After about 40 minutes, the doorbell of Li Shuyao's house rang, and then the two went out together, and then saw 72 Jianxiao, Dong Ni and Nan Yiyi standing outside the door, and Nan Yiyi was still facing the two of them Excitedly waved.

It looked like they were recording a video, and she was still holding a camera, that is, Nan Yiyi came here with a bag on her back without any heart.

"Welcome." Li Shuyao came over with a smile and opened the door to welcome the three of them in.

Fang Xuening looked at the three people curiously from behind and asked, "So, what exactly are you going to shoot today?"


"Go in and talk, go in and talk."

"Yes, yes, go in and talk, go in and talk."

The three of them prevaricated for a while with playful smiles, and then Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening led a few people into the house in a daze.

Then...five people stood in the hall and stared at each other...

Immediately afterwards, 72 Jianxiao and Dong Ni looked at Nan Yiyi, as if they were saying something.

You said that this is your home field, so go!
Brother Gou and Xiaohong led Shuping and three kittens to watch the fun. Every time someone came to the house, they could watch the fun and learn how to treat others. I learned it, otherwise you would not be able to learn it at all from the few people in your family!

These few people in the family don't know what they are doing every day, hum, you do those things!right!As kittens, we are too embarrassed to talk about you!

Sure enough, it is safest to see how one contacts with outsiders.

Brother Gou turned his head and yelled at Shuping, take a good look at it and learn how to treat people, don't just know how to tease your vagina when you go out all day, I dare not take you out like this.

This arena is not just fighting and killing, but also cats love the world.

"Uh...that, uh...want to visit you..." Nan Yiyi stammered.

"Ah yes yes yes."

"Yes Yes Yes."

72 laughed and nodded along with Tony.

"What to do, I dare not take it." Nan Yiyi whispered to the two of them.

"a ha ha ha……"

"Hey hey hey..."

The two laughed awkwardly beside them.

Nan Yiyi was a little nervous, her face turned red immediately, she covered her mouth while laughing nervously, then as if she had made up her mind, both hands sank down, she even pointed to the ground with her right hand and said:
"I'm going to rob! I'm going to rob!"

Li Shuyao: "???"

Fang Xuening: "???"

The two of them looked confused. Is this a new video mode?

The dog brother who was following me suddenly fell off the sofa, Ma Dan, are humans playing so flamboyantly now, this young lady seems to have a good relationship with Ma Ma before, so should I make a move? ?

She just said she was going to rob, right?At this time, I should make a move, right?
However, why does it feel that the atmosphere is a bit out of place.

Then Brother Gou looked back and saw Xiaohong with a strange face and Shuping with a serious face.

Brother Gou just slapped two big mouths when he went up, it's good if you two don't usually learn something!What is so easy to learn about this thing!

Xiaohong looked aggrieved, I didn't learn, I just thought it was fun, does this also hit me?
Shuping looked aggrieved, at first you asked me to study hard, but now you don't allow me to learn, do you want me to learn?

Over there, Nan Yiyi rushed to the refrigerator with a blushing face, and then opened the refrigerator door directly, and took out the outermost... um, the canned herring as soon as she reached out.

"What is this?" Nan Yiyi didn't look carefully, there seemed to be fish patterns on it, presumably it should be canned fish or something, hey, anyway, the home of a food blogger, right, it must be delicious!

Then I took out the blue cheese and shark meat that were placed on the side...

Uh, these things are basically put together. Li Shuyao is going to train Gou Ge to eat them, but it is still in the stage of psychological construction.

Well, although the kitty can't eat that salty food, she doesn't want to give it canned herring anyway, right? Canned herring is quite delicious, and she still keeps it for herself.

Nan Yiyi was getting excited, and then found that everyone seemed to be looking at him strangely.

"Why... I'll take it myself..." Nan Yiyi looked at the two male compatriots and agreed to grab it together. Why am I the only one left now?
Scumbag!After all, it was a wrong payment!
" you want to see what you are holding?" 72 smacked his mouth with a smile.

"I also think we may...can't eat this..." Dong Ni also said a little embarrassed.

Brother Gou looked at Nan Yiyi in shock from behind. He didn't expect that this human being looked pretty, not only came in and yelled that it was going to be robbed, but also came in to rob...that kind of thing?

Is that really that delicious?
Someone came to snatch it?
Brother Gou fell into deep self-doubt, could it be that my sense of smell is wrong?Is this thing really delicious?How about... try?
Well, let Shuping try it.

Anyway, isn't the birth of a baby just for experimentation, otherwise what's the use of having a baby.

"This is edible, isn't this canned fish?" Nan Yiyi took a closer look: "I'll go, canned herring... Yaoyao, why do you have this kind of canned food at home?"

Li Shuyao grinned, I want to say that I bought this, would you believe me?

"Then let's grab something else!" Nan Yiyi put the things back in his hand, started to take other things, and then turned to look at the two of them: "Hey? Why are you two still not moving?"

"Ahem, come on."

"Huh? You're not robbing?" Nan Yiyi was shocked.

"No, I'm a little embarrassed."

"Yes, we are not as thick-skinned as you are."

"Yeah, how could someone grab things as soon as they arrived at the house?"

"I would have liked to send my best wishes."

"Yeah, what an embarrassment."

"Huh?" Nan Yiyi opened her mouth when she saw the two of you talking to each other, then quickly stuffed the things in her hands back, and rushed to Li Shuyao's side with a brisk step, and affectionately took her hands .

"Yaoyao, that's not the case. It's impossible for me to rob you. They forced me. You have to trust me."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Why are you playing so embarrassingly.

Li Shuyao could only smile and nod: "Well, I trust you, but I trust you."

"Haha, she believed it, he believed it." Nan Yiyike was happy.

"Just kidding, look at you, I shouldn't... I was thinking of coming here today to experience life with others, but in the end you took us and forced them to say something about emptying their refrigerator... "…" Tony said with a smirk.

72 opened his mouth when he saw the smile, and stared at the camera lens with his nostrils, with a complex expression on his face: "Grievance..."

Then he turned and stared at Dong Ni: "You have the nerve to say such a thing!"

Brother Gou looked at it with great interest, sure enough, sure enough, I said that there are reversals, that's right, every time these gangs of up masters come, it's just reversals and reversals Well, let me say that there will definitely be surprises after watching it.

Sure enough, you have to watch the communication between humans and humans to learn something. Wow, what's the point of watching the interaction between kittens and puppies, besides animal desire or animal desire, as a cat out of low-level fun, my favorite Still look at the interaction of these up masters...

Uh, maybe it doesn't know, there is something called - program effect.

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