Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 489 The end of the live broadcast

Chapter 489 The end of the live broadcast
After the MV was played, Li Shuyao didn't say much, but started singing the song again as usual. After listening to it twice and watching the MV once, the audience's understanding of the song changed again.

Everyone began to pay attention to the verse part of the song, and they began to find that many verse parts are actually closer to them. Many people unconsciously lower their heads in life, and many people gradually lost themselves, forgot to resist, and got used to obedience .

But this song made many people feel warm in their hearts. Not only the unsung heroes were moved, but also many people who were used to obedience began to examine themselves.

See if you have bowed your head to fate, see if you have given up your dreams and hopes.

People with different experiences heard different things from different lyrics of this song.

If Li Shuyao had the perspective of God at this time, she would have seen people in strange clothes standing taller; some desperate people lying on the hospital bed had some fluctuations in their eyes; and some people sighing in front of the computer stopped working , smiling slightly at the moon outside...

Not all of them are watching the live broadcast. Many of them are just listening to songs on the player, and click in to listen to the ones recommended on the homepage.

All kinds of people listened to the song after it was released, were encouraged, and felt warm.

After singing it again, Li Shuyao ended the live broadcast. Looking at the blacked out big screen, the experimenters present silently turned around and continued their experiments.

Sun Xiaoming sighed. Generally speaking, after Li Shuyao's live broadcast, many people will pack up and finish the experiment. Although there will be more, many people should rest. After all, it is the same to continue the experiment tomorrow.

But today no one ended the experiment, almost everyone chose to continue.

Sun Xiaoming had to lament that sometimes the power of the spirit is really endless.

And Li Shuyao's song really hit the softness hidden in the deepest part of these people's hearts.

At this moment, no one wants to sleep, some people are moved by this song, some people are inspired by this song, and they feel full of energy even in the middle of the night.

He didn't know if this was a good thing for them, but now it seemed that it might be a good thing.

After thinking for a while, Sun Xiaoming smiled slightly, then packed up his things, turned and went back to the dormitory.

Everyone has their own ideas, you chose to continue fighting, I choose to fight again tomorrow.

After the live broadcast ended, Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief. She prepared for this song for a long, long time. The draft of the MV has been drawn since last year, and it has been revised several times.

At the beginning, she wanted to draw a condensed version of "The Battle of Two Cities", but she gave up after trying it. The copyright is easy to talk about. After all, it is the cheering song of the League of Legends. It is not difficult to talk about the copyright with the official .

But it is too difficult to produce the level of the original work, and there is not much to draw in just a few minutes, so in the end she chose to make some adaptations based on the background of "Battle of Two Cities", and finally formed the current story.

The story line seems to be quite simple, using some comparisons to easily highlight the conflict object, and finally redeeming the whole city with his own life.

If it is really turned into a TV series or movie, maybe this kind of story is just so-so, but it is not bad if it is put in the song MV.

One is that the space is relatively small, and the other is that the background music does not arouse the emotions of the audience all the time. As long as the content in the MV is well matched, it is easy for the audience to follow your emotions.

Li Shuyao sighed a little while looking at the lyrics in the accompaniment.

The author of the lyrics of this song is a post-80s girl who has been fighting cancer for ten years. In fact, she was a little surprised when she knew that such a lyrics was written by such a young girl.

Later, after learning about her experience, I realized that perhaps only those who have truly experienced despair can write such words.

Gently tapping the table with her finger, Li Shuyao's mood was actually a little depressed.

In a way, she is indeed alone in this world...


Just thinking about it, Fang Xuening suddenly opened the curtain and jumped out:
"Haha, Yaoyao, absolutely, just 20 minutes, just 20 minutes, the MV has already reached more than 10 views, it's outrageous."

"Also, on NetEase Cloud, you have already started to soar in the new song charts, and Weibo, the video clicks there are even higher, and it is really different when it is on the hot search."

Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, then stood up with a smile: "Okay, there are so many people pushing together, it's normal to have this result, after all, it has been promoted for several days in the early stage, and many people are waiting to post it. "

The release of this song involves the interests of several companies, so it is normal to have very hot results when it comes up. In addition, the song itself is really good enough. It is normal to get explosive results at the beginning of.

And after I downloaded the broadcast, this score should increase sharply, because the popularity once exceeded [-] million when I broadcast the live broadcast just now.

Originally, Lu Yao was planning to buy some gifts to increase popularity and attract traffic, but the big brother in the fan group is also really good, and there are many fans of CR who only appeared in her live broadcast room after winning the championship.

These people made Li Shuyao understand what it means to be rich in local tyrants...

It may be that the sudden joining of these people made her housekeepers feel a little bit in danger, and then they also started to buy gifts.

Before Li Shuyao started singing, apart from thanking the gift, what Li Shuyao said the most was to ask everyone to spend rationally, but it seems that she is indeed a local tyrant...

So she estimated that after she downloaded the broadcast, many of the viewers who were watching the live broadcast before would run to continue clicking on videos and songs.

Today is Sunday, and most people still rest when they wake up, so there are still many people who have time to continue listening to this song.

"Phew, never mind, let's take a shower and sleep." Li Shuyao threw the phone away, stood up abruptly, and ran into the bathroom in a hurry.

"Hey, hey, wait for me." Fang Xuening trotted behind Li Shuyao: "When did you start to be so disgusted, and you still take a shower, vomit."

"Then don't come in!"

"Haha, it's not disgusting at all, it's so cute."

Tantai Jingyi leaned against the door of the room, watched the two bouncing into the bathroom, smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, when she heard this song, Tantai Jingyi was actually a little nervous. She didn't doubt why Li Shuyao was able to write such lyrics. After all, Li Shuyao experienced such a painful thing not long after she became an adult.

When reading the comments below, someone has already mentioned this matter. In fact, it seems that there is no problem in bringing it up. After all, judging from the meaning expressed in that song, she has learned to be strong and to fight against difficulties.

But the two were still a little worried, so Li Shuyao rushed over as soon as the broadcast was off.

Now it seems that she has indeed let go, so they can feel relieved.

Hearing the sound of splashing water inside, Tantai Jingyi's expression was a little strange... Does this count as sacrificing Fang Xuening's appearance?
 These two days are very busy... I will try my best to update twice, if not, I will just update one... Anyway, it will not be interrupted
(End of this chapter)

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