Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 564 Shall we dance together?

Chapter 564 How about a dance together?

If I could see Li Shuyao's shooting method... It is estimated that out of ten cute pet bloggers, eleven out of ten would be shocked. Uh, who said that cute pet bloggers can't take pictures with male and female friends? There are five of the four kings. It's not normal for individuals.

It takes weeks to get the best shots of your pets, and then you just have to say a few words to their kitty?

Cute pet bloggers do not have a script, they will also design a good plot, and then guide the pets to do it according to the designed plot, and then realize the plot they designed by means of editing.

But pets are often uncooperative. The most common pets are kittens, who are easily distracted and don’t work hard. Basically, they have to rest and play for a while after taking pictures of others.

It's not like Li Shuyao's house, if it wasn't for Brother Gou who was making all kinds of troubles, Li Shuyao's shooting speed would probably be faster.

Okay, everyone is used to it, anyway, Li Shuyao feels that she is born to be an up master. It takes a week to make a video, but she can finish it in half a day.

Who are you going to reason with?

It's the kind of food that God just puts in people's mouths, and people are going to taste the saltiness first.

"La la la, the filming is over, haha, the video of cute pets is quite interesting, haha." Li Shuyao ran over holding a small camera.

"Yes, yes, it is interesting for you to shoot anything." Lu Yao gave Li Shuyao a light look, and then smiled, "So this time you edited it yourself?"

"How can I do that? Isn't this delaying the distribution of money to everyone? I've done it myself. How can everyone give out year-end bonuses, right?" Li Shuyao smiled and winked at Lu Yao, but what she said was true.

This year's Chinese New Year, Li Shuyao gave everyone a big red envelope to thank everyone for their support for her this year, which is more than the year-end bonus given by the company.

Now one or two of Lu Yao's team support Li Shuyao, anyway, she gives a lot of money.

"You are right anyway." Lu Yao smiled and took the camera in Li Shuyao's hand: "How are you going to cut this time?"

"You can discuss whether you want my original sound or my post-dubbing. Both modes are fine. After deciding on a mode, I will write scripts based on this mode in the future. The first video will be tested first." Li Shuyao He laughed and said, "But the production can't be too bad, it can be a little shorter."

"I know, I know."

Lu Yao feels pretty good about Li Shuyao, one has his own ideas, and the other will listen to their team's opinions.

Naturally, her team has someone who specializes in analyzing the current hot spots and the current audience's favorite tastes, and then gives suggestions on the style of the video.

Of course, not all hotspots can be pursued. Some hotspots are relatively sensitive and easy to step on the line, and those are absolutely untouchable.

Every time before posting a video, several people review it several times, fearing that some details will be over-interpreted or something, and then bring the rhythm.

You know, to this day, several of last year's Top [-] have been paced, and some have even been titled.

Therefore, the more fans you have, the more cautious you must be, and the more trembling you must be.

This is also one of the reasons why Li Shuyao chose to retreat bravely.

"By the way, you have to do a good job in this year's greetings. The manuscript is about to be accepted recently. What do you think?" Lu Yao asked while fiddling with the camera in his hand.

"Actually, I have a lot of ideas." Li Shuyao scratched her head: "The easiest thing is to sing the whole song."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Is it easy?Why don't I feel simple at all... I haven't heard of anyone releasing new songs when celebrating the new year. Isn't this kind of party all producing famous old songs or something.

"What's more complicated?" It was too easy for Li Shuyao to sing a song before, so now Lu Yao naturally thinks that this matter is indeed very simple, and she didn't even realize it when people said it.

Fang Xuening decided not to listen to the conversation between these two people, otherwise she would be easily pissed off!

Speaking of which, if she hadn't been so troublesome in preparing Xiang Kong's song now, she might have found it easy to come up with a new song.

So she felt that she should be with the poor kitten. The kitty suffered a lot today, so she had to go over and comfort the two injured kittens.

Well, Xiaohong doesn't seem to be injured, so there is no need to appease her.

"Hey, hey, don't go, there are still your business." Seeing that Fang Xuening was about to leave, Li Shuyao quickly grabbed her.

"Huh? What's the matter with me?" Fang Xuening was stunned for a moment: "I don't contribute papers for New Year's greetings."

"No, let's contribute together." Li Shuyao blinked: "I have a song that can definitely 'bloodbath' station B, but I still need three dancers."

"Three? Do you use four people to dance this dance?" Lu Yao asked.

"Three, that's three, three people dancing together." Li Shuyao blinked.

"Then why don't you let us dance?" Fang Xuening pinched her waist.

"Oh, this... well, you know, I'm not good at dancing."

Then Lu Yao silently took out his phone, skillfully opened Li Shuyao's account page, and directly picked out the video of her dancing with him before.

"Oh, it's different this time, it's not the martial arts dance, it might look a bit like a house dance."

"That's not right, I'll dance if you dance." Fang Xuening pinched her waist: "I won't dance if you don't!"

"we have a deal?"

"we have a deal!"

"OK, one candidate has been settled, and now there is only one left." Li Shuyao nodded towards Lu Yao: "I don't know how Jingyi is...she may not be very good at dancing."

"Ha! You tricked me!" Fang Xuening stared.

Li Shuyao clapped her arms around Fang Xuening's shoulders: "Haha, how can things between sisters be called routines? It's called taking you with me when something good happens, right?"

"Then how about we call Jingyi, the three of us together." Fang Xuening chuckled.

"I think so."

"Hey Hey."

Lu Yao: "..."

You two, let's be alone, Tantai Jingyi doing a house dance?I'm afraid you are not going to kill someone, but it feels good to break dance, and the whole person feels cool.

Li Shuyao quickly dialed Tantai Jingyi's wechat call.

"Crooked?" After connecting, Li Shuyao shouted happily.

"What's the matter?" Tantai Jingyi replied.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm resting, there will be a training match soon."

"Hey, it's time to train just after New Year's Day."

"That's right, the spring competition will start soon." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "Are you going to do something? I don't have time right now."

"Oppos, it's over, someone took the lead." Li Shuyao was helpless.

"Haha, I knew it, you wouldn't want to pull me to make some videos, right? I don't have time right now, and you know how busy we are after the training camp." Tantai Jingyi laughed and said: " Alright, I'm waiting to watch the video of you two, haha, hang up, training is about to start."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth looking at the hung up phone, then turned to look at Fang Xuening: "Why do I feel that this guy thinks everything is rough."

Fang Xuening rolled her eyes at the side and said, "Yes, no one can see that you have everything written on your face. You almost told others."

"Is it?"


"Is it so obvious?"


 Last night I dreamed about some former classmates again, tsk tsk.

  I heard that dreaming about someone you haven't contacted for a long time means that people are gradually forgetting you.

  That's about it.

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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