He Yiping immediately reacted, sure enough, Jiang is still old and hot, although Brother Xin is only 2 years older than him, but the experience of this life can be called a comprehensive blow to him.

He was excited just now because he guessed the other party's arrangement, so he thought about how to get in and laugh at the five colleagues.

Of course, Boss Yaoyao, Sister Lu and Sister Xue Ning dare not laugh at them, so just ignore them when the time comes.

Now that Liang Xin broke him a little bit, he suddenly understood, what the hell was he thinking just now? If he really did this, and nothing else, these little girls would have to catch him and hammer him.

It is estimated that Boss Yaoyao, Sister Lu and Sister Xue Ning may also have opinions on him at that time, hiss, it is so dangerous, if Brother Xin reminded him, he would be hated by others without knowing it.

As expected, he is indeed a man with 6-pack abs. Look at the awareness, look at the depth of thought, look at the speed of reaction, how much emotional pain has been experienced to react directly, tsk tsk, as expected, this man also You can't be too handsome and have a good body shape.

Look at Brother Xin, although he doesn't say he's particularly handsome, he's still quite upright, much more handsome than the muscular guy in Douyin.

Otherwise, why would the little girls upstairs come down for a stroll from time to time, obviously just to see Brother Xin, anyway, he felt that he had nothing to see.

"Brother Xin, you're tall." He Yiping immediately gave a thumbs up.

"It's nothing, you have to remember, our purpose is to eat delicious food, for me to achieve this goal, it doesn't matter if I make some sacrifices, you know, it's okay to be frightened by others."

Liang Xinyu said earnestly:
"And we can't be too exaggerated, as if we saw it, you have to keep in mind that we didn't see anything, we were just scared by them, if you can't behave so naturally, Then try to forget and really let them scare you a little bit."

"After scaring them, they were really happy, and then this turned the page, and then they accepted us, and then we can have a good meal together."

He Yiping looked admiring, what is a brother, this is the real brother, where do you go to learn this life experience, you have nowhere to learn it!

"I guess, they may be stimulated by something. At this time, they just want to find someone to vent out this stimulation. As for us, this is the best object. You know, let them take this breath away." If we leave, let's complete the task, hello, hello, hello everyone." Liang Xin looked at the green light that suddenly disappeared before his eyes and sighed.

Beer!Real beer!

He Yiping convinced Liang Xin. This analysis was convincing. Anyway, he believed it. He was going to observe how Liang Xin performed in a while.

"Are you ready?" Liang Xin looked at He Yiping.

"En!" He Yiping nodded heavily.

"Go." Liang Xin took two quick steps, and then pressed the doorbell... There was no response, and the green light that had been turned off in the house did not turn on, as if there was no one in the room.

As expected!

The two looked at each other, and both saw the firmness in each other's eyes.

Today, whether it is Longtan or Tiger's Den, they are going to break through it!

"Hey, why is there no one there?" Liang Xin looked inside very naturally, then pretended not to see the big iron gate that was opened a little bit, and leaned against it gently.


The big iron gate opened suddenly, and Liang Xin staggered and fell in: "Oh, why is this door open, something is wrong."

Beer!Too good!
He Yiping gave Liang Xin a thumbs-up in his heart. Could this acting skill be written into a certain film's textbook?
"Brother Xin, why don't we call the boss? It doesn't feel right." He Yiping also ran over quickly, and when he was halfway there, he suddenly saw a black shadow standing at the door: "Fuck...that, that... ...a big rat?"

Liang Xin looked at He Yiping's "natural" acting skills and gave him a thumbs up. It's ok bro, although you usually look a little silly, but you really don't lose the chain at critical moments. Your frightening performance is very natural what.

"What big rat?" Liang Xin also looked over, but saw nothing. After secretly giving He Yiping a thumbs up, he said, "It's raining so hard that we can't get out our phone, why don't we go in and have a look?" , don’t let anything happen.”

"Ahem, that... ah, it's okay..." He Yiping was really startled just now, and then the black shadow disappeared in a flash, and he also calmed down.

Although he has predicted it in advance, but... he is really afraid of mice.

Aren't these little girls afraid of mice?Can this thing be taken out?My God, you are too brave.

Starting today, He Yiping feels that he has refreshed his understanding of these girls.

The two walked quickly through the front yard, and then they seemed to hear some distant and near sounds, and even some intrusive laughter.

The two looked at each other and said secretly, this is coming.

Pushing open the door, there is darkness beyond the door, and there is no moonlight in the rainy day outside. They can't take out their mobile phones because of the rain, so at most they can see a little bit.

After the two of them came in, they didn't bother to take off their raincoats, and they didn't seem to dare to go in. They stood at the door and called Li Shuyao and Lu Yao's names, but there was no response at all.



Suddenly, a miserable meow startled the two of them, and they yelled loudly... Uh, He Yiping might have been really frightened. Anyway, his expression was really frightened. Liang Xin should not have been frightened. , that cry...

No matter how it sounds, it sounds like she was always ready to shout, and then finally gave her a chance to shout.

After the meow, the surrounding area gradually lit up with a misty green light, and the ground seemed to be rolled up with wisps of cloud and mist. A huge cat-shaped light and shadow appeared in front of them, and there was a row of people around it that looked like It was a shadow like a small mouse, and the surrounding voices fluctuated, sometimes far and sometimes near...


The two of them yelled together, then they started to back away slowly, their left foot mixed with their right foot, and they both fell into a squatting squat.

It's natural!

Both of them secretly gave themselves a thumbs up in their hearts, which must be interesting enough, didn't they deliberately didn't take off their raincoats just to squat for a little fart.

Then the two saw seven "huge" shadows appearing in the green light, some of them looked like Hades, some of them looked like zombies, and some of them looked like black and white impermanence...

Anyway, these images have long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. Everyone can tell what it is just by looking at the shadow, and even the two of them can tell that the king of Hades is Li Shuyao, and the zombie is Fang Xuening...

Everyone has been in contact with this for a long time, and they are all familiar with it. Well, Liang Xin can even point out who the little ghosts next to him are, and they keep their heads down all day long.

At this time, both of them felt a sense of relief in their hearts, these guys were really planning to scare themselves.

Tsk tsk, fortunately, the two of them had already prepared!Everyone must be very happy at this time, tonight's supper is finally settled!

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