Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 431 I want to sleep...

Chapter 431 I want to sleep...

"Wow, Lucian, haha, Lucian, I knew DF couldn't help but Lucian CR would definitely get it, haha, I can see Yaoyao's Lucian again!" The lights were thrown out.

But his behavior was inconspicuous at the moment, Zhen Dahong was not the only one who was about to throw the light sign out, except for this guy, one or two of these people present were very excited.

Except for Wang Li...

In the past, he was very angry when he saw some employees in the company dozing off at work. There are so many people in the company who are so noisy and can fall asleep. This is not drowsiness at all.

Now he understands those employees. It turns out that when people are very sleepy, they can really block the surrounding sounds...or the brain directly filters the surrounding signals, so that people can fall asleep anytime, anywhere .

Well, the premise is that no one touches him, and he can still rule out just the sound.

But pinch, it's mainly because you people just yell, why do you have to twist your ass?Don't you know that your big ass is very annoying!
Wang Li was caught between two men like this for a while, and he had no love for a while. Whenever he was about to fall asleep in a daze, either Zhen Dahong next to him or the little black brother on the other side would always give him a hug. , and then woke him up.

These two people are really cooperating with each other, you push me against each other.

Forget about Zhen Dahong, why do you, a European brother, hold a Yaoyao sign, or a light sign of that kind of portrait, yelling seems to be French?I don't understand anyway.

Wang Li sighed and leaned on the back of the chair.

Sin ah.

If I had known this, I should have spent money to sign it for Li Shuyao, and let her sing live for me every day!
Why don't you play e-sports when you have nothing to do?

You can only fight in China, but I ended up playing abroad... Alas... The world is so big, there is no bed that can accommodate me at this moment!

"Damn it! It's not Yaoyao playing Lu Xian, it's Lu Xi'an's mid laner, I'll go, I'll go, Yaoyao took a wine barrel and messed around in the top lane, Jingyi is going to stand up and C."

Wang Li was confused and looked at Zhen Dahong, who sat down a little disappointed, then smacked his mouth, and said in a long nasal voice: "It's okay, it's fine if we can win anyway."

"What did you say?" Zhen Dahong tilted his head: "Speak up, I just see your lips moving."

Wang Li: "..."

So why don't you bring your wife and children with you when you go on a trip to watch the game, why do you have to bring me!I'm also a family man, you take me with you when you come out to watch the game every day, how do you make chickens think of it!Let the duck see!Let the big goose see it!
How can I mess around in the poultry industry in the future!
Damn, it's all messed up. Sure enough, when people are extremely sleepy, they are prone to insanity, and they don't know which muscle is wrong, so it reminds them of sketches.

Zhen Dahong didn't want to hear what Wang Li had to say, he turned his head to watch the game start, and followed CR's fans to cheer for CR.

There are not only domestic fans, but also a considerable number of foreign fans. Anyway, there are no European and American teams in the finals, and they have no burden. There are two beauties in CR... and Yaoyao has been online for a while But it attracts a lot of powder.

Therefore, quite a few people are very interested in girls who play the game well, sing well, look pretty, and can speak several languages.

Now that he is interested in this person, it is reasonable to be interested in this team.

And the word "refueling" is not difficult to learn, just shout along with it.

Therefore, Wang Li could often see a few foreign boys yelling along with him, but... he didn't even need to listen to the sound to know that what these people were yelling was totally wrong!They just follow suit!

But, just mix it up, anyway, it’s fine if you want it!
Wang Li yawned for a long time, then shrank back in the chair by himself, and finally started to fight. The group of people finally calmed down a little bit, and everyone sat down to watch the game. If it is a wonderful operation, everyone should not be so excited.

After all, everyone also needs to rest. This is a BO5. It will take a lot of time to play a full game. If you scream from the beginning to the end, your throat will definitely not be able to bear it.

Judging from his years of experience in watching games, the first round of the finals of this kind of competition must be the most stable round. Everyone wants to score a point at the beginning, so there is a little bit of bottom in their hearts. So it is often more cautious.

In this way, many times the first round of BO5 in this kind of finals will be somewhat boring. This is normal, so I can sleep for at least ten minutes.

He felt that as long as he let himself sleep for more than ten minutes... he could directly enter deep sleep!At that time, no matter how noisy the people next to him are, they won't be able to wake him up!

Holding such confidence, he let out a long breath, then closed his eyes and exhaled softly. In an instant, he began to dream, his brain began to rest, and his body began to relax...


"Cow beer!"




It took less than 5 minutes for him to be confused, and the two on both sides stood up suddenly, and the simultaneous force of both sides brought him up for a while, and even made him leave the seat all at once.


Wang Li suddenly sat back, and then looked at the back of Li Shuyao killing Shan Xiaosa on the screen, and was speechless for a while.

Good guy, can you kill me solo after a while, at least you put me to sleep and you kill me again... This is the finals, the finals!

Can't you be more reserved?Can't you be more steady?Are you really okay?Are you not afraid that others will catch you?And your lineup is obviously not the core, right? Why do you perform so brilliantly?Can't be a good tool man?

Wang Li groaned for a while, and after the two of them sat down, he fell asleep again. This feeling of being forcibly woken up after just falling asleep is very uncomfortable...

But if you can continue to sleep, it is still very comfortable.

With this strong contrast, it seems... more comfortable now?
Forget it, I don't want to experience this kind of comfort again, can DF give me some help, and don't let that Li Shuyao show off again, okay?
With this thought in mind, Wang Li was confused again, and then...

"Damn it, cow beer!"


"Jingyi! Jingyi! Jingyi! Jingyi!"

"CR! Come on! Ahahaha..."


Then he was woken up every three to five minutes on average. Every time he wanted to sleep very firmly, but every time he was woken up very firmly by the people on both sides.

By the end of the game, he had completely given up.

CR carried a huge economic advantage and crazily "slaughtered" DF. Tantai Jingyi, who had been playing support before, rose directly in this round. show operation.

Li Shuyao didn't have any bright moments in this round except for a solo kill in the early stage. After all, after that time, the opponent's jungler basically lived in the top lane, and her ultimate move in team battles was also basic, but In the eyes of fans, he is still very handsome.

Well, from Wang Li's point of view, it looks a bit hideous.

 I originally thought that these two days would be very busy, but due to some unexpected events, it was postponed later.

(End of this chapter)

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