Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 583 Xiaoqiao Liushui Barbecue Pancake Fruit

Chapter 583 Xiaoqiao Liushui Barbecue Pancake Fruit
"Come here, pancake fruit, finger cakes, egg-filled pancakes, baked cold noodles, just say which one you want, haha." Li Shuyao walked to the back of the booth, and then said with a smile: "Add eggs, add sausage... um , as well as chicken tenders and chicken thighs, haha ​​come here..."

"I'll have one, I'll have one, um, I want a grilled cold noodle, sausage and chicken tenders, and then some more sauce." Mrs. Bao Jian ran over, ready to try Li Shuyao's cooking.

"Okay, wait a minute."

Li Shuyao took out a portion of grilled cold noodles from the foam box next to him, poured some oil on the iron plate, and then took out eggs, sausages, chicken tenders, etc. and started making...

Seeing this proficient technique, I have watched other people's productions before.

Sprinkle sugar, vinegar, and ketchup, and after a while, the aroma of the sauce will permeate.

"Do you want spicy?"

"Not yet."


Li Shuyao put intestines, chicken fillet and so on in the grilled cold noodles, and then wrapped them all at once. The golden eggs on the back of the grilled cold noodles looked very attractive.

Then brush with ketchup, tsk tsk, just looking at it will whet your appetite!

Li Shuyao shoveled the roasted cold noodles into pieces with a small shovel, then put them in a small round box, sprinkled with chopped green onion and coriander, and then took two small bamboo sticks and poked them on the roasted cold noodles.

Golden eggs, bright red tomato sauce, green onion and coriander, plus the aroma of the sauce, a small bowl of roasted cold noodles will make your index finger move.

"Hey, yes, this taste... well, it's really delicious, haha, you can set up a stall." Bao Jian's wife immediately gave a thumbs up after eating a large piece of roasted cold noodles.

"Come, come, everyone, try it." Mrs. Baojian took a few more bamboo sticks, and poked a piece to feed Guo Yu who was busy.

"Oh, yes, yes, delicious!" Guo Yu gave a thumbs up while setting up the charcoal stove.

Everyone took one piece, and basically wiped out this roasted cold noodles. Li Shuyao's stall was unanimously praised by everyone...

Uh, including the three members of Gouge's family rolling on the picnic mat.

Although it was said that Xiaohong was back here again, she was obviously not in a hurry to go home and have a look or something, the place was so dirty and messy that she couldn't be comfortable here.

Besides, I haven't eaten in the morning yet, so it doesn't mean that I have to be full.

Look, if you leave, you won't be able to eat such delicious grilled cold noodles.

This is the first time for Xiao Shuping to be so far away from home. Usually, she doesn't even go out of the house very often. She is very curious to see the outside world. She wants to go out several times, but Brother Gou pushes her back.

Brother Gou smashed his mouth and yawned, why worry, Ma Ma will take you to play in the evening, right, then I will let you see the world.

Brother Gou was speechless when he saw the sanitizer on the RV, and he didn’t know why he had to bring this thing when he went out to play. Could it be that we easily dirty ourselves!
Brother Gou was melancholy over there, Li Shuyao's small shop had already opened.

Xiaolu and the light yellow pie ordered a pancake fruit together. Li Shuyao skillfully poured the batter on the circular plate, and then turned it around with a small wooden board. Suddenly, a piece of pancake was spread out, which looked like a I have been a master chef of pancakes and fruits for 10 years, and that is called smooth and smooth.

"Tsk tsk, this cake is really round, even more round than the one drawn with a compass."

"This is the strength of a gourmet up master, Yaoyao, tell the truth, how long have you been practicing at home, this is a bit exaggerated..."

The light yellow pie and the little deer were a little shocked holding the camera beside them. They had already had a hunch when they saw the way of baking cold noodles just now. The way of making pancakes is even better!

"Haha, it's so-so, but it's still not as good as someone else's master chef. I'm just trying to make fun of it, haha." Li Shuyao laughed, and pushed the egg on top. It was turned over at once.

"Clap clap clap..."

Everyone applauded. This operation stunned my little friends. With this outfit, I feel like I am back to my childhood.

Li Shuyao put a deep-fried fruit in it, which is different from the deep-fried dough sticks in some places. She ate this kind of deep-fried fruit when she was a child, and it was delicious when she took a bite.

The soft and firm dough wraps the crispy fruit. The temperature of the dough will soften the fruit to a certain extent, but it still has a somewhat contrasting taste after a bite, which is endless aftertaste.

But, it can't be too long, otherwise the fruit inside will be completely softened. Of course, some people like to eat soft ones. Anyway, Li Shuyao likes to eat half-soft ones...

No one wants things like finger pancakes and egg pancakes. The main reason is that they are too oily, and we will have barbecue next. If we eat too much now, we won’t be able to eat them later.

However, everyone still asked Li Shuyao to make some cakes and put them aside. There are finger cakes, egg-filled cakes, and pancakes, and they are going to eat them with barbecue later.

Isn't there a famous snack called Naan Baorou?

Although saving this is not authentic, but meat wrapped in pancakes is also good, so you don’t have to eat too salty later, as the saying goes, protein, fat plus carbohydrates are YYDS!

Li Shuyao didn't take the big barbecue at home, because considering that the somewhat American-style barbecue takes too long, everyone must be full by then, and there is no time to eat that barbecue.

But you can take it with you when you go out to play in the future, you can bake it in the middle of the night, and then eat it at noon.

Soon, piles of meat skewers were placed on the iron plate on the table...

"Come on, let's shoot first... Hahaha..."

Several up masters patted the meat and bread on the table, and then Tantai Jingyi took out three glasses of fruit juice from the refrigerator, and two cold dishes that Li Shuyao had mixed in advance this morning.

The main reason is that everyone will be greasy if they eat too much meat, so cold dishes to relieve greasy are still very important.

Some raw garlic is also added to the cold dishes, so that everyone can eat some garlic, which is still good.

"Oh, isn't this Xiao Xiaoning? Come and see our event, haha, tsk tsk, let me show you the environment first, yes, yes, it is the place we came to last time, but nirvana, this The next time we came here in an RV, Dangdang..."

Tantai Jingyi raised her hand and laughed, and then a white-haired scream came from her mobile phone:
"Ah... you guys went to have a picnic with me behind your back... ah ah ah, you even went there in a RV... ah ah ah, the first time in a RV should be me, it's me!"

"Hahaha, who told you not to come for so long, ahaha, I am going to sleep in the RV tonight, oh, look here, is this small bridge beautiful... oh, look at this Xiaoxishui, tsk tsk, and this barbecue, hiss, let me tell you, Yaoyao's pancakes are really amazing..."

Li Shuyao looked at Tantai Jingyi running around with her phone in her hands, but Fang Xuening kept screaming on the phone, saying that she had to go camping for three days and three nights...

Li Shuyao was a little bit emotional, last year's champion really changed Tantai Jingyi a lot, she was not the only one before.

But pinch, the tone of this speech is so yin and yang, I don't know if I followed it.

Well, I must have learned it from Fang Xuening. I haven't learned it well every day!

 These two days...well, don't comment, let's see how it develops.

(End of this chapter)

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