Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 567 Come, let's jump together 3 of 1

Chapter 567 Come on, the three of us dance together

The place to practice dancing is naturally in the backyard. After all, this is usually the place where Li Shuyao and the others practice martial arts.

Lu Yao listened to these two and stopped listening...

The main reason is that for the first time, Li Shuyao did play the song for demonstration, and then danced it from beginning to end... It's so beautiful, should I say it or not!
But, the second time, people started to break down the movements, and they stopped singing, and they started at one-two-three-four, two-two-three-four.

If that's the case, you won't be able to listen to music at all!

So Lu Yao ran back to the recording studio by himself and uploaded the song to his mobile phone, so he didn't want to watch you dance. What was so interesting when you first started dancing?

Lu Yao took the earphones and ran upstairs to listen to the music bit by bit.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening started to practice dancing in the backyard.

Li Shuyao also chose to dance...well, on a whim, anyway, she also skipped it before, and there is nothing to be ashamed of, she mainly wants to let the world feel the impact of the Pure Land...

As the saying goes, the way of heaven is reincarnation, who is spared in the pure land, stupid human beings...don't force Lai Lai on the Internet all day long, listen to music more, right, although this song can't cultivate sentiment or something, it can be wasted Your time... Ahem, no, this should allow you to find relaxation and peace of mind in this song.

You see, how good it is to spend your spare time listening to music. It not only relaxes your mind, but you don't have so much time to force yourself. Isn't the world peaceful now?

Oh, she has paid so much for this world, wow... This is going to be a complete dance, isn't it a sacrifice?

As a human being, you must know how to be content and be grateful.

For example, student Fang Xuening is very contented and grateful now. Although this guy usually stretches his arms and legs here when he wakes up in the morning, he is still very serious about learning to dance at this time.

Fang Xuening is not the kind who can only sing but not dance, but relatively speaking, she is better at singing, and she has a little foundation in dancing. When she was in college, she would hold a party or something like that. The troops went up and down together.

And after listening to this song, she knew that this song would definitely have a place in the turbulent Internet. The rhythm of this song is so good, and the dance that Li Shuyao danced just now is also good, and she is going to celebrate the new year again Get it out, plus Yaoyao's own traffic, if you don't do it at this time, when will you do it.

Although it is said that she does not know how to sing along, it is estimated that she can attract many fans just by dancing along.

Her Fang Xuening is now the up owner of more than 260 million fans, and 100 million of them are from Li Shuyao. Anyway, Li Shuyao is happy to let her go, and she is not hypocritical...

Oops, didn't I let you hug me all night, right, hehe.

So Fang Xuening practiced very seriously, she was considered talented, but not as talented as Li Shuyao, but after an hour, she gradually began to write down the movements first.

Although neither the strength nor the range is in place, the basic movements are almost completed, and the next step is to become proficient over and over again, and then make the movements more standard.

I practiced for another hour. Although I am not fully proficient, it is much better than the beginning.

Two more days of practice should be about the same.

Anyway, the big guys have nothing to do during the day, so it's best to gnaw on this in the past two days!
It's too late today, I've almost rested, I'll continue tomorrow, and we'll practice together when Nan Yiyi comes!
So, when the two were sweating profusely, when they came back to take a shower and go to bed, they suddenly saw a person sitting on the balcony on the second floor looking out the window, shaking his head and nodding.

"Lu... Miss Lu?" Li Shuyao called out cautiously, the main reason is that it's too weird, you don't turn on the light here, the black lights are shaking their heads here, no matter how you look at it, they seem to be a little sick...

Lu Yao didn't respond, but still nodded there.

"Ah, here." Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "Sister Lu, what's wrong, what is she listening to?"

Li Shuyao thought for a while, glanced at the bluetooth headset that seemed to be thrown aside because of no power, and then suddenly unplugged Lu Yao's headset cable.

In an instant, the sound of thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump, thump can be heard.

The three of them were stunned at the same time. Speaking of which, Fang Xuening had almost forgotten the melody. After all, she had been practicing the beat today and didn't listen to the song, so she even forgot the song for a while.

Lu Yao turned around in embarrassment, looked at the two of them and said, "Oh, you've finished practicing this, it's only time, why don't you practice?"

"Big sister, it's almost 11 o'clock now, we're still practicing and can't sleep." Fang Xuening said, rolling her eyes.

"Really? It's almost 11 o'clock?" Lu Yao looked at the phone in surprise, it really read 10:46 clearly.

Hey, I remember it was after 8 o'clock when I just sat down, did the time go by so quickly?

Lu Yao stopped the music with a complex expression, then patted Li Shuyao on the shoulder, sighed softly, and "staggered" back to his room.

"Hiss, why do you feel that Sister Lu's footsteps are a bit heavy." Fang Xuening opened her mouth: "What's wrong with her?"

"Legs are numb." Li Shuyao said with a suppressed smile, "I didn't feel it when I did it just now, but it must be numb when I stand up."

Fang Xuening opened her mouth, always feeling that this was somewhat inconsistent with Lu Yao's usual personality, but at the same time felt that it seemed a bit appropriate, so... quite awkward.

Sure enough, the root of all evil lies in that song!

"Come on, let's go to the door..." Li Shuyao chuckled, pulled Fang Xuening and walked towards the door of Lu Yao's house.

"Not really... okay." Fang Xuening trotted along with Li Shuyao with a "reluctant" expression on her face, even faster than Li Shuyao at some point...

"Uh..." Fang Xuening saw herself running in front of the house, stuck out her tongue out of embarrassment, but took two quick steps, and lay directly on the door.

"What did you hear?" Li Shuyao also carefully leaned up and listened together: "Hey, there is no sound."

"Yes, yes." Fang Xuening said in a low voice, "Hehe, it's really a pure land of bliss. Oh my god, why do I feel like sister Lu has been poisoned."

"Tsk tsk, let's go, if she finds out about this, she will probably go crazy again." Li Shuyao chuckled, and then pulled Fang Xuening back.

The two of them just turned around and took two steps when the door behind them opened slowly, and the voice of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss came out from inside. Lu Yao also looked at the two people who were fixed there motionless...

"Ah this, we can actually explain it." Fang Xuening sneered for a while, and just about to run away, Lu Yao grabbed Li Shuyao's arm with a stride, and then grabbed Li Shuyao's arm with the other hand:

"If you want to listen so much, don't listen at the door. Come, come in, let's dance together, hahahaha..."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao in horror, this guy is crazy, this guy is crazy, this song is poisonous!
(End of this chapter)

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