Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 418 Who wouldn't be moved by such a poor white-haired man?

Chapter 418 Who would not be moved by such a poor white-haired man?

"Xiao Ning..."

After hearing the voice in the house, Li Huanying didn't care about what happened before, turned over and jumped up, and quickly ran to the back room...

The room was dark... Li Xuening was lying on the bed helplessly waving her right hand out of the quilt, as if she was looking at the door... But her eyes were a little dull, it seemed... that she couldn't see the light.

Li Huanying quickly ran into the house. In desperation, he didn't turn on the light, but rushed directly to his daughter's bed. Seeing the weak and trembling Li Xuening, he anxiously wanted to hug her directly.

"If I were you, don't hug her."

Just when Li Huanying was about to touch Li Xuening, a voice suddenly sounded from behind, making his hand that wanted to hug Li Xuening pause slightly.

Li Huanying turned around and looked slightly surprised at the two people in Taoist uniforms in front of him. Standing beside Li Xuening, he slightly opened his hands and blocked his daughter behind him.

"Father... are you there? Who is it..." Li Xuening called softly, trembling.

"Here... Dad is here... Dad is here." Li Huanying said softly: "There are two guests at home, Dad will entertain you, Xiaoxue Ning will stay by herself for a while."

"Yeah... Dad, go, I'm fine." Li Xuening nodded vigorously, and then retreated into the bed little by little.

There was an unhealthy blush on that flamboyant and somewhat pale face, the pure white hair and dull eyes made one couldn't help but want to hold her in his arms.


Fang Xuening clicked pause when the camera gave her a close-up, looked at the question marks that suddenly floated across the screen, and smiled with a smothered voice:
"No, what do you guys think of my acting, hahahaha... Do you have a special feeling...Let me tell you, as soon as I lay down...the director told me that it felt great!"

"Really, the bastard is talking nonsense, I just lay there at that time..."

Fang Xuening lay down on his chair while talking, and immediately showed a pitiful look, and the wind direction of the barrage that was still making question marks changed instantly.

Who would not be moved by such a poor white hair...

Well, student Fang Xuening may not be able to do other things, and pretending to be poor is definitely first-class. Let alone men, women have to come over and comfort others when they see it.

This is of course also due to Li Shuyao's contribution. When Li Shuyao's menstrual period came, it really aroused other people's desire to protect instantly, and whoever saw it was confused.

Fang Xuening imitated it a little bit, and then added her own understanding, and it was easy to deduce that state.

Coupled with her cute face and white hair, a little make-up, and a poor little girl image appeared.

"At that time, I just lay down like this, and then the director got gat in an instant, you know, and then told me directly, just keep this state and don't move! He went to get the oranges...Ahaha, no, he is going to start shooting straight away!"

"Really, when I read the script, I immediately fell in love with the role of daughter, you know, the name was naturally changed according to our names, but I knew at a glance that this role must be mine. "

"It's like Yaoyao. Although she doesn't want to, we all agree that she is a female ghost. Haha, as expected, this female ghost is really scary."

"Haha, Mou Huan, Mou Huan is indeed the protagonist, and he's really good at acting...Well, the main reason is that everyone else wants to be handsome, you know, haha."

"Okay, okay, let's stop talking, let's continue watching."

Seeing that the barrage was about to blow up again, Fang Xuening hurriedly clicked the space to continue playing.

It's too scary, it's too scary, these people have already started crying and howling in the barrage, if you don't continue to watch this, I guess these people will overthrow the live broadcast room!

Li Huanying came out following the two Taoist priests, raising her hand habitually to close the door and turn off the light, but suddenly found that she hadn't turned on the light before...

He scratched his head in doubt, but he didn't pay attention to this matter. What he wants to know now is why so many bizarre things happened today.

Why is there a female ghost in his home, and why are there two Taoist priests coming in.

For him, it seems that what happened today has somewhat subverted his perception of the world.

The three came to the living room, it seemed that everyone still forgot to turn on the light, and just sat on the sofa in the living room.

"Did the two priests come here because of that female ghost just now?" Li Huanying said first, "Well, what are the two priests called?"

The old Taoist (Big Tomato) stroked his long beard and smiled, "You call me an old Taoist."

The black-clothed Taoist (Ah Zong) next to him squeezed his slightly raised beard and smiled, "You can call me ah no help."

"Huh?" Li Huanying scratched her head: "Are you... acting cute?"

Ah Wuhuo: "..."

Ah Wujiu shook his head and said, "Li Huanying, do you know what kind of illness your daughter has?"

"I know." Li Huanying nodded, "It's a heart attack."

Ah Wujiu opened his mouth, then looked at the old Taoist beside him: "He doesn't play cards according to routine."

The old Taoist gave him a blank look and said, "Is it because they didn't play the cards according to the routine? Obviously you didn't play the cards according to the routine. Did they say that there is a problem with heart disease? What was checked in the hospital was heart disease."

"'re right, you're right."

Li Huanying looked at these two people and frowned: "What are you two talking about, will it help Xiao Xuening's condition?"

"Yeah." The old Taoist nodded: "According to science..."

"Pfft..." Ah Wuhuo burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" The old Taoist elbowed him. It was hopeless.

"Oh..." Ah Wuhuo screamed, then took two steps back, stretched out his right hand, and said with a look of "Don't go", "Ah...I'm hurt...I...suffered... hurt……"

Li Huanying felt that the blood vessels on his head were protruding and protruding. If it wasn't for the respectful look on the old Taoist priest's face, and he also met a female ghost just now, he might have called the police.

These two people broke into the house, thought they were cospaly here?Is it interesting to ridicule someone's daughter's illness?

"There is nothing wrong with the scientific method I said. Your daughter was affected by the ghost's breath, which led to heart failure. It was found to be heart disease." The old Taoist nodded and said: "She has half a foot After entering the ghost gate, if it cannot be eradicated, within 3 days, there will be black and white impermanence."

As the old Taoist spoke, he kicked and made faces beside him, it was hopeless.

"What you said is true? Why does science still have ghosts?" Li Huanying felt that she couldn't understand what the old Taoist said.

"Science pays attention to objective facts. Since it exists objectively, why can't it be science." The old Taoist said with a smile, "Is it because it has not been included in the scientific system? Then there are too many things in this universe that have not been included. "

Li Huanying was stupefied by the old Taoist priest, he always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't refute it, thinking of the horrible scene just now: "Then... this Taoist priest, how can I do it?" Save my daughter."

(End of this chapter)

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