Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 552 Catch her!

Chapter 552 Catch her!
"You are revenge, definitely revenge, Hongguoguo's revenge." Fang Xuening pushed Li Shuyao who fell on her body and said helplessly: "I lied to you that it was my first time skiing, so you bumped into me Bah!"

"Hahaha..." Li Shuyao rolled over and lay down in the snow next to her. She suddenly felt that skiing was really fun.

The moment she slid down, she really felt like she was flying freely.

It turns out that the feeling of no friction is so cool...

Uh, not rigorous, not rigorous, there is still friction, but it is relatively small, what is the formula?Forget it, forget it, don’t care if it’s a formula or not.

Skiing is so much fun!Ha ha.

And it's not the kind of skill that can be obtained by taking a picture, but learned it by herself. I improved my learning ability before and didn't do anything earth-shattering, but now it's almost enough.

With Li Shuyao's learning ability and physical coordination ability, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is compared with those athletes. If you don't take a shot, you still have to train for several years to be comparable to other athletes.

But it is not difficult to get started quickly.

It is not difficult to compare with ordinary people who often come to play.

After the ski instructor pulled Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening up, suddenly there was a sound from another track...Fries classmate also pulled Xian Baobao and fell into the snow together.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xian Baobao and Potato Chips fell on the ground and laughed non-stop, and then seeing Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening looking this way hahaha, the four of them burst into laughter immediately.

I have to say that skiing is really stress-relieving, not only in the process of skiing, but also in the process of falling and watching others fall.

Anyway, it's easy to slide and slide and it becomes a snowball fight...

It's not the peak tourist season yet. After all, it's not spring break yet, so there aren't that many people in the ski resort, so the four of them had a great time.

Or it could be said that Li Shuyao was skating alone in front, while the other three chased after her.

Speaking of it, the two ski instructors were a little surprised. I have to say that in their opinion, Li Shuyao's talent is a bit scary. If it is really a beginner, then it can't be said that you really met a genius .

The two coaches, you look at me and I yell at you, and then...

"What are you two doing?" Another coach came over.

"We may have met a genius."

"If it's true, that's really amazing."

"What, what? It's everything."

"Did you see that, that, yes, the little girl who was skating in front, it was her first time skating, and after just teaching her a few times, she became like this. If she taught her a little better, she might be the champion Well, we dare not say about the Olympics, it shouldn’t be difficult for the entire domestic championship.”

"That's right, look, if we become the champion coach, wouldn't we be the CEO, win Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of silver life from now on!"

"How do you know that this is the first time someone has skied?"

"Ang, she said it herself."

"Do you believe what she says? I also said that I am a billionaire. Why don't you believe it?"

"Fuck, brother, I didn't expect you to be a billionaire!"

"I knew you were a billionaire who came to experience life. How about it, you finally showed your feet. How about it? Why don't you invite your buddies to take a bath tonight?"

"...I really believe you two ghosts."

When Li Shuyao and the others were halfway through the game, the complacent light yellow faction walked over carrying a box of fish.

"Hey, isn't this the kind-hearted light-yellow school? Didn't they say they want to release these poor little fish?" Xian Baobao stood up from the snow and smiled at the light-yellow school with "yin and yang weirdness".

"Oh, it doesn't matter." The Yellow Pai waved his hand.

"Then what's important?" French Fries asked.

"The important thing is that he has to prove that he didn't catch it before, not because he couldn't do it, but because he was in the wrong place." Xiao Luzi pursed his lips and smiled beside him.

"Ah, it's because that hole is cursed." Fang Xuening said with a hahaha smile.

"Yes, yes, that hole won't work. I changed the hole today, and it will work immediately!"

"Hahaha, come and play... what are you doing..."

At this time, a figure floated past in a blink of an eye.

"Uh... what was that just now?" The Yellow Pie ​​was taken aback for a moment.

"Isn't that Yaoyao..." Xiaolu also froze for a moment.

"Well, indeed, but she has now proclaimed herself the Snow Princess." Xian Baobao spread her hands.

"Come on, come on, let's catch her together, she slides too fast." Chips waved to them: "Have you two skied before?"

"To tell you the truth, I'm actually a master skier!" Pale Yellow School pouted.

"Wow, don't be like this, you're so ugly..." Xiao Lu covered his mouth beside him.


"Hahaha, come and play, skiing is so much don't know how to ski..." Li Shuyao slid over again with a swish, her little mouth was so fast, it swished past , I haven't finished talking yet, you said that you are angry or not.

"Oh, my little temper, Yaoyao, stop!" Fang Xuening turned over and got up, then clumsily chased after Li Shuyao.

Then I watched Li Shuyao whizzing around in the venue, even drawing circles around Fang Xuening.

"Hey, this is very annoying, just wait, we'll come right away." The light yellow pie put a box of fish aside, and then went to change clothes with Xiaolu. Soon, the two were under the guidance of the coach. It started to stumble and slide under it.

"Well, I can see that you, a ski master, may be a master of ski adventure."

When the Pale Yellow Pie ​​was still sliding down tremblingly, Xian Baobao was already able to follow slowly.

"I'll get used to it a little bit now, wait a minute, it's time for me to show off my might!"

As soon as the Pale Yellow Pai finished speaking, Li Shuyao slid past him with a whoosh.

"Why can she skate so well?" Huang Pai asked tremblingly.

"Maybe this is a genius." Classmate Xiaolu grabbed the arm of the light yellow pie and slid slowly along with it...

"Wahahaha, I've caught you, hahaha..." A certain white hair blocking the way grabbed Li Shuyao at once.

"Come on, come on, let's catch her." The French fries next to her also laughed loudly.

"I'm coming, haha." Student Xiaolu stepped on the sled and began to run over there.

"Ah, isn't she still skating very hard just now?" The light yellow pie opened its mouth in shock when it saw Xiao Lu who suddenly seemed to be a little proficient.

"Brother, maybe you are the ski master who is the most... right." Xian Baobao lightly bumped the shoulder of the light yellow pie with a smile.

"Hey hey...not...hey hey..."

Xian Baobao just bumped into it out of habit, unexpectedly, one of the students from the light yellow school couldn't stand still, and slapped their buttocks and sat down in the snow.

Light Yellow Pie ​​and Xian Baobao looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

On the other side, the four women also laughed together into a ball...

The snow princess Li Shuyao who "does a lot of evil" has finally been caught.

(End of this chapter)

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