Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 443 I'm an Adverse Reading Machine

Chapter 443 I'm an Advertisement-reading Machine Without Emotions
Seeing her popularity gradually rise, Li Shuyao also began to turn the topic back to this competition. She also understood that many people watching her live broadcast at this time must want to hear the story behind winning the championship.

Well, by the way, I also want to ask when the vlog of the hot spring will be released.

Ever since she posted a photo in the fan group when she took a hot spring last time, this question has never stopped. Basically, it will definitely appear in the comments, private messages, etc. under her feed.

Li Shuyao looked at the bullet screen and asked this question and couldn't help sighing, how about the power of lsp is endless, after so many days, she is still doing it persistently, right, if the college entrance examination had this kind of energy back then, Tsinghua University and Peking University would not Said, then 985, 211 can always go to one, no matter how bad it is, you can go to the whole undergraduate course, right...

As for the appreciation of beauty made up by these guys, what is the main reason for wanting to see the scenery of Iceland...

That little idiot Fang Xuening can't even fool her, so she still wants to lie to me?
Humph, don't think I don't know what you guys are thinking!Thinking back to my old lady... Ahem, this, everyone is the same, everyone is the same, they all leave a message below to make a good life safe, who doesn't know who else.

Today, the popularity is rising very fast. In addition to Li Shuyao's current popularity, there are also home page recommendations from station B.

You know, the rise of Li Shuyao, not only the boss of CR, but also the uncle wow.

There are quite a few up masters who have risen from zero at Station B, but they can achieve this kind of achievement in just one year, and they are completely genuine, without any false hype. There are really very, very few.

It can be said that although CR has reaped huge benefits, station B has also reaped a lot of benefits, so Li Shuyao wanted to live broadcast, and station B quickly gave publicity and recommendations.

Now Station B is also negotiating with Lu Yao about the new contract. Anyway, Li Shuyao must be kept at Station B. You know, there are quite a few people discussing live broadcast contracts with Lu Yao now, and before Station B was only talking to Li Shuyao Just signed a one-year contract.

When the contract expires, it is not certain where the live broadcast will be.

However, at present, Li Shuyao still has feelings for station B, so if the conditions provided by station B are good, Li Shuyao subjectively does not want to change the platform.

On the other hand, although CR can't get any direct economic benefits from Li Shuyao's live broadcast, but after all, he is his own player, and many things are intangible, so CR also promoted it.

So even though Li Shuyao started the broadcast half an hour earlier, her popularity climbed rapidly.

"Let me tell you, that volcano, tsk tsk, is really spectacular. If you have the opportunity, I really suggest you go and see it. The shock of nature is really..."

"The hot spring... The hot spring is really good, haha, I will post a vlog when the time comes, and I'm already editing it, haha."

"This competition is quite enjoyable. In the past, I always watched e-sports players compete on the stage. I never thought that I would be able to stand on this stage one day. I was really excited. After all, I was the first I played games in [-], and then accidentally won an MSI championship, right, hehe."

"Oh, I thought at the time of the game, if I come back from the group stage, I can take a month off, if I come back from the match, I can take half a month off, but after the final, I It can be left for more than a week, alas..."

Li Shuyao shook her head quite "unfortunately":

"Oh, I'm too busy to be a professional. I haven't been idle since the beginning. After the regular season, the playoffs, the MSI after the playoffs, and the summer split immediately after the MSI. Oh, it's really not at all. Can't rest."

Seeing a string of question marks appearing in the barrage, Li Shuyao chuckled:
"Speaking of which, this period of time is really fulfilling, but it is indeed very tiring. Well, after this year's competition is over, I plan to go on a trip. Haha, I will buy an RV and drive Running around."

"Manga... Oh, my classmates know that I'm preparing manga... That's what I'm drawing, but don't worry about it, haha, it will take two years to make it."

With Li Shuyao's current popularity, if she wanted to make an animation movie... Basically, no one would invest in it. If she spent the money herself, she would probably throw all the money into it now.

So, let’s start with some low-cost ones, and hand over the whole comic to Lu Yao to put it on the shelves, right? Let’s see how the market is. If the market is good, we’ll continue to do it. If the market is not good, we won’t draw any more!
Anyway, now I don’t need to support myself by drawing comics, I can draw if I want to, and forget it if I don’t want to.

"Okay, okay, we've chatted a lot, and it's almost time to see, we still have business to do today." Li Shuyao chatted with everyone about MSI, and also answered some questions in the barrage , Seeing that it is almost 8 o'clock, it is time to advertise.

The time of this advertisement is determined by others, and this time the advertisement time is 2 hours, that is to say, she can only play this game within these 2 hours.

At first, Li Shuyao was a little puzzled. After all, it takes only one hour to advertise for many games, why it takes two hours for the other party to find her to advertise.

But after she tried it in advance, she understood... This game didn't understand for dozens of hours. She had been in it for two or three hours, and now she didn't quite understand what the gun was called.

The most watched one is TK.

Well, the full name is "Team Kill", which is the legendary friendly kill.

"The game we're going to play today is called Blazing Souls. It's on the steam platform, ahem, where did I broadcast it..." Li Shuyao looked around, then picked up her advertisement with a serious face and began to read up:
"The Spirit of Fire is a..."

Seeing her holding a piece of paper and starting to read the advertisement, the audience was speechless one by one:

"It's the first time I've read an advertisement with paper, hahaha."

"I'm an emotionless advertising machine."

"Hahaha, Yaoyao is too cute."

"I've played this game, I can snipe it later."

"Yaoyao take me, I promise to take you to rescue and kill seven in and seven out."

"Ahem, why don't we just start right away, it's embarrassing to read like this, haha."


Li Shuyao didn't care what the barrage looked like, anyway, I just read it as usual, and it was over when the task was completed, anyway, there was no emotional reading text written below.

If you write recitation texts, I will be anxious to you.

"Okay, I've finished reading... No, it's just a brief introduction. I believe everyone has a brief understanding of this game. Well, generally speaking, it is the No. 1 shooting game, commonly known as sudden Chutu, biabiabia, right, I am good at this."

"When I was in junior high school, I was in computer class. We said in private that I would often play this CS, right? Haha, I was invincible in the class back then. The bastard is talking nonsense, really."

"Come on, brothers who have this game can come and play together, I will bring you a cup and let you fly, so that you can experience what real game talent is, then I am a pharaoh with accurate marksmanship, get on the number, brother let's go!"

 Seriously... I kinda don't feel like writing manga haha, I'll see it later.

  One update today, two updates tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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