Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 683 What to Bring

Chapter 683 What to Bring
What to bring to the auction is a question that both Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening need to think about.

The two of them rarely use any props in their videos, so they need to think carefully about what to bring.

Li Shuyao felt that some conditions should be met.

This thing can't be too expensive, like some very expensive jewelry, it's really pretty when you take it out, but it's easy to make other up owners look bad.

It's actually easier to be scolded if you compare it to other up hosts for taking such a precious amount, and the host's face is not good-looking, so it's not humanly sophisticated.

And you have made the price too high, which not only creates a burden for other up owners, but also makes it difficult for the next issue. Although the economic level of the top up owners is slightly better, it is part of the head, everyone Most of them are like that.

So you come up with something worth 10,000+ or ​​hundreds of thousands at once...

Oh, she couldn't take it out either.

If the value is too low, it doesn’t look good. After all, this thing is also sold to other up owners. If you take out something that is too cheap, no one will want to buy it.

Although people say they are here for charity, they are not here to be taken advantage of, and the audience is not happy with what you have done.

So the current situation is that if you make the value too low, the audience will think that you are not paying attention to it, and if you make the value too high, the audience will think that you are showing off your wealth.

Now everyone may pay more attention not to the value of the item itself, but to the practicality and added value.

The first is whether it is useful for everyone to buy it back.

If it doesn't work, it matters whether the thing makes sense.

For example, Caiqian’s small knife in the last issue is not worth much in itself, but Caiqian has given this knife more meaning in it, which has added value and collection value.

In addition to the artistry of many collections, the stories on them actually make collectors flock to them.

To put it more bluntly, if the Chuanguo Yuxi is in the world at this time, it will be a priceless treasure. The material itself is also very good, so it is not priceless.

But the added value of this thing is so great that it needs a country to protect it.

Naturally, Li Shuyao doesn't have such fierce things, but she can use this as her guiding ideology. Her core idea is to find something that is not bad in itself, and then has a little added value.

If you look around, Li Shuyao will focus on a sword.

It’s not the one given by fans for her birthday, but the one she had before. She once used it in a co-production video with Big Tomatoes. She also uses it occasionally when she practices swords in the morning, and even when she travels in an RV. I also brought it.

So for this sword, many old fans are no strangers, after all, it has appeared in the live broadcast room or in the video.

Although this sword has not been sharpened, its quality is very good. The original price is more than 2000, which can be said to be quite expensive. In addition, it has appeared in the video many times and has followed her for a long time. She I think it's good to take this out.

There should be many male protagonists who came to participate in the auction. Who doesn't have a martial arts dream? Even if you can't really become a hero, it's not bad to wave a sword.

The quality of this sword is very good, although it is not sharpened, Li Shuyao usually oils it to maintain it.

If you like to exercise, this sword can be used to practice Tai Chi sword; if you like to collect, this sword can be used as an eye-catching outfit; if you like to shoot videos, this sword can be used as a prop.

And this sword is also very beautiful, the scabbard is black and red, and there is a dragon pattern on the body, it can definitely be called a handsome word when you pick it up and play with it.

Li Shuyao can also give a sword box as a gift, and some items for maintenance, which are definitely worth the money.

It shouldn't be a problem to shoot a few thousand yuan.

In the future, she will switch to the sword given by the fans. This sword may be shelved, and it is also a good choice to use it for charity.

Moreover, the auction is also bought by a few familiar up owners, so it should be considered pretty good in their hands.

If no one wants it, it's great to ask Fang Xuening to take it back.

This is one of the two lots she sent.

Another one, she intends to send something that is purely meaningful than its own value.

When Li Shuyao came down from the attic warehouse holding the sword box, she saw Fang Xuening holding a silver-white metal scepter, and the crystals on the top of the scepter also looked very beautiful.

"You are, let him be the scepter in the MV of that song." Li Shuyao said with a smile, "Didn't you have the two scepters of Kebaby, and you are willing to take out one today."

Fang Xuening, who was the Queen of Ice and Snow, had a silver-white scepter in her hand when shooting the MV. Although it is silver-plated and the crystals on it are man-made, the overall workmanship is exquisite, and it looks and feels very good. .

In addition, the song "Follow Him" ​​has achieved great success in both Chinese and English versions. After such a long period of publicity and release, it has become an excellent work that everyone is familiar with.

Fang Xuening now sings this song mostly when she goes out to perform occasionally, and there is a tendency to use this song directly for retirement.

So this scepter that once appeared in the MV naturally has a certain meaning in it.

Two of these scepters were made at the time, one was used and the other was used as a spare, the two were exactly the same, and Fang Xuening kept them carefully after the shooting.

I can take out one for auction today, and I probably feel distressed.

"Anyway, it's just this one time. I won't offer anything for the auction next time. I'll just buy it."

Fang Xuening is naturally very distressed. She usually does not buy a lot of things to evaluate when shooting videos, and there are still very few valuable and meaningful things.

"Well, it's really not possible. I can pick two figures and put them up for auction. Those figures are quite expensive."

Fang Xuening thought about it for a while, and felt that this idea was not bad, after all, those figures are not cheap, and some of them are even out of print!
Hey, the out-of-print figures seem to be a little bit reluctant, forget it, let’s take those valuable, but not out-of-print ones!
Then Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao: "Are you going to take this sword with you?"

"Ah." Li Shuyao nodded: "It's handsome, hehe, but I also prepared a big gift."

"What?" Fang Xuening asked curiously.

"Come, come." Li Shuyao put the sword box beside her, and then led Fang Xuening to the cloakroom.

She opened the innermost cabinet, and there were all CR uniforms in it.

CR issued a lot of teams, except for the long-sleeved and short-sleeved ones of different ages, every time they come to the sponsor, they will send out a new one, so although they only stayed for more than a year, there are still a lot of team uniforms.

Li Shuyao didn't take the one hanging on the top, but took out a box from the bottom. After opening it, there was a folded long-sleeved CR team jersey inside, with the ID "yao" written on the back, and then, under the ID, was CR won the championship last year with the whole team and the coach's signature.

That's right, this is the clothes she wore in S11 last year, and the signatures on them were all signed after winning the championship.

Of course, it wasn’t just one piece of clothing. At that time, there were 6 pieces of clothes. After all, there were T-shirts and coats. Li Shuyao asked everyone to sign all 6 pieces of clothes. It is also possible to take out one piece for charity auction.

Besides, even if they were all given away, it would be easy for her to get everyone to sign for another round.

(End of this chapter)

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