Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 46 Hahahaha, I'm not crazy!

Chapter 46 Hahahaha, I'm not crazy!

"Continuing high energy ahead."

"Welcome back."

"From here on, you will witness another side of the Father."

"It's so cute, I can't help but want to watch it again."

“The scenery in this neighborhood is really beautiful.”

"It turns out that the little fairy lives in this community, hiss, it's not cheap."


Whether the outside section can be included in the video, they have also communicated, Li Shuyao doesn't care, one is that this community is relatively remote, and the other is that the security here is still very strict, and outsiders can't enter without the consent of the residents. here.

So she doesn't care if it's public or not.

Anyway, people don't know which building she lives in. The area of ​​this community is not small.

Li Shuyao didn't care, and Fang Xuening didn't care, since this wasn't her house anyway.

Bite the bullet and continue to look down. I basically know the rest of the things. The three of them came to her house together. The environment in the middle was just a little bit of shooting, not all the way, so I didn’t miss it. Find out where her home is.

When they came in, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were standing together. At this moment, there were already a lot of people looking at Meimeimei... But when the two black and white clothes were brought out, there were suddenly more barrages. up.

In the next few seconds, the three of them were drinking tea, discussing Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening while drinking tea.

After a while, the bullet screen was suddenly swiped by Gao Neng in front of it. The section in front was only swiped by a few people. At this time, from top to bottom, from left to right, it was almost covered by Gao Neng in front of it.

In the video, the three people turned their heads almost at the same time, but at this moment it suddenly slowed down, the camera also turned to the past, the BGM was also changed to "Father's name", and at almost the same time Fang Xuening ran upstairs with a smile down.

When this section turned into slow motion, it suddenly showed a completely different beauty, and after Fang Xuening came down, she, Li Shuyao, quickly followed.

If Fang Xuening ran down lively, then Li Shuyao walked down proudly step by step, coupled with the song in the name of the father, don't say it, it's really interesting.

At this time, the barrage was filled with "Father's going downstairs".

Li Shuyao twitched the corners of her mouth, "Father the god is going downstairs, why don't you say that the god is going downstairs, hiss, what a fucking shame, did I look like this when I went downstairs?"

Why did I hold my head up at that time, why did I have this look at that time, why did I...

Convex (fuck dish)
It's okay to see pieces of cute, beautiful, beautiful, etc. floating in the bullet screen, and she reported them all, such as my wife, my wife, and the like!


The rest were pretty much the same, but she did have to admit that when she and Fang Xuening stood together, it was indeed a beautiful sight.

The way they shoot is also very good, and it can even be said to add a bit of color to them, not to mention the two of them singing and playing the piano together.

After watching the whole video, Li Shuyao let out a long breath.

Huh, but that's it!

There's nothing to be ashamed of, obviously so many people praise me, but I'm really the best!

I'm not insane!
After Li Shuyao finished watching the video, she scrolled down to the comments below, directly ignoring the comments of the previous cast members, and then looked at the comments below. She ignored the comments on other people, and she didn't say anything about herself anyway. All she sees now is commenting on herself.

"I just watched the MV in the name of my father yesterday, and I watched this today... Fuck, do you understand my mood? It's the kind of god who suddenly puts on a maid dress and sits on the throne. The contrast feels to me sky."

"Haha, I drew a picture in my feed. Although the drawing skills are not as good as Yan Yao, but I am still a graduate student in the art department. If you are interested, you can go and have a look."

"After I read it, I just want to say shit, there is a feeling that a god suddenly fell from the sky and turned into a little fairy, yes, the kind that can be married back home."

"Shocked, the father in the name of father turned out to be the father of maid, my God, haha."

"Hahaha, it's the first time I've seen a maid dress like this, hahaha, I'm dying of laughter."

"Every second is the phone screen, haha, I took screenshots, hehe, it's great to change the screen every day."

"Master, you can ask Yaoyao and Xueer to take more pictures of the seaside, swimming pool, right, and cosplay. The number of views will definitely explode."

"This should be Yaoyao's first time wearing makeup. She is already beautiful without makeup, but she is so beautiful after putting on makeup."

"I don't know if it's number one on station B, but at least among the many beautiful girls I've seen, Yaoyao is the most beautiful."


Well, I really praised myself, haha, I have been strengthened by the system, and my skills are all full, and my whole body exudes charm, no matter who sees me, I will be overwhelmed by my charm ,Ha ha ha ha.

I'm not crazy, hahaha.

I'm not crazy at all, hahaha...

I lost it!

Li Shuyao slammed the phone onto the carpet, and then lay on the pillow covering her face.

It's over, I don't have the face to meet people, what do you say when we meet in the future?
Yo, isn't this the father of the girl puff... What the hell, why did I have to fight with those people to create something in the name of the father? I wear this kind of clothes occasionally... right, it doesn't hurt too much.

But now she has created a song that is as grand as her father's name. From the inside to the outside, from the arrangement to the MV, it all reveals a mysterious taste, and it looks like a thief.

And now when this video is released, all the B grids fall to the ground.

How can she pretend to be B in the future?In the future, when she releases a song, she will appear to be very tall, and then people will immediately find out her previous dark history...

God, let her die!
Why did she agree to make this video in a twitch?She was absolutely kidnapped!It must be, it's the white hair next to her, that's her!She has been talking about small money next to me, I am the kind of person who is greedy for money!what!

I, Li Shuyao, treat money like dung!

Gritting her teeth, Li Shuyao sat up all of a sudden, looked at Bai Mao who was sleeping soundly next to her, and anger grew from her heart to her heart!

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha..."

Picked up another mobile phone and took several photos in a row!
If you make me angry again in the future, I will send all your photos to station B and make a video collection for you!
Li Shuyao also threw this mobile phone on the street stall to keep company with the previous mobile phone, then lashed out at Fang Xuening, punched the air, and gritted her teeth.

Well, she didn't jump on it directly. After all, it is immoral to sneak up on someone while they are sleeping. She, Li Shuyao, is a moral person!

Proud face!
"Hmm..." Fang Xuening was awakened by the shaking. Although Li Shuyao didn't really make a move, but just punched in the air, the mattress shook up and down as soon as she exerted force.

Then she was woken up by Fang Xuening.

As soon as Fang Xuening woke up, she saw Li Shuyao who was sitting next to her and posing.

"Yaoyao, why are you up, lie down quickly, mom...cough cough, then I'll make you breakfast." Fang Xuening said with narrowed eyes and a smile.

"Hmph, think I'm just a few days ago!" Li Shuyao pounced on him in a flash, and now you're awake!


 Get up early and sleepy all day...

(End of this chapter)

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