyone. If you come and go, your popularity in the live broadcast room will start to rise.

After climbing, more edited videos will come to find your live broadcast clips. This is a virtuous circle. After all, those edited videos also need to be played, and they will also look for more popular anchor clips to edit.

"Aren't you all cast members? Even if it's the first time watching it, you won't be afraid. You know the plot." Lu Yao said with a smile.

Fang Xuening rolled her eyes and lay down on the bed directly...

"It's not the first time for me to make a video, can I not know? When you shoot and make it are completely different feelings, and you must have done various post-production, there is post-production and no post-production Can it be the same, but if the background music is different, it will be different."

Fang Xuening lay on the bed in a large font, rubbing happily on the pillow:
"So oh, since you want to implement your series of sub-plans, you should let me have a good rest, you know, a good rest means you have to sleep well, you know..."

"Well... so comfortable..."

Lu Yao: "..."

This guy can do anything just to sleep... That's why you said so much before, just to pave the way for you to sleep!
Lu Yao was speechless, why did he get such a lazy asshole...

Well, since this is the case, why not lie down by yourself?
Hmm... It seems like a good choice, anyway, I don't plan to go to work today, and I don't wear makeup or wash my face when I wake up in the morning, so I can just lie down and sleep for a while.

Lu Yao looked at the classmate Fang Xuening who was lying there, a little moved, then threw the coat on the side, and then jumped, and jumped to Fang Xuening's side.

"Wow... Sister Lu, don't you want to eat?" Fang Xuening was bounced up all of a sudden, then turned around in the air, and lay on her side on the bed.

"Come, come, let my sister hug me."

Fang Xuening: "..."

For a while, I couldn't tell who was fishing...

Bah, I'm not a fish!
 I got up at 6 o'clock in the morning for a nucleic acid test... and when I was finally in line, the system in front of me was broken... I tm... Then I waited for a long time for the nucleic acid test, I was speechless...

(End of this chapter)

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