Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 514 KDA's Debut!

Chapter 514 KDA's Debut!

What Li Shuyao said made everyone a little confused. It sounded like she was very powerful, but she couldn't figure out what was so powerful.

Li Shuyao was speechless when she saw the plain faces of these three people, so she said that chatting with you people who don't study history is too much effort!
"Uh, this, you have to let him go 7 times, and then kill him 14 times, is that what you mean?" Xiao Ye scratched her head.

"Oh oh oh, I remembered, is it that, is it the seven-captured Meng Huo!" Totoro thought for a while, and then suddenly realized.

"Oh, so it's this, I just said it, I just felt that this matter is a bit familiar, yes yes yes, seven captures of Meng Huo." Tantai Jingyi also suddenly realized.

Li Shuyao: "..."

These people have broken their brains by playing games all day long. Don't you usually play the Three Kingdoms game?Don’t know about such a hot topic?
Don't know one, don't know all three?

Just pretend that you don't understand me!

And I also have a hidden metaphor here, that is, the barbarian, yes, this cannot be said clearly, it is not polite to say so, although it is said that the other party is rude, but we must not be rude.

It's like a dog wants to bite you, you can't bite back, at most you can kick it right.

So, it’s all in silence, you can’t say it if you understand it, if you don’t understand it... Hehe, forget it if you don’t understand it, you don’t even know when others scold you if you are uneducated!
A few people were talking here, and Xiao Hui and Coffee Bean also came over after filming.

Although Xiao Hui basically won't play, but what should be filmed still needs to be filmed. After all, he is also a substitute, and those substitutes who haven't played a game from the beginning to the end will also be filmed together...

Xiao Hui has participated in so many games before, if he really wins the championship, he also has skin.

"What are you talking about?" Coffee Bean asked suspiciously.

"Oh, I'm talking about history." Xiao Ye said.

"Don't go to class at this time." Xiao Hui opened his mouth.

Li Shuyao: "..."

How decent is a group of people playing with things all day long!I will give you extra lessons when I go back!

Putting aside the class for a while, the big guys came to record "Trash Talk" together. The six people sat or stood on and off the stage. On the other side, the six people from DF were also on the other side of the stage.

It should be good to have a storyboard when everyone is speaking, and then a whole group at the end to create a sense of confrontation.

That is, Korean is spoken over there, and Chinese is spoken here, so I still have to translate it.

Then the big guy looked at Li Shuyao...

Li Shuyao looked at the pitiful translator standing aside and quickly waved her hands: "Ahem, I won't translate this, let her translate."

Everyone is somewhat accustomed to the fact that Li Shuyao accidentally injures the translator every time he is on an international occasion. An Internet celebrity translator from CR is having a good time playing online, especially on the Internet, talking to others every day. .

Soon, when you are ready, the two sides will start talking with each other.

"All encounters in this world are reunions after a long absence, I never thought we would meet again." Tantai Jingyi laughed.

"Meeting again, we are stronger than last time."

"I originally wanted to let SK's top laner experience the joy of military training, but since you are here, we will let you experience it again." Li Shuyao said.

"We already have a deep understanding of your style of play. Player Yao must be careful, I'm not so easy to defeat." DF's top laner smiled.


You and I don't give in to anyone, but most of them are centered around Kami Nakanosuke, and the two sides go down the road... Well, it's easy to be forgotten anywhere...

Generally speaking, what everyone is talking about is just a few well-regulated topics, and there is nothing too explosive. Talking about "trash talk" is actually more like talking about your confidence in winning the championship. The two teams have a lot of connections. This year I also met twice, in fact, the relationship between the two parties is not bad in private.

Unlike SK, the players in the DF team are quite fun. The top laner is an older player. For him, this World Championship is also the last game.

He had also been arrogant before, and now it's almost time to leave the stage.

The jungler of this team is really strong, but in fact, the most famous mid laner is a pure supporter of his own competition area. Everyone thinks there is no problem with this, and it is normal to support his own competition area.

And he can afford to lose. After losing at MSI before, he naturally admitted his own shortcomings and the strength of CR.

Powerful and humble, sometimes he can play tricks, so as long as he doesn't do anything that collapses the character design, he is basically likable.

When Li Shuyao and the others were recording various promotional videos, the league officials directly released a big move.

The four virtual idols Akali, Evelyn, Kai'Sa, and Ahri directly formed the KDA girl group to make their debut. In addition, Seraphine is also a special guest and everyone is preparing to release a song together.

The official didn't just release the song directly. It would be too hasty to achieve the best publicity effect.

So in the week before the finals, the official released a few pictures every day. In the pictures, there were 5 virtual idols practicing dancing, playing, eating and so on.

It looks the same as the real girl group, the difference is that they are not photographed but painted.

It has to be said that the skills of the official artist are not covered, and a few pictures have aroused the interest of the players. Anyway, there is no competition these days, so the popularity of KDA is getting higher and higher.

As the popularity increased, a gossip spread out of nowhere.

This new song released by KDA is written and composed by CR's top laner Li Shuyao who is about to participate in the finals.

When the news first came out, everyone didn't believe it, but as a result, it spread more and more, and many people in the e-sports circle were more ambiguous, and they didn't deny it when asked.

Then the rumors became more and more ferocious, and soon almost everyone who played League of Legends knew that an official single would be released. Gradually, some people in other circles also heard about this situation.

The purpose of this propaganda is achieved.

The day before the finals.

KDA's new song more was officially released, and all the official channels of League of Legends began to promote it. It felt a bit overwhelming for a while.

Soon all major social media and video sites were full of promotions for this song. Whether you play League of Legends or not, whether you watch League of Legends games or not, you can see the promotion of this song anyway.

Many apps open the cover with five virtual idols overlooking you...

Well, that's the nature of the song and that's basically it.

Then it attracted more people to click in to find out.

If it had to be the official promotional efforts, Lu Yao didn't have to bother at all. This song instantly became popular on various platforms, and Li Shuyao also made several waves of hot searches along with it.

The main reason is that Li Shuyao wrote lyrics and composed music, and then she even participated in the finals. This is a bit too magical. In two completely different fields, she has achieved almost the top level, which is a bit shocking.

Many listeners didn't know that Li Shuyao was still playing professionally before, but now many people know.

Knowing that this talented woman in their eyes is actually an "Internet addicted teenager", this feeling of a broken dimension wall has aroused the interest of many people.

 Yesterday was Father's Day, and then, I also dreamed about my dad in my dreams... Well, it's quite satisfactory.

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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