Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 66 Swing together!

Chapter 66 Swing Together!
(This chapter is better eaten with the songs "Swing Together" and "Samsara")
"Let's rock! Let's rock! Forget all the pain and rock!"

The style was completely different from the one in the name of the father before, as if this fast-paced melody was more suitable for this scene, almost instantly, the scene was directly ignited.

The singer and the DJ immediately jumped up together, and the audience below also stood up one after another, and the young ladies standing on the deck all jumped up one by one.

The extremely strong sense of rhythm has become the only thing in the entire bar at this moment, and Li Shuyao's unrestrained roar has also become the loudest voice in this small world.

There is no mystery, no ostentatious skills, extremely simple lyrics, extremely simple tunes, simple and refreshing, the ultimate rock and roll.

Forget everything, come here and be happy to the fullest, forget all the troubles, then let's rock together!

"Who knows what will happen tomorrow, so let's swing together to our heart's content right now..."

As the first person jumped onto the stage, the people one after another also jumped on the stage, bouncing and bouncing along with the melody, and everyone chanted "Swing together" together with Li Shuyao!
This song is very simple, even if you don't know how to sing many lyrics, everyone will be able to sing the four words together, and you can understand them all.

At this moment, the manager of the bar was very excited, standing in the private room on the second floor, running back and forth, holding the walkie-talkie and yelling: "Stage, lighting, follow me, I don't care if you have heard this song or not, I have not listened to it But, do you still need to hear this song? You still need to hear this rhythm, if you can't keep up, I will deduct your money!"

"The security guards are on the lookout, don't let anyone fish in troubled waters, this rhythm is absolutely, absolutely, absolutely not allowed to be destroyed."


After arranging a round, the manager also swayed along with the rhythm. At this moment, he had a lot of thoughts in his mind. What the hell is this treasured singer? Is this a new song?Free song?This is too strong, this is simply a golden bar song, this song must be bought!
If it can become the exclusive golden song of their bar...

Well, it's unlikely, but if she can become the singer of their bar... Even if she can't be a permanent resident, it's okay to make a guest appearance once in a while, and the employer will give her a free annual card!
A few more songs like this one, it's not a problem to give her a lifetime of free!

Fang Xuening was dumbfounded from below, what the hell, is this Li Shuyao?This is your first time at a bar?When did this kid become so awesome? You came here to drink, not to sing...and you just sang new songs...on the spot?You are like a heifer who can fly, cow B has gone to the sky.

And sister Lu... why did you run up and dance with her?
When a few people danced on stage just now, Lu Yao rushed up and swayed along with him.

"Swing Together...Swing Together...Swing Together...Swing Together!"

When the song reached the end, almost the whole audience roared and swayed together!
When the music ended, Li Shuyao happily looked at the crowd and felt very proud. Look at you, look at you, so many people were moved by my music. It was so cool to dance along with it the first time I heard it.

After the music stopped, some people jumped off the stage, and some looked at Li Shuyao excitedly.

That expression seems to be...

Do it again!





After one person yelled, everyone started yelling too. Li Shuyao giggled and leaned in front of the microphone: "Then... do it again?"

"Okay!" Everyone shouted together.

When the passionate music sounded again, the whole scene cheered. It was different from the first time. After listening to it once, both the lighting and the stage effects kept up, and the audience at the scene would at least sing along. With one sentence, the whole audience cheered up together.

The new customers were stunned, pulled the salesman next to him and asked, "What's going on today? The atmosphere is not right, it's not even 12 o'clock yet, are you so excited?"

"It seems that a guest sang a song, and then the audience cheered up."

"What song is this, I don't think I've heard it before."

"I don't know, it seems to be a new song...I heard that she composed it herself."

The guest looked skeptical, I'm not stupid, don't lie to me, a guest came here to sing, and even sang someone's original new song, is she drunk?
The salesman also looked helpless: "I heard that it seems to be an up owner, that is, the one created in the name of my father, maybe he is shooting a video."

"Damn it, little fairy?" The customer suddenly became energetic, and ran inside without selling, shouting as he ran, "Let's swing together!"

Anyway, he just listened to it for a long time, everyone shouted, and he shouted too!
The salesman was speechless, could it be that I am not attractive enough, why one or two ran to swing...

Well, the song sounded really good, and the scene was really high, making her want to go up and rock together.

At this moment, the manager also received a lot of WeChat and phone calls from many people. Many people were at the scene, just asking who the person on the field was, and I also suspected that it was Li Shuyao, but I was not sure. I asked if they specially invited come...

He could only explain over and over again that he improvised.

There is no way, it is indeed an impromptu performance, not invited by them, his nonsense here may arouse people's resentment.

No need!
It's pretty good now, it seems that she likes this kind of feeling on stage, and she will be waived later. Is there anything I can discuss.

At this time, almost the second time of singing here, Li Shuyao let out a long breath, and then yelled at the people on the stage again: "Everyone is not happy!"


"Do you still want to play another song?"

"miss you!"

"Okay, then, next, I will give you an English song Samsara, let's cheer up together!" Li Shuyao waved his hand, and everyone on the field cheered together.

The brisk rhythm quickly came to mind. Although everyone had never heard this song, as the rhythm continued to advance, everyone jumped together again.

"Time's running up, tick tock."

"And I'm set on minely a thread of life."


"Take me home to Samsara, Samsara."


The melody suddenly slowed down gradually, as if it was waiting for something, as if something was about to explode in the next moment.

The next second, the sound of dong dong dong sounded, and the audience cheered again. The completely different tunes made them feel like they had really reincarnated.

But this long piece of pure music is not monotonous at all, and it ignites the passion of the scene at once!
At this moment, people both on and off the field unconsciously started to beat the rhythm. The next moment, the pure music ended and the part of the lyrics entered again. But the ever-increasing rhythm filled everyone's hearts with anticipation, as if Waiting for the coming of the next reincarnation.

As Li Shuyao whispered into the microphone: "Samsara!" The music started to boil up again, and the scene also boiled up again, and almost everyone shouted together:




Not everyone came to the stage, the people in the audience smiled and watched the hot scene, and the people on the field cheered along with them heartily, as if all their troubles and sorrows were thrown out of the sky at this moment.

 Daily poetry class:

  Yulinling·Hidden Cicada

  Cold and cold, the evening of the long pavilion, the beginning of the shower.

  There is no clue in the tent of the capital, but at the place of nostalgia, Lan Zhou urges it.

  Doubted see tears in their eyes, even Yuning choke.

  Reading to go, thousands of miles of smoke and waves, the dusk is deep and the sky is wide.

  Passionate has hurt parting since ancient times, and it's even more nagging, cold and cold!
  Where to wake up tonight?Willow bank, dawn and waning moon.

  This is going to be a good year.

  Even though there are thousands of styles, who would you tell them?
  Liu Yong was miserable too. He was talented, but he was rejected by the emperor. It can be said that he was talented when he was successful, and talented when he was defeated. Although his tragic experience left countless poems that are well-known, but in the end the misery was borne by him.

  But would it really be better if he embarked on an official career?

  With his character, it might be even worse.

  Perhaps, lingering in brothels and ending up with a lifetime is the best arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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