Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 685 Okay, thank you

Chapter 685 Okay, thank you

"I don't know which up masters will come today."

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening came all the way to the door of Ah Zong's house, and then knocked on the door with a little excitement. When she came here, she suddenly had the illusion of participating in a charity party.

Hey, isn't this something that you only see in novels, and finally one day I will come to participate!
This, although the scale may be a little bit smaller, but the nature is the same.

"He didn't tell you?" Fang Xuening asked in surprise.

"He wanted to tell me, but I didn't want to ask." Li Shuyao chuckled and said, "Don't you think it's like opening a blind box... Then when we meet at that time, oops, you're here too, it's very interesting feel."

Fang Xuening: "..."

Okay, this person is like this, it has always been like this, there is no way, I guess it can't be changed.

However, if I spoil the scene at this time, will I just...

Fang Xuening just wanted to give Li Shuyao a whirlwind spoiler, but the door of his house opened, and the one who opened the door was Nan Yiyi.

"Oh, Yaoyao, Xue Ning, you are here." Nan Yiyi smiled and said: "Come in, come in, there are many people here."

"Good guy, are you so active?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth, "Why do I feel like I've seen you a lot lately, hahaha..."

"Haha, Yiyi, how long has it been since you updated the dance video, I'm still waiting to see the legs... Ah no, I'm still waiting to learn how to dance."

"Hahaha...then let's dance together."

"Hey, the moon is so beautiful today."


Nan Yiyi has now enjoyed the benefits of joint submissions, so she has basically been joint submissions for a while, and she has been busy with some things at home recently, so she didn't focus on making dance videos.

Speaking of it, sometimes I feel a little helpless. The video you have spent a lot of energy to produce may not have as much data as those joint submissions.

This has gradually become a trend, with more and more joint submissions, and more and more up hosts choose to leave their hometowns and come to this city to rent a house.

These up masters are all in this city, and it will be easier to link up.

So more linkage videos appeared.

The audience also liked to watch it, and then the up hosts racked their brains to think of the material for the linkage video. After all, if you invite other up hosts to come, you have to come up with something, otherwise they may not come next time.

Naturally, Nan Yiyi still wants to dance, but she is going to put dancing and linkage together, and let the up masters dance with her!

Anyway, she didn't intend to let Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening go!
Walking inside, many people have already come, besides Nan Yiyi, there are also Hongsang, Ye Haojun, Xiao Li Xun, Yong Qi, several people are sitting around a table chatting enthusiastically.

Seeing Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening coming over, the people here cheered loudly, and the two of them also greeted the big guy happily.

"Haha, who else is not here?"

After greeting everyone and sitting down, Li Shuyao asked with a smile.

"Ang, there should be a new baby daddy who hasn't come." Ah Zong said, looking back and forth.

"Daddy? Who is it?" Fang Xuening was taken aback for a moment.

"It can't be... Liyuan Bacteria." Li Shuyao thought for a while and said, she had seen Liyuan Bacteria's video of becoming a father before, although there were some twists and turns, but the final result was still very good.

"That's right, that's him, that's him."

As soon as everyone's voice fell, the doorbell rang over there.

"Here we come, ah ha ha, daddy is here."

"I'll go, I'll go, haha."

Classmate Nan Yiyi ran over and opened the door.

Li Shuyao slammed her mouth, she finally understood why Nan Yiyi ran over to open the door just now.

After a while, Nan Yiyi walked over with a man with a slightly pale face.

Then everyone groaned and cheered together again.

Li Shuyao couldn't help but smacked her lips when she saw Li Yuanjun's face, it really wasn't easy to raise a human cub, what a handsome guy, why does he look so haggard.

Tsk tsk, poor child.

The big guys cared about the situation of Liyuan Bacteria, and then teased and joked with each other. With so many people, they quickly became one.

Ah, Zong has already sent out the general process and script before, and everyone here today almost knows the process, but they don't know what else is there besides what they brought.

Coupled with the mysterious look of Zongshen before, everyone has a little more expectation.

And this anticipation and the expression when seeing the item are also one of the effects of the program. If you know it in advance, it will be boring. The acting is not as interesting as the first reaction at that time.

So ah well, the content of the auction has not been announced, just a little step by step will be fine.

"Okay, then shall we start filming?" Ah Ma said with a smile.

"Ok, Ok."

"Let's get started, I can't wait."

"Oh oh oh, it's starting, it's starting."


"here we go."

Following Ah Ma Zong's order, everyone applauded together, and the cameraman also pulled up the camera beside him.

"The new year's show, the UP Main Auction is here again, let me explain to the audience who don't know, we are a public welfare auction."

Ah, Zong patted the table and said:
"Some up masters will bring their 'heirlooms' to this site for everyone to auction. Those present will bid, and those with high bids will take this item, and finally all the money they get will be donated. "

"Today we also invited a lot of well-known up masters to come to the scene and introduce them from the beginning."

"Hi everyone, I'm Yehaojun. As a participant of the two sessions, my goal today is to only bid and not pay!" Yehaojun smiled while holding up the small card in his hand.

"Good!" Everyone applauded together.


No. 2 Liyuan Bacteria smiled a couple of times while holding his hand and clapping his lips to the camera... and didn't make a sound.

"it is good!"

Everyone continued to applaud.

At this time, silence is better than sound.

After Nan Yiyi, La Hongsang, Xiao Lixun, Fang Xuening, Li Shuyao, and Yongqi were introduced one by one, the camera turned to sister Na who was standing on the other side of the table.

Sister Na wore a small black dress and white gloves and said with a smile: "Hello everyone, then, let's start today's first auction, which is provided by the Pale Yellow School. Please watch the VCR."

As soon as Sister Na walked away, a handsome boy appeared on the small screen behind him...ah no, it was the little face of the light yellow school.

"In order to save everyone's time, I will directly introduce the item I offered this time. This is the roast duck oven that I have treasured for many years..."

Then the Pale Yellow Pie ​​dragged over a big iron pot half a person's height.

Everyone: "..."

"...This is definitely worth the money, I really like it! No! Give up! Definitely!"

The Pale Yellow School said "gritting their teeth":

"It's just a bit heavy, weighing 60 kilograms. Be careful when you take it back."

Then the screen changed, and there was a picture of the light yellow school chatting with A Ma Zong.

Pale Yellow Pie: "The starting price of the roast duck stove is 500, and the starting price is 500."

Ah Well Zong: "Who the fuck is so expensive..."

This sentence was typed out and deleted, then typed out and deleted again, and finally four words were typed out:

"OK, thanks."

(End of this chapter)

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