Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 578 The New Year's Eve Is Busy

Chapter 578 The New Year's Eve Is Busy
Just listening to the prelude of this song, Meng Sijing suddenly felt refreshed. Unlike other songs before, it seems that this song will give you a burst of energy and refresh you.

This moment is a bit special.

Listening to Meng Sijing, she understood why the song was said to be poisonous. It stands to reason that she was more fond of lyrical and quiet music, but at this time, she was also moved by this song unconsciously. Emotions, follow the beat of the head bit by bit.

And this dance is also very magical, I always feel that I have to dance along with it unconsciously.

She can't quite understand the lyrics, so what impresses her is the dancing posture and melody, the magical dance with the magical accent, anyway, it seems that this melody must be smashed into your mind every time.

The last time I felt this way was when I was listening to the song Fade, but that song has a very ethereal feeling, an abstract feeling that allows your soul to travel through time.

But this song is different, it's like pulling a stupefied person up suddenly, and then giving you a big bib, telling you to sleep and get paralyzed.

Then, with a dazed look on your face, you started singing and dancing...

Well, anyway, Meng Sijing's feeling is almost like this now. She belongs to the kind that is pulled up and high. After listening to it in a daze, her mind feels a bit blank.

If you want to talk about what memories you leave behind, it is probably those few accents.

Then I unconsciously wanted to think about those melodies, and then I thought about it... I unconsciously pulled the progress bar back, and then I saw the initial barrage.

"Welcome back."

Hiss... These people are poisonous!


Naturally, Li Shuyao and the others didn't skip to watch, but her song was placed at a relatively low position, and by the time they saw it, Lu Yao was already too full to eat.

In other words, she still has a little stomach left to eat two dumplings later.

Eating two dumplings at this time is really for the habit of eating dumplings during the Chinese New Year.

Even a few kittens were already full, so they lay down next to them and watched TV together...

"Hey, there is no barrage in front of you, but suddenly there are so many barrages here, it seems to be very successful." Lu Yao leaned on the beanbag sofa and smiled.

"Your phone keeps vibrating, but you don't want to look at it." Li Shuyao pointed to the phone that Lu Yao used for work.

The mobile phone in her life has been turned off by her, and it seems that she doesn't want to be disturbed by her family for the time being.

"Indeed, those who celebrate the Chinese New Year don't want to read it." Lu Yao nodded: "I don't want to read any blessings, and I don't want to read any work content."

"Fine, it's up to you." Li Shuyao nodded, her cell phone was also ringing non-stop now, and all kinds of New Year's greetings sent her a little bit of a breakdown.


There are too many little red dots!

So she directly sent a group message on WeChat for New Year's greetings, then threw her phone aside and started eating and watching TV.

Don't say that group postings are insincere, there is really no time to post one by one, those who are close are not bad for this New Year's greeting message, and it is useless for you to write a small composition if you are far away.

It would be nice to be able to post. Everyone is so busy every day, and finally took a two-day break. Whoever you point to sent the hundreds of people in Moments one by one.

Li Shuyao is very grateful to everyone who sends messages to her. After all, even if it is a group message, it would be good if they can bring you in this group message.

But she really couldn't reply one by one, so she simply sent a group message of New Year's greetings.

In fact, everyone also understands that it is over after saying a happy new year to each other.

For those who are close, such as Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi, the big guys all directly video chat to celebrate the New Year.

Tantai Jingyi showed her the big house she newly bought for her parents, and said that she would come to see her in two days or something.

Fang Xuening showed her the appearance of her hometown.

Then the two of them "comforted" classmate Lu Yao who went to Li Shuyao's house for the New Year's Eve.

Well, anyway, after a meal of "comfort", everyone laughed and scolded for a while, and Lu Yao became much happier, at least he didn't start thinking about life every now and then.

After watching it again, the two of them actually felt nothing.

Li Shuyao has watched it countless times, and this time she saw herself dancing in it, although it was a bit weird, but it looked pretty good.

Lu Yao...

Uh, before the release, Lu Yao and Lu Yao's team have watched it countless times, so they are somewhat immune.

After reading the most anticipated one, Lu Yao picked up his work mobile phone and glanced at it casually:

"Well, although many of them are New Year's greetings, most of them want to cover this song... I guess this time, it can also drive the dance area of ​​station B."

"The dance area is amazing, don't need me to drive it." Li Shuyao scratched her head.

Lu Yao shrugged irresolutely: "Look, how many up owners in the dance area want to flip the copyright of the dance."

Li Shuyao thought for a while: "Then let go and let everyone dance."

"Haha, you have great ambitions." Li Yao patted Li Shuyao on the shoulder and smiled.

"Hey." Li Shuyao looked at the time, then stood up and ran downstairs quickly: "I'm going to order dumplings, haha, I can already imagine the fall of the dance area, haha."


Lu Yao smiled and shook his head. Li Shuyao told her that all music should be available for free, but Lu Yao suggested not to worry.

At least before the studio is on the right track, the membership share of the platform is still a very important part of the income.

But she has this idea in mind. In the future, when the studio is on the right track, Li Shuyao is going to let everyone listen to songs for free.

Of course, she will not promote this thing with great fanfare. After all, many people rely on it for food, and it is only for free listening to songs, cover songs, large-scale variety shows, commercial performances, evening parties, etc. for commercial purposes. Still have to collect copyright fees.

And this is not the case with the live broadcast platform will also sign a contract, the platform can use her songs for the anchor to play and cover.

So in fact, there is still a lot of income.

And there are also games, film and television dramas, commercials, etc., who also ask her to write songs.

Various economic companies will also come to Li Shuyao to write songs for their singers.

It's just that she doesn't want to write to them much yet.

"Huh, it's Chinese New Year, and everyone is very busy."

Looking at the New Year’s greetings on the work mobile phone, Lu Yao also sighed slightly, and then started to talk about all kinds of information such as whether he could write songs, advertise, cover songs, and dance songs, etc. Replied bit by bit.

In any case, these are connections, and they cannot be lost.

Although it is said that most people ask Li Shuyao for songs, but this thing is mutual, and it is always good to cooperate happily.

Moreover, if a studio is established later, these connections are needed for the studio to manage, so Party A and Party B are always in a constant cycle of transformation. People beg you today, and you will beg them tomorrow.

After all, only those who are really talented can be sought forever.

Hmm, for example, Li Shuyao who is humming a song and making dumplings downstairs now...

 Last night I dreamed that I had the super power to make my wishes come true. No matter what I want to do, I can do it as long as I think about it.

  So, when I help people move things, I just need to think about it, and the things will be moved up automatically.

  When I go to the hospital to help patients, as long as I think about it, the patient will not be in pain...

  Uh, I don't know why they don't directly help patients recover. Maybe it's because of lack of knowledge?


  Anyway, the front of the dream was quite refreshing, but the back was a bit helpless, and there were some pains that went deep into the bone marrow that could not be completely resolved.

(End of this chapter)

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