Chapter 459
Oliver looked at Lu Yao suspiciously when he heard Li Shuyao's words. He might think that he had misheard, and then asked Li Shuyao to repeat it in English.

To be honest, even after hearing the story of Li Shuyao's success in one day, now he still thinks that Li Shuyao is joking.

After all, no matter how you say it before, the two productions were not done by Li Shuyao alone, but with the help of the band, but this time the song looks very complicated, and there are no other people here. Do it yourself?

Just look at the thousand-word plan Li Shuyao wrote, and you will know that this song is quite complicated. Is it really possible for one person to complete it?

In fact, Oliver thinks that Li Shuyao can do what he is doing now, and the rest can be handed over to Riot’s music company to produce. He just tried humming the rhythm of this song, and it’s very good. He already prefers this song in his heart. sing.

Speaking of it, it is not in vain to get this song here today, he has already decided to recommend this song, as for whether it will be adopted...

He thinks the possibility of adopting it is very high. After all, Li Shuyao's production suggestions are very complete, and even unexpectedly fit many of his ideas. As long as the official finds a few sound sources and makes a little adaptation, it can be sung.

They are still very confident in music production. They have a huge music production team. Although they spend a lot of money every year, the music they produce also earns them the title of a music company.

They even gave concerts at the founding of the country, and their global influence is not small.

Li Shuyao didn't talk nonsense, anyway, it wasn't the first time, as the saying goes, facts speak louder than words, there is no need to explain anything at this time, just do it!

Li Shuyao brought a few people to the nearby piano room, motioned them to keep quiet, and immediately began to select instruments for recording.

At first, the three of Oliver didn't feel much, but when they saw Li Shuyao changing instruments one after another, they became a little surprised.

What surprised him was not that Li Shuyao could use so many musical instruments. Although it was difficult, it was not impossible.

What surprised him was that Li Shuyao seemed to have memorized the music that each instrument should play. Some instruments didn't need to be played in the whole piece, so she recorded the part that the instrument needed to play separately.

Oliver thought back to the plan he had seen before, and then he couldn't close his big mouth.

Because Li Shuyao is really like a robot, meticulously completing the performance of each different instrument bit by bit, even some percussion instruments just take one or two notes.

Oliver has a feeling, as if she has formed a list in her mind of when and what instrument to use, and then completes the list little by little.

To be honest, watching Li Shuyao make music is inexplicably pleasing to the eye. This kind of smooth production method is almost unheard of.

The rhythm of this song is very strong, so in the process of making music, it is not only enjoyable to watch, but also very comfortable to listen to. The kind of inexplicable and just right stuck point is simply the gospel of obsessive-compulsive disorder!
What shocked Oliver the most was actually Li Shuyao's success rate.

Even if the music is composed by herself, it is normal to make mistakes during the performance, but this person's hands are shockingly steady, with almost zero mistakes.

However, he could hear that Li Shuyao had recorded almost every sound three times in order to prevent problems, but he couldn't hear the difference between the three times anyway.

Almost exactly!
It's as if this person made a work made by an industrial lathe by hand.

In fact, the musical instruments will be over soon, because this song is actually a lot of electronic music, which needs to be synthesized with computer software.

Then a few people saw that this person seemed to have been pressed the fast forward button, quickly operating with both hands in front of the computer. The 4K dual-screen computer opened several software at the same time, but the music was just like this in the software bit by bit. Formed, countless voices were combined by Li Shuyao.

Some sounds are louder, some are softer, where to highlight what sound, where to hide what sound, as the music is played in the monitor headphones countless times, this accompaniment is gradually becoming more and more perfect.

They couldn't hear the sound in the earphones, but they were a little amazed just watching this operation. Oliver doubted his eyes a little. He felt as if he was watching a music production video that had been edited.

That is, in about 2 hours, a semi-finished accompaniment is completed.

When Li Shuyao released this accompaniment, Oliver and his two assistants couldn't help standing up and applauding: "Oh, it's perfect, it's really perfect, Yaoyao, you can really consider coming to us after you retire. Here, you alone can beat half of our team."

Well, he is already thinking about whether so many people in their team are all living on dry food!
But soon he realized that their team is the best, but they are still ordinary people, this person is not human!

"Haha, I'll think about it, let's go record." Li Shuyao said as he walked out.

"Recording? Recording?" Oliver felt that he couldn't close his mouth today.

"Well, let me give you my impression first, and then you will avoid a lot of detours when you make it again." Li Shuyao smiled and nodded, then patted Fang Xuening on the shoulder, and led everyone directly to the recording studio .

She couldn't record the recording herself, she and Fang Xuening have always cooperated.

Oliver blinked, and was a little stunned.

It doesn't matter if it's another song, but...but this song is sung by five people.

You sing alone?
Then he patted himself on the head with a grin. He was also a little confused by the shock today. How could it be possible for one person to sing 1 kinds of tones? She must express herself first, so that they can have an intuitive feeling when the time comes.

Twenty minutes later, he knew he had been sloppy.

Listening to the voices coming from the earphones are sometimes firm, sometimes charming, sometimes deep, sometimes ethereal... It is completely recorded by 5 different voices.

Each time, one voice is mainly used, and all the solo, chorus, and harmony parts of this person are sung, and then sang five times in a row.

Repeat three more times.

Choose the best condition.

What shocked him the most was that this person's timing was perfect. When the 5 voices were put together, they fit together perfectly, as if 5 people were singing together.

This is incredible.

What kind of devil sound is this?

Oliver felt a little emotional when he heard the final music. If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t believe it was made by one person. It’s obviously 5 voices, and the harmony is perfect. This thing can be made by one person, but can it really be done by one person within 3 hours?
Moreover, Li Shuyao seemed... a little dissatisfied?
Oliver opened his mouth, he already believed that this song was created temporarily, and he could do such an operation, what else could he not believe...

At this moment, he was slumped in the chair, listening to the finished song in the earphones, and there was only one thought in his mind:
Are you sure it's not a robot...

 Woke up early today, my mind is a bit confused... I will sleep later.

(End of this chapter)

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