Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 496 I am happy to save a life

Chapter 496

The matter of Li Shuyao cooking caused a small commotion in the outpatient department of the hospital. Many nurses and doctors on duty came to watch the girl fainted from starvation...

Seeing that she doesn't eat like a real person, everyone seems to suddenly understand why she is starving and fainting. With this appetite, it seems that if she doesn't eat well, she is really easy to starve and faint.

Some people began to wonder if Li Shuyao had bulimia, but looking at her body shape... where did she eat?Why doesn't my stomach bulge?

Incredible, so incredible.

If it weren't for the fact that this is a hospital and not a laboratory, they would all want to invite Li Shuyao to do some more experiments...

Seeing her unsatisfied appearance, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi were shocked to find that this guy's appetite has increased again!

Li Shuyao looked at the people around her with a smirk. Actually, it wasn't that she wanted to eat it. The main reason was that the guy in the system kept urging her to eat it, as if the power would be cut off if she didn't eat it anymore.

Then being urged by this guy, she accidentally ate too much.

Really, she posted four, it's really all the fault of the system, at most she just wanted to taste the taste, and she didn't want to eat it to the extent that a group of people watched.

However, she was very happy to see that skinny girl next to her also started eating.

In any case, it is completely meaningless to make an anorexic girl eat again. Look at that aunt wiping her tears...

Alas, I can't stay in the hospital all the time, there are too many people wiping tears here.

People are awake, they have eaten, and it is time to go.

They hadn't been hospitalized before, if she hadn't passed out, everyone might think that Li Shuyao was here to make trouble.

Because after various examinations, they found that Li Shuyao's physical fitness was unbelievable, and she passed out more like she fell asleep. If it wasn't for some low indicators, they didn't even want to give Li Shuyao glucose.

So Li Shuyao, who was brought by the ambulance, was brought over to take glucose, and Liu Mengxi, who was brought by car, went straight back to the hospital.

"It's great to see that you're fine." Liu Mengxi's father walked over with a smile.

Li Shuyao finished all the takeaways he bought for a small 500 yuan in less than half an hour.

Well, that's right, these meals were bought by Liu Mengxi's father. In fact, he never thought that Li Shuyao could eat so much at the time, he thought it was the dinner for the three of them...

Even at that time, he was still thinking, did they buy so much to take it back and eat it?

But now he understood that these were all eaten by Li Shuyao himself, this... is somewhat scary.

But no matter what, it's best that Li Shuyao is fine. He was somewhat suspicious of what the doctor said before. After all, he passed out so suddenly. It is unbelievable to say that he fainted from hunger.

But looking at her alive and kicking now, it shouldn't look like there is a problem.

"These things are bought by my uncle." Tantai Jingyi said in a low voice.

"Oh, thank you uncle." Li Shuyao stood up, and then jumped twice under the worried eyes of many nurses: "I'm really fine, this is an accident."

"Okay." Liu Mengxi's father smiled and said, "You're welcome. I should be the one thanking you. Although I don't know why, Mengxi's condition has suddenly improved. Now I want to thank you the most. If there is no result, Then I believe it was the music that brought her back to life."

"One meal can't express my gratitude to you. If you have any requests, please feel free to ask. As long as I can do it, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Li Shuyao looked at him and suddenly became a little excited, smiled and shook her head: "It's nothing, Meng Xi and Jiang Quan are friends, haha... Well, how about this, when Meng Xi recovers, I will invite her to accompany me ,Ha ha."

Then Li Shuyao suddenly whispered: "There are so many people here, let's go back and talk if we have anything to say."

"That's right, I'll take you back." Liu Mengxi's father said with a smile, "It just so happens that you didn't come by car."

Li Shuyao was about to recognize them after listening to other people's comments, so it's better to run away at this time, or it would be even worse to attract onlookers.

At that time, people said that Li Shuyao fainted from hunger at home and was dragged to the hospital, and then just after waking up, she ate meals for six or seven people by herself...

Hiss, black history wow black history!
Anyway, Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi had handed over the money before, so they can leave directly after finishing the bottle.

After Li Shuyao and the others ran away in a hurry, the anorexic girl who had just finished eating suddenly said, "Mom, I seem to remember, that one just now seemed to be Yaoyao."

"What Yaoyao?"

"That's... that Yaoyao who sings "I wish you a long life." The girl thought about the songs sung by Li Shuyao, and then remembered the songs her mother had often heard these days.

"is her?"

"Yeah, yeah..." The girl took out her phone, opened Bilibili and searched, and found the account Nursery Rhyme in the book. After clicking Follow, she began to watch the video of her eating before.

"Really." The girl's mother looked at Li Shuyao in the video and said in surprise.

"Yeah." The girl nodded vigorously: "Mom, I think I can watch Yaoyao's video when I eat in the future."

"Okay, as long as you eat well, you can watch whatever you want."

The nurses and patients next to them heard their discussion and came over.

"Who do you say she is?"

"Oh oh oh, it turned out to be her, I didn't expect her to be so good at eating."

"Isn't this the one singing blue and white porcelain? I've been listening to it for the past two days."

"Do you know that she also sang the theme song of that TV series? I really like that TV series."

"Don't tell me, she really looks like the one in the video, she's so pretty without makeup."

"Pay attention, haha, I came here to make a bottle and met an Internet celebrity. I just took a photo from a distance, haha, and posted it on Moments, but it's a pity that it's not very clear."


Li Shuyao didn't know that she could still attract a wave of fans by cooking like crazy. She herself is now almost as popular as her songs. Many songs have been used by various online platforms, but she actually has more contact with the e-sports circle at present. So many people don't know who she is.

This is also very normal, maybe it will take a few years, when those songs become more and more famous, Li Shuyao has appeared more and more times in major media, and everyone will gradually know her.

Then some media will give her various titles such as what song queen, what talented woman, so that more people will know her.

Her progress may be faster than more people, mainly because she bombarded everyone with all kinds of classic songs during this period of time, and crazily slaughtered the charts on all major platforms.

Li Shuyao's signing with Netease Cloud is not exclusive, so it will be launched here, and it will be launched on other platforms in a few days.

Moreover, the current early stages are basically free and open, and that guy's momentum is in a mess.

In short, on the way back, Liu Mengxi's father was very happy, with a smile on his face from the beginning to the end.

Li Shuyao was also very happy.

Saving a life, although she didn't build any pagodas, she was really happy.

 I pray every day that I don't have to live on campus during the holidays...

(End of this chapter)

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