Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 559 Is my laughter terrible?

Chapter 559 Is my laughter terrible?

"Is there a possibility that it's because you laughed so horribly in the shower that people were scared, and then you shut yourself off when you came out?" Fang Xuening asked cautiously.

"Haha, how is it possible, who would feel scared because of laughter." Li Shuyao laughed haha: "Look, I laughed, do you feel scary?"

"Uh... Is there a possibility that you just smiled too deliberately, the kind of smile that comes naturally from your heart, which is very scary." Fang Xuening continued to ask cautiously.

"There is no such possibility at all." Li Shuyao waved her hand decisively, joking, she is not a monster, how could her laughter make people feel scary, this is completely nonsense!
"Okay." Fang Xuening honestly ate hot pot next to her. She didn't know if she was pretending to be confused, or if she really didn't feel anything.

Anyway, now she is a cooked duck, only her mouth is left!

The two stopped discussing this topic for the time being and concentrated on watching the New Year's Eve party, but the audience was obviously very interested in the previous topic.

"Well, why don't we talk about why you laugh when you take a shower?"

"Take a bath with the kitten?"

"Is it the kind of bathing together I want? Or just simply bathing the kittens."

"One thing to say, Yaoyao's smile has something to say."

"Brothers, I suddenly have a bold idea."

"Hiss, Yaoyao and Xue Ning both look good, I ate two extra bowls of rice."

"I suddenly want to see the kitty emo, haha."

"Wait, Yaoyao's cat gave birth to kittens?"

"Yaoyao is really edible, I feel like I can't afford it anymore."

"I want to hear Yaoyao laugh, and I want to see Yaoyao washing... the kittens!"

"What is delicious food! Anyway, I'm not hungry after watching it."

"Well, can we talk about the bath thing?"


Fang Xuening glanced at the barrage, stuck out her tongue towards the camera, and then continued to eat hot pot with a smile. Don't look at her as if she has some kind of obsession with eating, but in fact she just eats every bite.

Li Shuyao prepares a lot of varieties. At first glance, those who didn't know it thought they were setting up a stall here to sell vegetables... When the broadcast first started, many viewers thought she was going to bring goods today.

At first, everyone wondered, how can there be a live broadcast that sells vegetables...

Then everyone gradually discovered that she was actually eating!
"Wuhu, this is interesting, hahaha...hehehehe..."

The big guys were watching the party watching the party, watching the beautiful women watching the beautiful women, and those watching the dinner watching the dinner, when suddenly there was a burst of laughter that sounded a bit pervasive.

Fang Xuening didn't speak, but silently turned on the recording on the phone.

Heh heh, the evidence will be overwhelming later, let's see how you deny it!

Fang Xuening glanced at the barrage again, there were some question marks in the barrage, and the name of the female ghost...

Although it is relatively small and submerged in the vast barrage, there are still some.

Well, now she just laughed for a while, so it passed for a short time, she didn't notice it herself, and she didn't watch the barrage.

By the time she looked at the barrage, other topics had already been discussed in the barrage.

All of this is under Fang Xuening's control!
Unconsciously, behind Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and inexplicably remembered the lines in Journey to the West that she had read in the past two days:
monster!Today will definitely let you show your true colors!

Uh, it doesn't seem right to say that, hey, forget it, anyway, it's my own mental activity, is there anyone else to complain about?

How is it possible, no one knows anyway, hehe!

She knew that there was a very interesting program later, and she laughed along with it for a long time during the rehearsal, there was no reason why Li Shuyao wouldn't laugh along with it!

We'll see how you deny it then!

Hehe, the plan is approved!

Brother Gou quietly climbed up from the stairs, as the only hope of the whole family, he is going to come over to see how Ma Ma is doing now, if he returns to normal, he can take his waste Xiaohong and cute Shuping came over for dinner.

Then Brother Gou saw the sinister eyes of a certain white hair...

Brother Gou turned and ran.

Forget it, these two people are somewhat abnormal today, let's run away quickly, the cat food bought by Ma Ma is also quite delicious, let's go back and eat cat food honestly!

As the saying goes, the simpler the plan, the easier it is to succeed. When the funny show that Fang Xuening had been thinking about appeared, Li Shuyao was really tricked, and she just started laughing.

Student Fang Xuening seized the opportunity, took out his mobile phone, and recorded the scene, and brought some barrage along the way. After all, the mobile phone for the live broadcast was placed on the side.

To some extent, this should be regarded as another perspective.

"Hey hey hey hey... look at him... what are you doing?" Li Shuyao smiled and turned her head to share the joy with Fang Xuening, and then she was very happy to see this record.

In fact, it is okay to directly find the recording and broadcasting, but it will not have an immediate effect, what should I do if people turn around and refuse to accept it.

This man can do it!
"I'll let you see how scary your smile is...or you can turn your head and look at the barrage." Fang Xuening pointed to the phone next to her and said.

Li Shuyao blinked, then turned to look at the barrage:

"Hiss, Yaoyao's smile is so terrifying!"

"Female ghost, female ghost, female ghost..."

"Should I say it or not, it's kind of scary."

"It's exactly the same as in the previous video."

"Hey, do you think it sounds nice after listening too much?"

"I'm feeling a bit over the top guys."


"Ah, Yaoyao's smile concentrated my heart."

"It's coming, I knew it, I finally heard Yaoyao's laughter again."

"Brothers, does anyone have a collection of Yaoyao's laughter, ghosts and animals are fine."


"Uh, you see the barrage is pretty good." Li Shuyao puffed up her mouth: "Look at what everyone says is really nice."

Fang Xuening's mouth grew bigger, it's over, this person's ability to open his eyes and tell lies is getting stronger and stronger, and he doesn't know who he learned from!

Why don't you learn something, look at me, how honest and lovely, pure and sincere.

"Oh, what are you hitting me for?" Fang Xuening was thinking about it when Li Shuyao slapped her on the forehead suddenly.

"I can tell by your expression that you must be thinking of something good!" Li Shuyao pinched her waist: "I don't know you yet?"

"Huh? You are slandering, it is Hong Guoguo's slander, it is tyranny, it is unfounded, I want to revolt!" Fang Xuening also pinched her waist.

"Tsk tsk, not bad, you've put all your life's knowledge into use." Li Shuyao joked.

"Girls, I'm still a serious college graduate. Back then, I was also a talented girl in the music club." Fang Xuening raised her head like a proud little swan.

"Okay, talented girl, then I'll test you..."

"Oh, I just saw Brother Gou appearing on the stairs. I think I should pay attention to the mental health of the fur children, and whether they didn't eat at night. Look at it, you must be hungry ..."

Fang Xuening stood up while talking and walked towards the stairs.

Xiaohong, who was lurking over secretly, saw Fang Xuening who got up and immediately turned her ears back, her expression was very similar to the "Don't come here" emoticon.

 The dream last night was very complicated. It seemed that I was kidnapped by a group of people at first, but later I found out that it was Konoha's people. Then I joined forces with other major ninja villages to trap Konoha's ninja in a cave, and we all magnified the technique of waterfall together. They were about to trap the opponent to death, but they summoned a huge Ninja Beast directly, drilled a hole in the mountain and ran away...

(End of this chapter)

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