Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 630 Give Your Child a Lesson

After eating, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening took the initiative to clean up the tableware together, and put the unfinished food aside first, and then put it in the refrigerator when it was cold.

In the afternoon, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening played a lot of interactive games with Brother Jie, and also contributed a lot of famous scenes. It seems that they can also be used as material by those programs that edit live clips.

That night, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening still invited Brother Jie out for a meal, and then continued to set off the next day. They didn't leave the city directly, but played around in the city according to the strategy given by Brother Jie.

Generally speaking, the journey with locals to guide the way is still very comfortable, whether it is eating or playing, it is still very affordable, and the taste is very authentic.

After playing for a few days, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening continued to set off.

One feeling is obvious, the further south and west, the more mountain roads there are. Li Shuyao not only walks through big cities, but also passes through some third-tier and even small towns.

Some comparisons are quite strong, and the most intuitive one is the price comparison. Compared with first-tier and second-tier cities, the cost of living in these cities is much lower.

Li Shuyao also had a good time here, the pace of life here is relatively slow, which made her stay longer.

In fact, the construction in the city is not bad, basically everything that should be there is available.

However, there are indeed some gaps in some towns and villages. Along the way, Li Shuyao even cooperated with local poverty alleviation cadres to promote natural scenery and special products.

Li Shuyao is still very willing to do such a thing, and it is very meaningful to use her own traffic to help these rural revitalization.

After this matter started, more people contacted her.

Lu Yao also felt that this matter was very meaningful. After discussing it with Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, he cooperated with relevant departments to show the scenery and special products of several villages along the way through live broadcast and video.

When posting the video, it is also jointly contributed with the local official account.

Although the number of fans of these accounts is far less than that of Li Shuyao, this weight is placed there heavily.

"So, what do you think? Do you want to broadcast it live and make a video or something?"

At night, Li Shuyao's RV was parked on the side of the road in a town. At this time, she was sitting with Fang Xuening and the two of them holding a tablet computer, and Lu Yao was talking on the tablet.

"Actually, I think this is a very good opportunity. The primary school has been built, and the first batch of teachers and students have begun to attend classes. In addition to your live broadcast and video during this period, right, I think it is a very good opportunity to release it now." Great opportunity."

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded lightly.

In the past month, her live broadcast and video content have basically been in cooperation with the local government. To be honest, it is indeed a pleasure to cooperate with these poverty alleviation cadres. Li Shuyao is a little amazed by the work efficiency and work enthusiasm of these people.

And what Lu Yao said was the first hope primary school she donated to build.

She donated a lot of Hope Primary Schools, and there are still two that are still under construction. One of the stops of her trip was the first Hope Primary School that she donated money to. The construction has been completed and each of the Hope Primary Schools has recruited the first batch of students.

After all, she was the one who named it, and she was also the first Hope Primary School to donate money to build it. Now that it has been completed, all the students have come, and she has also traveled, so of course I have to come and see it.

In fact, Li Shuyao originally planned to take a look at it secretly, and didn't even plan to broadcast it live, but...

Isn’t it because there are a lot of cooperation with the local government this month, and then the poverty alleviation cadres in the other localities also want to cooperate and promote charity at the same time.

Charity also needs publicity, otherwise many people will not remember it. After all, putting money in your pocket and taking money from your pocket are two different concepts.

So I want to cooperate and see if we can make two or three videos to promote charity and also promote the scenery and special products of the township, which can be regarded as driving the local economy.

Lu Yao thinks this is a good opportunity, the cooperation for a while has been quite good, and the response to the video posted on the Internet has also been very good.

Everyone also supports Li Shuyao's cooperation with the local government.

The main thing is that Li Shuyao only publicized the scenery and special products, but did not bring goods, and pointed out the advantages and disadvantages, allowing the audience to choose by themselves, which made everyone very comfortable.

In fact, this is what Li Shuyao said to others, publicity belongs to publicity, but don't expect her to just say good things out of conscience, your stuff is good if it's good, and it's not good if it's not good. Although she wants to help publicize, she won't cheat own water friend.

Fang Xuening didn't speak at the side. She actually knew that Li Shuyao had been quietly doing charity these years, and she herself also helped a few poor students along with her, but she didn't donate to primary schools.

This matter is still up to Li Shuyao to decide by herself, she will not interfere with anything.

"Then let's cooperate, a little publicity is fine." Li Shuyao nodded and said.

Although she didn't want to be too high-profile, she would actually refuse to cooperate if she had the opportunity.

"Okay, I'm going to bring a production team over this time, and we'll shoot two episodes together." Lu Yao laughed.

"Okay, then come over here." Li Shuyao also nodded.

"Then you should rest early, I will arrive probably the day after tomorrow."

"it is good."

After hanging up the video call, Li Shuyao leaned on the sofa and let out a long breath, then Fang Xuening also let out a sigh like her, then Brother Gou, then Xiaohong, and then Shuping.

Li Shuyao: "..."

One or two of you don’t betray people anymore, don’t you think you will transform into my form tomorrow, don’t you know that you are not allowed to become a spirit now!

And Fang Xuening, don't you find it strange to see these kittens?Are you used to it?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Fang Xuening turned her head to see Li Shuyao's strange eyes and said with a smile, "Don't you know that the kitty in our house is very smart?"

Li Shuyao: "..."

Brother Gou, I changed it myself, so I don’t know!I even teach it a lesson!
Xiaohong, I recruited myself, so I don't know!I also went to its house!
Shuping, I personally... Uh, it seems that Shuping has nothing to do with me.

Alas, it seems that there is still a lack of care for Shuping's little friend. When I go back... No, I can't wait to go back. It will be a month or two after I go back, and the children have grown up.

It looks like the surprise class is about to start now!

Anyway, I can almost memorize those things by myself, and I brought a few books with me when I came out. Besides, if it doesn't work, I can check it online.

For Xiao Shuping's words, otherwise, I will not pay attention to the emperor's tricks. After all, I probably won't survive Brother Gou. If I can't wait for the day when I successfully succeed to the throne, then...

Learn the Four Books and Five Classics.

Anyway, they are all Confucian classics, right, they are just used to educate the world... world cats.

So Li Shuyao picked up Shuping with his backhand, and said in its bewildered eyes:

"Come on, Shuping, I will give you lessons. As a kitten with dreams, you must be educated. Today I will tell you about "The Doctrine of the Mean". The villain is against the mean. The gentleman is the mean, and the gentleman is moderate. The villain is the mean, and the villain has no fear."

Fang Xuening: "..."

What is this guy talking about?

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