Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 53 Liberate your nature!

Chapter 53 Liberate your nature!

After running all three times, Li Shuyao felt that she had sublimated, from the inside out, and now the people next to her would not feel embarrassed. When the sixth guide returned to watch the video, she sat on the bench with a little loli Chatting, I didn't feel any barrier at all.

At this moment, the social gene she got back from Chongchong was finally useful!
In the past, Li Shuyao actually didn't feel much about this gene, because she didn't feel how powerful she was, and she couldn't even be as happy as Chongchong who was able to chat with someone she didn't know before.

Now she understands that it was she who was repelling it before, and it was something called habit that kept her in her original appearance. After this time, she finally understood!

"What's the next challenge!" Seeing that the six directors confirmed that the previous material was good, Li Shuyao waved her hand, come on, I'm not afraid anymore!
"Our next line is to challenge your line skills. The lines of the two of you are relative. The lines of Tuanzi's side are 'O ice and snow demon lurking in the extreme cold far away, come at my call. The wind of darkness that freezes everything! Heed my call, and turn all things into white snow—the freezing formation!'”

"Yao Yao's line here is 'O God King of Light shining in the boiling land of the nine heavens, come here at my call. Light up all the flames of glory! Listen to my call, and burn everything to dust—— Yan Yanzhuo Net array!'"

"Have you two remembered? By the way, when you read, you need to cooperate with some movements. You see those people in the anime chanting spells or something, right, with your head held high and your hands hugging the sky, right... all kinds of things. kind of."

The sixth director said as he walked with the two of them.

Li Shuyao looked at the sixth director in shock, "Damn it, how did you memorize such a long, awesome line, and how did you say it so eloquently?"

Damn, I suddenly felt that I still underestimated him, this guy is not human!

Also, why do you still have to move?Why don't you hold the sky with your hands, why don't you say it's a bomb of saving energy!

These are the lines that carbon-based organisms can say on the street, and the actions they can perform!
Isn't this a line that only voice actors say when dubbing!

Isn't this an action that can only be seen in anime!

Li Shuyao sighed, Ma Dan, I'm on the thief's boat.

The three of them came to a small square on the pedestrian street. At this time, there were not many people passing by here, er, it was just a little less than the most crowded place over there, but there were still many people.

"Come on, you two together..." Director Six said while holding up the camera.

Li Shuyao opened her mouth. Just because the two of them are standing here, the sixth director is holding the camera at them, which has already attracted countless people's glances...

"Come on..." Tuanzi glanced at her.

"Come... come..." Li Shuyao pursed her lips.

"Far away extremely cold... woo woo..." Tuanzi just squatted down and put his head in his hands.

Li Shuyao was a little embarrassed... As soon as she raised her hand to read, Tuanzi squatted down and cried... The people next to her thought she was going to play Tuanzi, their eyes... tsk tsk, as if they were looking at a scumbag!
Bah, you are the scumbags!

My wife is a girl!
Hey, it seems that something is not right, forget it, there should be nothing wrong!
Just sauce!

After a bit of adjustment, Tuanzi stood up: "Come on."

The two stood together again and looked at the camera of Director Six.

"Cough cough cough...that...hahaha..."

"Don't laugh, don't laugh...hahaha..."

"Ahem, serious and serious..."

The two adjusted again. Just as they were about to say something, they suddenly saw a man and a woman running towards this side.

"You are the sixth guide, hey, you are the nursery rhymes in the book..." The eyes of the two people lit up when they saw them.

Damn it, it's over, I met a fan, damn it, I didn't know each other before, but now I know... Damn it, let me die!

The sixth director happily took Li Shuyao and Tuanzi to take two photos with the fans.

"That...just now..." After taking the photo, Li Shuyao looked at the two fans and said hesitantly.

"I see, I see, Yao Yao, you are so beautiful, come on!" The female fan said a little excitedly.

"..." What's the matter with the sudden urge to kill someone? Forget it. The world is so beautiful, but I'm so irritable. It's not good, it's not good.

"Come on, Jiumi~" The girl directly compared her heart to Li Shuyao.

(哉盘哉), I can’t bear it anymore, what should I do, this guy has been watching them since just now, no way, no way, why didn’t he come out before that, was it because he was afraid of disturbing them to shoot the video?
The two fans bounced away...

"Well... let's continue?" Director Six blinked, why did he feel that there was something wrong with her expression.

"Continue..." Li Shuyao smiled and said, "I suddenly feel pretty good."

"Hiss..." Director Six blinked his eyes, this guy must have had an epiphany.

"Well, Tuanzi, I think we can go a step further, we can definitely bring in the movements, and then you can talk to each other in a rhythmic way." Li Shuyao touched his chin and said.

The dumpling was shocked, let me go, what happened?Didn't he just let it go...why did he start to plan and move all of a sudden?

"Beautiful! Yaoyao, that's it!" The sixth director was very excited, this is to find himself!It works!
Li Shuyao talked to Tuanzi a little excitedly for a while, and then pulled her to the camera with Tuanzi's stiff expression on her face.

"Ha, the Ice and Snow Demon God lurking in the extreme cold far away!" Tuanzi lunged forward, then raised his right hand.

"Hey, the God King of Light shining in the boiling land of the nine heavens!" Li Shuyao made a lunge to the left, and then sat and stretched the bow to shoot the sun.

After one person said something, the two said at the same time:

"Follow my call!"

The sound was a bit loud, and the people passing by began to watch.

Li Shuyao pursed her lips, what the hell is going on, she was a little excited inside.

"The wind of darkness that freezes everything!" Tuanzi retracted his legs and hugged the sky with both hands.

"Light up the fire of glory!" Li Shuyao retracted her legs and embraced the sky with both hands.

"Heed my call!" The two shouted together again.

"Turn everything into white snow—freeze and seal the array!"

"Burn everything into dust——Yan Yan burns the formation!"

Li Shuyao and Tuanzi still yelled at the same time, but the content of the yelling was different. It sounded quite exciting. At the same time, they patted the ground with one hand and the sky with the other...

The soul of Secondary School is burning!

"Perfect!" The sixth director shouted excitedly, and then saw Tuanzi squatting on the ground and hugging his head again...

It looked like he was about to cry.

However, Li Shuyao seemed to have no sense of shame at all, standing next to the dumpling and looking around, looking forward to the glory.

Director Six touched his chin and nodded in satisfaction. The nursery rhymes in this book are not simple. It seems that we can ask her to make more similar videos in the future. There is no pressure at all.

I was a little embarrassed at the beginning, but now I seem to have fully adapted to it. Yes, it is a good seedling!

"Let's go, let's move on to the next project!" The sixth director waved excitedly, he felt that the quality of this video was absolutely explosive!
Li Shuyao's neck stiffened...

Fuck, what else?
 Well, added some of my adaptations, haha, it feels pretty good...

(End of this chapter)

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