Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 571 Serious Criticism to Fang Xuening

Chapter 571 Serious Criticism to Fang Xuening
"Huh? Eat? Do you still have the face to ask me to eat? You fried my pot and you still have the nerve to eat?" Li Shuyao looked at Fang Xuening and was so angry that she turned off her phone and threw it aside. said:
"Didn't you say you want to make the medicine yourself? Didn't you say that I would leave it to you without worry? Do you know how dangerous it was just now? Do you know that the pot exploded? What if there is a fire? Ah!"

At this time, Fang Xuening was also completely awake. Looking at the half-cracked pot on the stove, she was also afraid for a while, then she pursed her lips and lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Yes...I'm sorry...I originally wanted to watch, But I was a little tired from dancing practice today, so I just... I fell asleep... I don't know when I fell asleep, just... I was still brewing medicine in my dream just now."

Fang Xuening was indeed aware of her mistake, this time it was quite dangerous, it was terrible that she fell asleep in a daze while taking the medicine, this was placed in the circle of immortals, at least she had to put down a big green Cows block the way to eat Tang monk meat or something.

So, in the next ten minutes or so, Comrade Li Shuyao talked about fire safety from mythology, and gave Comrade Fang Xuening a comprehensive, three-dimensional, and serious criticism and education.

Comrade Fang Xuening deeply realized his mistakes, and swore to God that he would make up his mind and never touch the stove again!
Li Shuyao praised Fang Xuening's serious and sincere attitude, but condemned Fang Xuening's behavior of giving up food because of choking. She believed that Fang Xuening's main problem was not moving the stove, nor falling asleep while boiling medicine.

Moreover, she has no sense of crisis, and her thinking dynamics are too loose. Even though she knew that she was very tired after practicing a day of dancing during the day, she still insisted on brewing medicine until late at night.

This is a huge mistake in one's own ability and judgment of things, and being stubborn and not listening to others' persuasion, this is the real core mistake. If this defect is not corrected, even the next This time, I will not stumble on the stove, but will also stumble in other aspects.

After being pointed out by Li Shuyao, Fang Xuening took it very seriously, and decided to correct her past mistakes, deeply reflect on the mistakes she made, and think twice before doing anything in the future, and when others persuade her, she must be serious. Heed the opinions of others!
Especially the opinions of students Li Shuyao, Lu Yao and Fang Xuening, because did these three students harm her!
So, after timely and in-depth self-criticism, the matter was finally uncovered, and there was nothing I could do about it. Could it be possible to beat her up? She's such an adult.

And Fang Xuening was also kind, but she didn't expect that she was too tired and fell asleep unknowingly.

Li Shuyao also reviewed it herself, she should have discovered Fang Xuening's problem in time, she should have considered that this guy might fall asleep while boiling the medicine...

Of course, this is just her own thinking, she won't say it out, she will be more vigilant next time, but Fang Xuening cannot be made dependent.

When something happens, the problem must be discussed first, but after the serious discussion is over, it's time to have some fun.

After all, life still has to go on, and luckily it didn't cause any serious consequences, so it's enough to learn a little bit from a pitfall, and it's fine not to commit another crime in the future, and you should be happy if you should be happy.

The source of happiness these days...

Naturally, it is the little things in the 9 pots.

Li Shuyao took out her phone again, and recorded it into the small casserole.

Naturally, I couldn’t record the one just now, but it’s still very good to record the rest. Is this... a small family video?

Anyway, just post it casually, and it is estimated that no one will read it.

After Fang Xuening made a deep confession, her attention was quickly attracted by these little guys: "Good guy, it really is 9, the novel is not deceiving me."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Li Shuyao was stunned for a moment, and then put her arms around Fang Xuening's neck: "Good guy, you are still making alchemy with me, right? You can believe the novel, why don't you tell me?" What kind of Nine-Turn Golden Elixir can you make for me!"

"Look at this pill, it's a little bit red, it shouldn't be the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, and the Nine-Turn Golden Pill's level of medicine, not to mention the pill calamity, at least there must be a vision from the sky or something... Oh, it's also possible that the pill didn't work because of the fryer, so it's considered a young pill?" Fang Xuening rubbed her chin and said.

Li Shuyao: "..."

Good guy, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have thought of it. Everyone knows that this guy is talking nonsense, but the 9 small pills in this casserole are really dumbfounding.

It's hard to imagine how this thing was formed... Could it be that the ancients were also the so-called elixirs that were boiled when they boiled medicine?
It is a bit unreliable to say that those elixirs have no medicinal value at all, and then they became Taoist classics purely by fooling around. Maybe the earliest elixirs were pure drug crystals, and they did have medicinal effects in that ignorant era. Be deified.

It's just that, later generations of big fools began to add bricks and tiles to it... This elixir gradually changed its taste.

But, with the spread of various myths and novels in modern times, this kind of elixir has gradually become a kind of "romantic" for middle school teenagers.

"I know!" Fang Xuening suddenly slapped his palm: "Looking at the color, it should be Longli Pill or Peiyuan Pill, these two pills should be of this color, and look at the original medicinal materials, I think the main effect is to supplement nutrition, strengthen the foundation and cultivate the essence, so this is still very possible, but I don’t know what grade it is.”

Li Shuyao shook her head. This person is hopeless, but she faithfully recorded this scene. Anyway, this guy has always been talking about it, so I don’t know if it’s true or not. Anyway, he looks so serious. Looks like, I can't wait to become a fairy immediately.

But... Judging from the type of novels this guy is watching, it may not be about cultivating immortals, or this guy may be thinking about serious alchemy.

What is serious alchemy?

This has to mention the profession of alchemist.

It is said that it is a continent of vindictiveness... ahem.

Anyway, the alchemy here and the alchemy of cultivating immortals are completely different, they cannot be mixed together, they are serious and useful!
"Let's...shall we try buying a pill furnace?" Fang Xuening's big eyes sparkled, her little teeth bared, and she seemed to be really interested.

"Come on, you're still making alchemy, go to bed quickly, you have to practice dancing tomorrow." Li Shuyao was speechless, really thought she was writing a novel here!

"Oh, good, go to sleep now." Fang Xuening nodded, and the two of them went to bed together. It's too late now, and they should start recording tomorrow.

However, looking at it like this, it seems that it can be experimented with, what if this is... that's right.

Bah, bah, bah, I've been misled by this guy.

Such a dangerous act must never happen a second time!
Tsk tsk, it's just that this system seems to be useless, it can't make alchemy, and there are no alchemy formulas. Tell me, if you can let me make alchemy, yes, I will bring you a group of big shots in minutes, yes Ba...

Can't do anything, an air of weakness.


 Dreaming last night... Well, I became an honorable soldier, joined the battle to liberate a certain island, and was the first to wave a red flag on a certain building. In the dream, I cried with excitement...

  One more today.

(End of this chapter)

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