Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 609 Ready to go

Chapter 609 Ready to go
"This one is on Brother Jie again, haha, this one is Xiaolan, let me show you the power of the iron-headed baby, haha, I don't know why, anyway, I choose Xiaolan and I want to rush forward unconsciously .”

Li Shuyao laughed:

"Okay, so far it seems that this one is still very smooth, come on, brothers, charge up, haha, as a little blue, it is meaningless if you don't charge."

As soon as the game started, Li Shuyao rushed out in a hurry, without taking any status or anything, just kept rushing forward, which made the audience stunned for a while.

But after all, everyone has watched this game for so many days, so they still understand a little bit.

Watching Li Shuyao rushing forward is quite enjoyable, Li Shuyao's operation is also top-notch, and everyone is also very happy to see Xiaolan running smoothly in front:
"666 Yaoyao beef beer!"

"I've been a little addicted to watching Mario these days."

"I still like my sister."


"I finally understand the fun of making horses. Every picture is different, and it always keeps freshness."

"Oh, it's dangerous."


"Head iron."

"Duck rush!"

"Yaoyao is ahead, haha."

"It's too smooth, I'm not used to it."

"Should I still make pictures today, I have some new ideas."


The live broadcast of Mazao in the past few days has successfully brought many viewers into the pit. Some games rely purely on feelings to let players regain their childhood memories, but this game is different.

You can not only find childhood memories here, but also keep you interested and fresh, which is very powerful. Although there are so many versions of this game, the core gameplay is almost the same.

You can even play the previous version in the horse made game.

So in this game, you can play the two somewhat contradictory elements of nostalgia and innovation, and the multiplayer mode enhances the interactivity of the game. It is no longer a stand-alone game for one person, allowing players to communicate with each other.

Although the content of communication in the game is very limited, and it is even more about fighting each other, but overall it is still very interesting.

It can be said that after the launch of the multiplayer mode of Mazao 2, it has added a lot of fun to the game and supported many anchors... After all, it is also very interesting for some anchors who are not so skilled to play the multiplayer mode.

However, although there are confrontation mode and cooperation mode in the multiplayer mode...

However, the cooperation mode without in-team voice is obviously not easy to succeed. It is a bit uncomfortable to play, and it is easy to raise blood pressure. It is not as interesting as the confrontation mode.

Li Shuyao and Jie Ge are very interesting to arrange this kind of thing together. Many viewers watch both sides, and the two live broadcasts are not on the same platform, so many people watch both sides together.

Of course, Brother Jie also has an account at Station B, and he will post videos here every day, basically live recordings or highlight highlights, but not live broadcast at Station B.

The two-day live broadcast also provided him with a lot of material.

This is also one of the reasons why Jie Ge is willing to play with the pictures made by the water friends.

Another reason is naturally that Brother Jie has always been very kind to water friends. He would occasionally play with pictures made by water friends, and there is also a game room open to water friends...

After the broadcast, Li Shuyao lay on the bed and couldn't help laughing thinking about the interaction with Brother Jie in the past two days. Sometimes Brother Jie's program effects are not deliberate, and he can produce some program effects by accident. Come on, I personally feel that I am born to be a live broadcast material.

Well, I can go to Brother Jie's house to have fun when I drive by in the RV later. If Brother Jie agrees, we can also shoot a video together.

Brother Jie belongs to the kind of person who doesn't mind revealing his home address at all, and he has also received many water friends to his home.

This is her own style, and it is not suitable for all anchors. For example, female anchors are not suitable for this. Those above the audience are generally not very rational. It is not one or two female anchors whose home address is exposed and then harassed.

Li Shuyao herself is not afraid, because the specific address of her home has never been revealed in the previous videos, at most it has shown which park her home is in.

The park is so big that you may not be able to find it when you come in.

Moreover, the security of the park is also very strong. Since the thief incident, the security force has been strengthened. If you want to come in without the invitation of the owner, you can only climb over the wall or something.

But there are cameras and patrols in the park, so there is no need to worry about some illegitimate fans who have problems with their hearts coming here.

In fact, it's okay even if you come here, she, Li Shuyao, is not a vegetarian!

"What do you want?" Fang Xuening came over with two cups of fruit tea, and then handed a cup to Li Shuyao: "Hey, I'm new, try it."

"Hmm... not bad." Li Shuyao took a sip of the fruit tea and nodded, "When did you learn this skill?"

"The specialty of my hometown is fruit tea, which is the mainstay of their economy. They earn a lot of money every year by selling fruit tea." Fang Xuening said with a chuckle.

"Really, it's pretty good." Li Shuyao's eyes lit up, and she nodded. The fruit tea tastes really good, with the sweet and sour fruit and the fragrance of tea.

"Yes, I'm not very proficient in this. There is an old woman in the village who makes fruit tea that is delicious. It is said that she has been making fruit tea for 30 years. It is an old craft passed down from the ancestors."

Fang Xuening said proudly:

"Sister Lu is discussing with the village head now, and plans to advertise the fruit tea of ​​my hometown through my channel, which will also help promote the specialty of my hometown."

"That's a good relationship, and it can also increase the income of people in my hometown." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Yes, the local cadres also attach great importance to this matter, but the specific cooperation method still needs to be discussed. There is a company in the village, which is established by everyone in partnership. When the time comes, we will just sell the company's products directly."

"Not bad." Li Shuyao nodded. This kind of thing must be more cautious. It must not be too sloppy when it comes to business cooperation.

But, there are tools here... Uh, there are sisters Lu, anyway, let these things be handled by sister Lu.

"In a few days, I'm going to drive the house and go on a trip." Li Shuyao laughed and said, "How are you doing, are you ready?"

"Hey, I'm already ready." Fang Xue put the fruit tea aside, and then leaned on Li Shuyao's body: "How long are you going to go out this time?"

"Not necessarily, so you have to be prepared to wear a piece of clothing for a long time." Li Shuyao said with a smile: "If you are not in the city, water and food are the resources that need to be saved the most, so it will definitely not be like being at home. So comfortable."

"I know."

Fang Xuening nodded, then turned her head and buried her face in Li Shuyao's chest, reached out and patted her on the back and said:
"I have confidence in you, I believe you will not make yourself uncomfortable, haha."

Li Shuyao: "..."

It’s true to say so, but it sounds a bit weird, and when you said it, why are you standing next to me like a chrysalis...and still rubbing your face against me... …

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, and this guy didn't seem to have any makeup on, so he let out a sigh of relief.

It's not just rubbing makeup on me.

 Dalian is so tide feels wet...

  Today's update

(End of this chapter)

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