Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 516 He realized

Chapter 516 He realized

Zhen Dahong basically stopped pretending now. Although he didn't reveal his identity in front of other audiences, everyone in the circle basically knew that he was Li Shuyao's fan.

The main reason is that the famous scene of Wang Li sleeping in the battle song in the MSI finals was spread too widely, and ordinary audiences didn’t know about it. People in the circle knew who it was at a glance, so there was no need to hide it. Just admit it.

In fact, he still wanted to bring Wang Li here today... Uh, there's no reason for it, it's just because it's convenient... Right, now when it comes to watching the game, he always comes to mind.

However, two days ago, he suddenly discovered that his daughter also liked Li Shuyao, and was planning to dance to the song "more" together in the dance club.

It happened that he still had two tickets for the finals in his hand, and with a big wave of his hand, Wang Li went home, and he took his daughter to watch the game.

He still remembers his daughter screaming in surprise when she saw him holding two tickets. He even forgot how long it had been since his daughter hugged him...

Sitting on the seat, listening to the surprise screams of his daughter next to him, he was very calm. This was the first time he watched Li Shuyao's game so calmly.

He thought about it carefully. Ever since the relationship between himself and his wife became flat, he seldom paid attention to his family. Most of the time, he and his wife were busy with their own business. In fact, maintaining the marriage was more of a feeling. There should be such a marriage.

Recalling the impetuousness of the past few years and the peace of mind at this moment, he suddenly felt that the reason for his impetuosity was the family he was gradually moving away from. Only those with families have their own roots.

He has already made up his mind to spend more time with his family. Those coquettish sluts outside are always looking at the little money in his pocket. Only his daughter and his wife who have come all the way from starting a business are the ones who really love him the most.

Although I don't know how to watch a game and show him a great enlightenment, anyway, when Li Shuyao directly took out the famous sword girl in the first game, the whole audience immediately started to boil.

When the surroundings are extremely noisy, it is no different from extremely quiet to a certain extent. Anyway, Zhen Dahong is currently in a state of comprehending life...

At this moment, he realized!
"Dad, Dad, Jian Ji, it's Jian Ji, Yaoyao, come on! Ahhh..."

His daughter's scream brought him back to reality, and his daughter Zhen Dahong, who was standing up and cheering, also stood up abruptly:

"Yaoyao beef beer, Yaoyao, come on!"

His voice wasn't too loud, anyway, in the sound of cheering like a wave, this little voice was inconspicuous at all, but it surprised his daughter.

In her memory, her father had never yelled like this... In her memory, this kind of standing up and yelling to cheer up is something only young people do. She really didn't expect the old man who was always serious Dad actually has such a side.

She froze for a moment, then excitedly cheered wildly with her father.

At this moment, she felt that she and her father seemed to have a little secret, and the relationship suddenly became much closer.

"Wow... so handsome, hahaha..."

"Small Night Beer!"

"Yes, yes, that's it, haha..."


"Handsome! Catch him and catch him, haha, yes, yes."


The father and daughter basically didn't sit down very much. The two shouted loudly together. Anyway, there were tens of thousands of people shouting together at the scene. It would not be strange to shout loudly at this time.

Zhen Dahong was very happy. For the first time, he discovered that watching the game with his daughter is so interesting. What a loss, what a loss, why did he watch the game with Wang Li, that idiot boy, that guy can sleep in the finals, it is a waste of him ticket money!
I took my daughter to watch the game a long time ago.


It seems that this is Yaoyao's last match. It is said that Yaoyao's contract is only for one year, and I don't know if she will continue to play in the future.

As the number one brother in the fan base, he had already seen that Li Shuyao actually wanted to leave after finishing the World Championships. Moreover, CR let Xiao Hui play too many times. After all, with Li Shuyao's state, he didn't even need a substitute.

She is not very old, at least she can look like four or five years...

Generally speaking, it must be the most cost-effective to let Li Shuyao play all the games, and even many sponsors will ask Li Shuyao to play more.

So it can be seen from this aspect that Li Shuyao is not going to continue fighting.

Zhen Dahong looked at Li Shuyao, who was killing everyone on the field, and felt a little bit emotional. As far as he knew, there were countless teams waving money and waiting for her contract to expire. Perhaps, this would be her last official match. Bar.

He is a little numb to Li Shuyao now, this person seems to be very good at whatever he does, he used to think it was a pity that she came to play professionally, why didn't she sing well, in the end he won a bunch of championships.

Seeing that he was about to leave now, he actually felt a little pity, as if it was a pity that this person didn't win three or four crowns.

But it seems that there is nothing to regret... As long as excellent people can easily walk the road that others have to work hard for a long time, the truth in this world seems to be difficult to explain sometimes.

For example, I don't know why, now that Li Shuyao is chasing two people to slash, it's... outrageous, why do you chase and fight two people on the opposite side alone?



The two people from DF led Li Shuyao into the encirclement, but Li Shuyao frantically evaded skills as if he had scripted it, and lasted long enough, followed by CR's anti-encirclement of DF.

CR won the team battle in an instant, and the audience immediately stood up and cheered.

This operation was extremely bold, and even DF didn't expect Li Shuyao to be able to take the bait so directly, so the encirclement was somewhat hasty.

Generally speaking, even if the DF's siege is a little hasty, Li Shuyao basically has no chance to dive in, and she doesn't have a stopwatch to drag the time.

But people just rely on the operation to force it out. This is where CR has no solution now. You can't judge it with common sense.

CR will make many decisions that logically should not have occurred, which has brought great troubles to many teams playing against CR, and it will be very painful to operate.

For example, in the first game of this kind of competition finals, everyone will generally play more cautiously, and most of them will choose mid-to-late lineups.

In this situation, the psychological pressure caused by the early disadvantages is too great.

But CR is not. The first game is very aggressive for you. At first glance, their tactics are not in line with conventional operations. You think he will be like this, but he just happens to be like that.

You thought he might lose money like that, but after all, he made money with his blood.

This kind of bug-level performance is now causing DF's coaching staff a headache, and they can only look forward to the next game to see if there is any solution.

The first game came to an end, and CR won without any surprises. Looking at the frowns of the DF players, it was clear that they hadn’t found a way to end the problem. CR’s style of play was a step further than that at MSI. Unexpected, elusive.

 In the past two days, I have devoted myself to writing, supplementing and saving manuscripts, and I used a lot before.

(End of this chapter)

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