In the end, before Li Shuyao's caravan was about to develop into an Internet celebrity attraction, it was finally opened to traffic. After it was opened to traffic, not long after, all the cars stuck here flew away, and I don't know if it was because they were eager to go home or some For special reasons, anyway, after a while, there were no other cars around the RV...

"These cars run really fast." Fang Xuening looked at the empty national road and sighed: "It was so lively just now, but now it's deserted all of a sudden."

"I guess I can't help it anymore, it's been so long." Li Shuyao smiled with her lips pursed.

At that time, there were actually very few people who came to the bathroom, less than ten in total, and most of them were girls, and they were all in a few cars around.

However, after discovering that this place was Li Shuyao, a lot of people gradually gathered around. When there were too many people, everyone felt embarrassed to go to the bathroom again, so they basically took photos and signed.

There were even some who didn't know who Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were, anyway, they came together because they saw the crowd.

"Where are we going? It's already so late." Fang Xuening sighed.

"Well, find an open place to stop for a while, and then we can talk about it tomorrow morning." Li Shuyao drove around and looked around, and there were really not many cars on the road at night.

In fact, they had already calculated that they would just go to the expressway and stay overnight in a service area, but now they obviously won't go to the expressway, so they should stop and sleep on the side of the road for the night.

In view of the traffic jam caused by the previous rain, Li Shuyao didn't dare to park the car at the foot of the mountain. It would be bad if something rolled down the mountain and hit the car while falling asleep.

So Li Shuyao finally parked the car in a relatively open place.

Under the moon, the stars were thin, and under the moon, an RV was parked on the side of the road without any shelter. The inside of the RV was brightly lit, and the two of them were happily making supper.

Li Shuyao originally wanted to go out and have a barbecue outside to experience the scenery of the wilderness, but student Fang Xuening still didn't dare to go out, she was still a little scared in the wilderness.

Speaking of which, this place is more or less a no-man's land, although it's not that exaggerated, but if an animal or something jumps out, yes, then you will fight or not, and if it's to protect animals, right? I can't even tell!

Li Shuyao was speechless, if he could meet protected animals wherever he went, then he wouldn't be protecting animals.

But it's normal for this guy to be timid and afraid of ghosts at night, so he doesn't dare to go out, so let's forget it.

After eating something and watching the live broadcast for a while, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening went to bed.

Speaking of which, it was the first time for them to rest in such a place that was neither a city nor a service area, and it was a little exciting to think about it.

"Yaoyao... Tell me, will a big tiger suddenly jump out at night?" Fang Xuening hid behind Li Shuyao, leaning her small head gently on her back, which would make her more confident. sense of security.

"You think too much, let alone whether there are tigers in this place, even if there are, tigers will not jump on an iron shell, and we will not move." Li Shuyao said.

"Then... would there be something like a snake crawling in?" Fang Xuening drew a circle on Li Shuyao's junior, staring at the circle with dark eyes, as if she only saw the circle. The whole world is gone.

"No, there are no snakes here, and the doors and windows are closed. I went out and sprinkled a circle of medicine to prevent snakes, insects, rats and ants, so don't worry."

Li Shuyao was a little helpless, she wanted to turn around, but Fang Xuening wouldn't let her turn around, she just turned her back like this, it seemed that sleeping in this place made her feel very insecure.

It's no wonder, after all, he grew up in the city since he was a child, and running to this place suddenly, even in the RV, still puts Fang Xuening's mentality to the test.

You can't expect a little girl who has lived in a superior environment since she was a child to be able to survive in the wild all at once. This is unrealistic. There is always a process.

After being out with Li Shuyao for so many days, Fang Xuening's performance is pretty good...

It wasn't that Fang Xuening was hungry when she was eating supper and watching variety shows before. It was simply that she was a little nervous. Although she was a little tired, she still couldn't sleep and wanted to find something to do.

The two asked and answered like this, one was worried, the other comforted and gradually fell asleep. As the dark clouds covered the moon, the land became even darker. In the empty world, the caravan quietly crawled There, some small animals far away would run away quickly when they saw the huge monster in the dark, and they didn't dare to go forward at all.

Occasionally, there are one or two brave ones who will run away immediately when they come over and smell some pungent smells.

So student Fang Xuening's worry was really in vain, no small animals dared to approach here, and for small animals, the caravan was the scariest thing.

Apart from……

"Ah... that... that, that, there is a bug."

Fang Xuening just walked out of the bathroom after waking up in the morning, and saw an unknown bug lying quietly by the window, it wasn't too big, but it was definitely not small either!

"Huh? If you don't say that I really didn't notice it." Li Shuyao, who was cooking, looked up at the window.

"Didn't you say that bugs won't come in?" Fang Xuening moved back a little bit, holding her mouth shut and didn't dare to look, but she was worried that the bug would fly up if she couldn't see it at a glance, so she wouldn't have time to react.

So I was entangled in the middle of being afraid to watch and having to watch.

"It rained again last night. It should have been the rain that washed away the smell. This one probably sneaked in when I just opened the window to ventilate. What a cunning little guy." Li Shuyao laughed: "But He’s also a stupid little guy, can he get out alive after getting in.”

"Maybe..." Fang Xuening pursed her lips, "I feel like I might not be able to get out alive."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Li Shuyao was a little dumbfounded, she never realized that Fang Xuening was afraid of bugs before, when she was eating snacks, she ate everything like grilled scorpions.

People who can eat grilled scorpions are afraid of bugs?This is a bit unreasonable...

However, it is also possible that Fang Xuening was a little worried before, so her mental capacity was relatively weak, which caused her to be terrified even when she saw a small bug.

It's not that she's timid, it's the fragility of her heart caused by the lowering of her defenses.

Alas, poor child paper.

Li Shuyao had been with the psychologists in the team for quite a long time. Although she didn't know the terms of these psychological knowledge, she could understand a little bit of this analysis, yes.

Li Shuyao put down the pot, came over pitifully and touched Fang Xuening's little head, the child is so pitiful, she must be very scared, this time is exactly when she needs to stand up as a... er, a good sister!

"woo woo woo woo……"

"Oh, don't cry, don't cry, don't cry..."



"Meow meow!"

Just when the two were hugging each other disgustingly, Brother Gou put two pieces of toilet paper on his paws, then jumped to the wall and slapped the bug to death, and then threw the toilet paper stained with bugs into the bed. in the trash can next to it.

A set of movements flowed smoothly, without the slightest pause, and even looked at the two guys next to him with contempt...

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