Chapter 519
"We saw that CR chose a very strange lineup in this game. How can I say this lineup? If played well, it is a lineup that can create unlimited possibilities. However, once it collapses, it feels a bit overwhelming. Already." Ge Li looked at CR's lineup and said.

"To be honest, I think DF's lineup is stronger and more in line with this version, but personally, I prefer CR's lineup." Ze Yuan said with a smile: "It's really left to the players to play. Yes, I believe the chow mein coach will definitely say, treat this set as the last one.”

"Well, let's see, who can win this game." Wawa rubbed his nose and asked.

"I think, if you don't look at the performance, purely from the lineup, I think the lineups of the two sides are actually similar, and they have come up with their own unique skills, right, DF is a little bit better." Ze Yuan said: " but……"

"Okay, but needless to say, Ze Yuan is optimistic about DF's lineup, right?" Ge Li saw that Ze Yuan wanted to say something, but immediately took over the topic.

"It's fine, it's fine, Zeyuan sees DF, everyone is relieved now, haha." Wawa laughed and said: "Actually, I think what Zeyuan said is right. Judging from the version, DF's lineup is indeed very good. Not bad, but CR cannot read the version."

"Yes." Ze Yuan nodded, "CR is a strange team. You can't just look at the lineup."

"Come on, no matter what, the game has already started. Now, I will leave everything to the players. The third game of the final BO11 of the S5 Global Finals will start now. Currently, CR is temporarily leading with a score of [-]-[-]."

Seeing the start of the game, Ge Li excitedly said loudly:
"As long as we win another game, CR will be able to win the S11 championship. Now, let us wait and see!"

"There is no design for the first-level regiment, just standing in the ordinary position... No, DF has a first-level regiment design." Ze Yuan said excitedly: "DF has evolved, and you said you beat me twice, so I should look for it." Please trouble yourself."

"They are looking for Yaoyao's troubles, but you can really find Yaoyao's troubles, can you really find them!" Ge Li shouted excitedly.

"Nami made a bubble shot, but Yaoyao moved away and twisted it away. Most of the DF's subsequent attacks were empty. My God, this is not a flash, it just came out with residual blood." Wa Wa yelled.

"DF is suffering, there is really no control at the first level, but Yaoyao is really outrageous, it can be reacted to, no, I recognize it when you flashed it, but why don't you flash it They can all come out, this is too outrageous." Ze Yuan also shouted.

"Wow, this is really a bit scary, but fortunately, neither side has handed in any skills." Wawa said: "It's just a bit of a blow to morale."

"The two sides are separated, but we can see that DF is really thinking of ideas. I have a hunch that this game should be very exciting." Ge Li laughed.


"Oh oh oh, oh oh..." Fang Xuening waved the banner in his hand and didn't know what he was shouting. Anyway, as long as the two sides fought, a group of them would stand up and yell.

Lu Yao pulled his throat tiredly beside him...

In fact, she didn't want to shout at first, but this thing, the atmosphere... yes, the atmosphere is the most important thing, and she couldn't help shouting along to make the atmosphere of the scene better!
In order to let the whole world see a better lpl audience, she really paid too much wow...

Well, she really can't help it, who can bear it, the voice of the little white-haired fool next to him is a bit hoarse, and it is estimated that he will be sitting there in the live broadcast for the past two days.

Hey, this guy didn't hoarse his voice on purpose, and then prepared to escape the live broadcast.

Suspicious, very suspicious!

"Oh oh oh oh..."

A fierce team battle erupted between the two sides, and Lu Yao couldn't help but yelled together, QTNND's voice is hoarse, let's yell first today, anyway, after the fight, Li Shuyao must have a good rest for a few days, and I can also rest for a few days .

Uh, anyway, people from the company will help her in the future work. After she has been busy for so long, she can't take a rest with this "invincible" Li Shuyao!
After the cheers, the brain might be a little lack of oxygen. Lu Yao couldn't help remembering that the company wanted to stuff artists into her hands, so she decided to refuse them.

Wait for a while.

According to Li Shuyao's previous plan, after the game this time, she should have a long rest. In the future, she should focus on live broadcasts, videos and songs, so there should be no need to worry about it.

At that time, I can bring one or two more.

Whoops, why does this year feel like it has been several years, and I miss the feeling of bringing a newcomer. It stands to reason that Li Shuyao is also a newcomer, so why did he rise so fast?

Sure enough, my teaching is still good.

"Wow... so handsome!"

Lu Yao was pulled to stand up by Fang Xuening, and the two started yelling together.


"This set was too intense. If DF was in the same state as this set in the first two sets, it's not like there's no chance at all." Zhou Shiyou said in surprise looking at the situation.

"This DF game really changed the way of play. At least for the first 15 minutes, the two sides did not have a clear winner, and the battle was very fierce. There are 16 heads in total." Hao Xiao slammed his mouth: " Why did both sides play so fiercely in this set?"

"Yeah, I thought the third set would be a crushing round for CR."

"The DF is also very strong. Although it is definitely not as good as CR, but no matter how you say it, it has reached the finals. In fact, the two sides have a [-]-[-] split."

"But it's really exciting, and DF can be regarded as a Jedi counterattack."

"I don't want to be wonderful, I just want stable happiness. I said, what's the probability now?"

"Don't worry, after big data analysis, the probability of winning this CR game is 71.6% out of eight."

"Hey? No, why has the winning rate dropped."

"That's right, no matter how hard you do the math, it's not [-]%."

"It's just..."

"Oh oh oh... Jingyi, cow beer, hahaha, Jingyi cow beer."

"Xiu Xiuxiu, haha, this can be done in seconds."

"Fuck, how far did this hypnotic bubble fly."

"Wow, wow, wow, the signboard is the signboard."

"Ha ha……"


"This wave of Jingyi has made great achievements. She can sleep through such a distance. My God, it seems that she is still blind. She directly beat the opponent's jungler Tailong in seconds, and started to fight the dragon directly at the critical point of 20 minutes. That's it." Ze Yuan said.

"Others are fighting the big dragon, and Jingyi is blocking the DF members who are rushing over on the outer circle, what should I say about this wave..." Wawa continued.

"Oh, I fell asleep again."

Geri shouted:

"Sleep until the wind-up, oh, the ultra-long-distance flying star, it almost stopped the wind-up again, I can't beat it, I can't beat it, this homework is too intense."

"CR took advantage of the trend and took down the big dragon, and finally opened up the advantage. DF wanted to stay, but was directly persuaded to quit by the baptism of the holy gun."

"Oh, in this game, both sides are full. Really, this is really a fight between gods. It turned out that at the critical moment, Jing Yi stepped forward to break the deadlock, and hit the opponent's key figure with two hypnotic bubbles. , now the advantage is on CR's side." Ze Yuan said.

 It's raining a lot in Dalian today...

(End of this chapter)

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