Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 626 Hey?when did you come?

Li Shuyao didn't know how to answer Fang Xuening's question, should she say that she didn't drink Mengpo soup?She thought about it, and then "seriously" replied: "When Po Meng gave me the soup, I gave it to me."

Fang Xuening smacked her mouth: "Why don't you say that Qin Guang is your relative, why don't you say that Di Ting is your pet, why don't you say that Bodhisattva is your friend, and give Meng Po soup to Yang Yes, it can be broken for you."

"Haha, maybe Qin Guang isn't a big tomato, haha."


"It's not that you want to find a relaxed role. At that time, this role was specially tailored for you. Weren't you very tall at that time?"

"The ghost knows that you guys still have such a handsome role in the future. If I said it earlier, I would have acted in a fight scene!"

Li Shuyao was playing game consoles here, but Fang Xuening had no interest in game consoles, she was sitting on the sofa arguing with Li Shuyao while teasing the cat beside her.

Brother Gou and the little red chicken thief ran to Li Shuyao who seemed to be busy with something, and then kicked Shuping to Fang Xuening's side.

Then Shuping was helplessly patted by Fang Xuening over and over again. I don't know why this guy likes to be patted so much. Isn't it good for you to pat your back? Why can't you pat your head evenly? Always pat your head, really Won't be touched bald!
Shuping was very melancholy, she always felt that she might go bald at an early age.

Why can't you just play game consoles like other people's Mama? There are so many game consoles here that can't arouse your interest, and you can't catch me all day long.

"Hey, Yaoyao, tell me, if I rub Shuping's head every day, will Shuping become a little bald?" Fang Xuening said while stroking Shuping's head.

Dog brother:"……"

Xiaohong: "..."

Shuping: "..."

Ma Dan, listen to what you are talking about!How can you say something at minus 37 degrees from your 37-degree mouth? I don’t know if this will hurt the hearts of kittens.

"Uh, I don't know, you can do whatever you want." Li Shuyao was concentrating on playing games, so she didn't have the time to think about whether the kitten would be bald.

Besides, she didn't realize what Fang Xuening was talking about at all.

Brother Gou and Xiaohong are very glad that they kicked Shuping over in advance. If the child can't have it anymore, they can continue to play the trumpet. It's okay, it's okay, big cat is okay.

Shuping's eyes widened, and following Fang Xuening's stroking and stroking, she rolled her eyes every time.

"Hey hey, look, Shuping is rolling her eyes and staring at you."

Dog brother:"……"

Xiaohong: "..."

Why didn't I realize that Baimao was so scary before? Did he go crazy after being outside for a long time?

"Ang Ang, she's pretty, huh... I just said that this BOSS is not that strong. I used to have trouble getting through it. The main reason is that I am young. Is it not easy to get through when I grow up?"

Li Shuyao laughed and defeated a boss, then looked back at the other people and cats:

"Ah, what's the matter? Why are you... looking at me like this?"

"I suddenly understood." Fang Xuening said with a pouted mouth.

"Huh? What do you understand?"

"I understand why those people in the video are so angry about their boyfriend playing games and ignoring others. It is indeed very annoying, and I feel the same way!"

"Meow meow!"

"Meow meow meow!"


The three cats also booed together.

Li Shuyao was speechless, is it reasonable for you to come to the game room instead of playing games and just sit there and pet the cat?But nirvana, the girl's paper still needs to be used to coax the right one. At this time, I can't say that there is nothing wrong with it.

and so!
"Let me tell you, this game is really fun, come on, come on, I'll teach you."

Li Shuyao, as a person who, yes, has experienced everything, has shown her experienced side at this time. Can you talk back at this time?

Obviously not!

At this time, what you have to do is to pull the other party into the game world. After all, what they want is for you to accompany her, not to explain why you didn't listen to her just now.

So, at this time, playing with others is the best choice.

But... shouldn't this belong to boyfriend and girlfriend?Girlfriends also make this out?It feels a little bit out of place, forget it, whatever, it's almost the same!

Facts have proved that Li Shuyao's choice is still very correct. Although the picture quality of the game is not comparable to the current game, the playability is still very good.

And the operation... It's difficult to say, but it's easy to say. After all, there are only one joystick and two buttons. It's okay if you don't know how to play blindly. Anyway, Li Shuyao's current skills are strong enough. Let her play soy sauce by the side when playing Three Kingdoms. You can pass the level with her.

Fang Xuening's game experience is perfect!
For a novice, there is nothing more comfortable than clearing the level lying down. After all, novices have no desire to defeat the boss in person, or even ask for their own high performance. They are very happy to pass the level smoothly.

So, when Brother Jie came to the game room, what he saw were two girls who were yelling and crazily pressing keys in front of the game console, and three cats lying on the game and looking down at the screen.

Brother Jie is not surprised. Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening travel with three cats in an RV. Basically everyone on station B knows about it, and even those who pay a little attention to Li Shuyao know about it.

And these two shapes are quite easy to understand, after all, most of the water friends who come to play in his game room have this shape.

Brother Jie took out a bottle of Coke from the cabinet and drank it without saying a word. He just walked up to the two of them and watched them play games while drinking Coke.

After watching it for a while, he understood that Li Shuyao really deserved to be a world champion, and his subordinates had real kung fu, and their skills in Mingzhong Road and small moves were very subtle.

Fang Xuening is not very good, she is obviously blind, and sometimes if Li Shuyao is not there to help, she doesn't know how many lives she will lose.

"Oh, I'm dead again..." Fang Xuening pouted.

"I'll come, I'll come, look at me." Brother Jie took Fang Xuening's remote sensing, and rushed up after the character was revived.

Fang Xuening also stepped aside naturally, watching Li Shuyao and Brother Jie rushing to the barrier.

The process was very smooth, and no one seemed to feel that there was anything wrong.

"Almost almost."

"This way, this way, pass right away, pass right away."

"I'll come, I'll come, you cover behind."

"Up and up, this way and this way, up and up."

"Oh ho ho ho, here it comes."

"Hahaha, rush, go up and get him."

"Meow meow meow!"


In one game, the three people and the three cats quickly integrated into it. Fang Xuening and the three kittens became excited together as they watched from the side. Regardless of whether they could understand it or not, they just yelled together. Isn't it an atmosphere group? There is a group of spectators below who haven't seen the game as an atmosphere group.


"Hey? Brother Jie, when did you come?" After finishing the fight, Li Shuyao was stunned when she saw that the person next to her had turned into Brother Jie.

"Hey, that's right, brother Jie, why did you come here? I shouldn't be the one playing, when did you take over?" Fang Xuening squeezed his hand and felt that there seemed to be such a gap in his memory.

Jack: "..."

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