Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 62 The agent is here

Chapter 62 The agent is here

In the afternoon, Tantai Jingyi was basically debugging the equipment. Although they have been eliminated, the live broadcast still has to be broadcast. After all, they have signed a contract, and the duration of the live broadcast is also required. It doesn’t matter during the competition. When there is no competition Just have to work hard.

Especially Tantai Jingyi's popularity is relatively high, and the income from live broadcasting is naturally very high. Of course, their fan base is wider, so the live broadcast room is usually full of demons dancing around.

She didn't plan to live broadcast directly these two days. After all, she had just lost the game, and there must be a bunch of people playing the rhythm of the live broadcast. Although she said she was used to this, she didn't need to force herself to criticize others.

So it's better to wait two days, wait for this energy to pass, everyone calm down and then talk...

After all, the difference between this year's results and last year's results is too great. Two of the main players retired in the spring split this year. They barely made up for the lineup in the summer split, and even invited a veteran who was about to retire to come back to fill the lineup...

The result is naturally predictable.

In fact, this season was given up for them, but they didn't expect to lose so completely.

Tantai Jingyi adjusted the peripherals. She is still used to using her own peripherals. She basically carries everything by herself when she goes to games, so she also has her own mouse and keyboard in her bag.

I tried the internet speed, and it was surprisingly fast...

"Yaoyao, your internet speed is very fast..." Tantai Jingyi shouted to Li Shuyao who opened the door.

"Yeah, playing Korean server here is probably not slower than playing at the base." Li Shuyao also stretched out her head and shouted: "I am also playing Korean server recently, which is no different from playing the national server."

That's right, Li Shuyao discovered a very powerful thing in this community...

Her internet speed is really fast!
Basically, it is easy to directly connect to the foreign server without any accelerator, so she bought a lot of games on steam for emergencies!

Well, she didn't buy much before, but she bought some of the games that she watched the live broadcast and was very greedy.

But, many large-scale online games are really meaningless to play by yourself, so many of them are played a few times and left there to eat ashes...

Maybe we can play it later when it's live?
Maybe, after the live broadcast, there are probably many people playing with her.

Tantai Jingyi nodded... She had been to Li Shuyao's house before, but she usually went out to Internet cafes to play games, not at other people's houses.

This is the first time she played Hanbok at Li Shuyao's house.

Tantai Jingyi smiled, this guy is really well-prepared, how can she stay here with peace of mind until she is recalled again...

Well, as long as she has food, drink and alliances, she will be fine if she stays in the house for a month or two!

"By the way, I'm a Hanbok diamond too. We can duo together when we have time, haha, but we can only queue solo if we're a master or above." Li Shuyao laughed.

"You... Hanbok diamond?" Tantai Jingyi said in surprise: "It's true, don't look for power leveling, it's meaningless to level up."

"Don't worry, I'll be a master in two days, and the grand master king is just around the corner!" Li Shuyao smacked her lips. After tonight, she has already copied Tantai Jingyi's talent...

I have to say that this guy's game talent is too strong, and it has almost reached the level of 9. If this is the case, she can't solve it by taking a nap, she still needs to sleep.

Then she can strengthen this gene to the full level!

In addition to superb game skills, there is also a faster reaction speed. She also got this gene and matched it.

From now on, she is the most talented in the world!Coupled with her invincible hand speed, oh ho ho, she is the strongest in the world!

"When did you become so strong?" Tantai Jingyi asked in surprise, she still remembered that although Li Shuyao was stronger than Fang Xuening, but only a little stronger, almost a little more golden.

However, Li Shuyao is still very young, and platinum is also possible after some practice. As for Hanbok diamonds... the master is just around the corner, which is a bit unbelievable.

"Seeing is believing, let's find out after a while." Li Shuyao didn't say much, she still had to experience this for herself, otherwise she wouldn't believe it.

"Okay, after I tidy up, I'll go to the double row, and I want to see how far you have progressed." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile.

"Hey, Fang Xuening said that her agent is coming." Li Shuyao blinked, "It seems to be that sister Lu she kept talking about."

"Ang, I guess they came to look for you. You haven't signed an agent yet." Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Well... what about you?" Li Shuyao asked.

"Our management contracts are all in the hands of the team..." Tantai Jingyi smiled and said: "It's good to sign an agent, so you don't have to worry about so many things."

"Hmm... I think so too. The main reason is that there are no economic people who lost a lot of money!" Li Shuyao pouted.

"..." Okay, I know you are for this.

After a while, some voices came from downstairs, Li Shuyao ran down, but Tantai Jingyi didn't go down... She had already started a game.

When Li Shuyao ran down the stairs, she saw a man wearing a small leather jacket and leather pants, with a pair of big sunglasses on top of his head, with black hair hanging down his back, and his appearance was not much different from that of Li Shuyao's classmate.

Hiss, it looks so cool!

Is this a manager or an artist... This is obviously ready to debut!

"Hello, Ms. Li Shuyao, I'm Lu Yao." Lu Yao smiled and stretched out his hand and said, "I've been friends with you for a long time, and seeing you today is really extraordinary."

"Uh... hello, hello." Li Shuyao twitched the corner of her mouth, then shook hands with Lu Yao.

Hiss, this woman's temperament is so powerful!

This is a working woman!

"Come and sit, let's get straight to the point?" Lu Yao stepped aside and smiled.

"Ah, good." Li Shuyao nodded: "What topic..."

"Idiot, do you want to sign a contract?" Fang Xuening covered her mouth and said with a smile: "Sister Lu, don't be so formal, you will scare the children."

Lu Yao smiled and sat on the sofa with Li Shuyao: "It's natural to be more formal when talking about work. You can have a drink after work. Are you an adult?"

"Ah, um..." Li Shuyao nodded vigorously.

"Okay, then let's go straight to the topic. After the topic is over, we can be more casual." Lu Yao nodded, and then began to take various documents from his backpack.

After placing a small pile on the table, Lu Yao said with a smile: "So, what about your wishes? I heard from Xiao Ning that you wanted to find an agent, but that was just what she said, and we didn't have direct contact. , so today I’m here to formally contact you.”

Li Shuyao pondered for a while. It is indeed enough sincerity for people to visit directly. Next, if you are willing, then you can negotiate terms. If you are not willing, then you can go back to your respective homes.

In fact, Lu Yao can report the conditions first, and then directly attract Li Shuyao to join.

But Lu Yao doesn't think that's necessary. She generally depends on her talent to get people, and she has no shortage of people. If she forcibly wins her over or offers a sky-high price that others can't resist, then she probably won't be able to afford it.

She herself is not short of money, and she likes this feeling when she comes out to be an agent... She just doesn't want to let herself be depraved with nothing to do.

If it works, then continue the discussion in depth. She doesn't mind if you are a salty fish, as long as everyone has fun together.

If that doesn't work, leave it to a friend, not work!

 Who doesn't have an e-sports dream~ hum!
(End of this chapter)

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