Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 710 I Am Tap Water

The computers in Wang Pei’s house are specially made. Although the quantity is not as crazy as that of Brother Jie’s, the quality is higher. He has made a video of installing the computer and running the score before, and the score he got at the end is also among the top three in the world. name.

He first carefully observed the cover, and then slowly opened the anime.

There are not many things that he can look forward to these days, so all the things released by the other party should be carefully read.

And this cover is really layered, it looks like it was drawn by Li Shuyao on purpose.

When I click on the animation, there is no direct OP to slap the face, and there are no various advertisements, just enter the screen directly.

This is quite normal. Generally speaking, in order to attract the audience in the first episode, there will be a plot before the OP. This plot is relatively intense and exciting. The main task is to catch people's attention and create suspense, so that people have to continue watching. The urge to go down.

What skills do you have? In the opening paragraph of the first episode, you must shoot directly on people's faces, otherwise many people will not continue to read.

In fact, this is not only the case of Chinese comics, but most of the animations are like this.

Even the first part of the first episode of some anime has little to do with the text...

For example, the colleague of Naruto that Li Shuyao once saw - Bo Ren Biography.

It's not a theatrical version, it's a full-length anime.

The first half of the first episode will make your blood boil with suspense, and then the latter... well, it doesn't matter that much.

After opening this anime, the first glance of the picture is a bit amazing. It can be seen that the production team is very ambitious. Some poor production teams will have a lot of poor image quality. Although many of their stories are well told, But the picture quality is really flawed.

Many small-scale animations and movies are like this. The script is very good, but the picture is too "barren", which discourages a large number of viewers.

There are a few works that can make gods in terms of plot, and later rely on word of mouth to bring back some audiences, but it is still the same. If there is a better viewing experience, it will definitely be a hit.

The Wushan Five Elements was originally a blockbuster, and Li Shuyao made improvements on this basis. After all, it was opened, and there were some optimizations in the details.

Moreover, Li Shuyao not only contributed the original painting, but also helped in many productions.

That's why the production was completed so quickly, so there is such a sophisticated production.

At first glance, it was amazing.

Then came a series of explosive fight scenes, which made Wang Pei's eyes shine.

I am used to watching Japanese and American comics, but I rarely see this kind of pure Chinese style pictures, burning flames, mountains of ice crystals, sharp golden feathers...

The scene of the protagonist fighting with the unicorn is full of artistic sense of martial arts, which is completely different from Japanese comics and American comics. Foreign countries cannot understand the charm of Chinese martial arts. Can't learn its meaning.

So many foreign blockbusters look very cool, but in fact the martial arts movements are very stupid, and basically there is not much beauty in terms of beauty.

Of course, those martial arts moves full of artistic atmosphere are mostly embroidered fists and embroidered legs in actual combat. At most, they are praised by others: "Such handsome kung fu."

But it really doesn't look good when you put something that is completely actual combat into an anime or film and television drama.

Although this thing is derived from reality, it is higher than reality after all. While playing frankly, it also needs to be played with artistry, which makes people feel handsome and enjoyable.

This is how Wang Pei feels now.

When the OP sounded, he was even a little unsatisfied.

The previous paragraph tells that the fire behavior in Wushan Wuxing opened the seal for something on Qilin, and then triggered a battle between Wuxing and Qilin.

Seeing that there are two women behind him, one of them is still very weak, it should be for this woman to ask for the medicinal materials on Qilin.

However, the great war caused Qilin's son in the seal to escape secretly, and Qilin kidnapped the two women, one of whom should be Shuixing's younger sister.

Before going back, Qilin predicted that the shemale would be in chaos, and agreed to bring back the little Qilin before returning the two women.

Wang Pei paused at the beginning of the OP.

As far as the plot is concerned, it is actually very simple, and there is no special innovation, but should I say that this play is really good-looking.

It's very fantasy, when the fire broke out, he felt very comfortable in his heart, unlike some animations that feel petty, and feel that the fighting is not refreshing at all, this Li Shuyao seems to have really captured the hearts of the audience. .

"As expected of someone who really knows martial arts, the design of this martial art is good, and the rhythm is well grasped, not bad... Well, read it again."

This time, Wang Pei did not watch the plot again, but directly pulled the progress bar to the place where the fight was, and then watched the fight again...

"Cool, this production is really good..."

Then continue to listen to the opening song.

"Well... let's watch the anime."

"Hey... this landscape can be used as a wallpaper."

"Tsk tsk, this transition is very creative, it's very comfortable to watch."

"Haha, the girl is so beautiful. I thought it was a serious anime, but I didn't expect it to have a side of sand sculptures. Haha, everyone makes girls out of the bath. You make me a handsome guy out of the bath, right? Haha, not bad... Hey, This duck..."

"Why is this duck called Lin Hun? What kind of stalk is this? Or is someone in the production team called Lin Hun?"

Hmm... Regarding the name of the duck, it was naturally set by classmate Li Shuyao himself. According to legend, this duck is Lin Hun's original soul. Yes, this is also a kind of tribute!

"Hohohoho, is it time to start fighting again? This... oh, this little spinner, this little knife, it's ok."

"Are you going to use a gun? It's not easy to draw with a gun... Hey! I'll go with this little movement, the tip of the gun is trembling, it's so detailed, this fight scene is too cool."

Wang Pei was very excited. Seeing this, he wished he could run up and shoot twice.

He felt that the movements of the gun were in line with his inner yearning for the long gun.

"Fire Xing is so handsome at the end!"

Wang Pei smacked his mouth, then dragged it back, and watched it again. This fight scene was really a masterpiece, and he couldn't help but watch it again.


Wang Pei let out a long sigh of relief, and he did not disappoint me.

At this time, the desire to share suddenly arises. I can’t just watch such a good anime, I still have to share it.

The main thing is, when bragging, it’s meaningless if you just say it yourself and no one agrees. It’s like when CR won the championship, you have to talk to others about what is interesting, and it’s too boring by yourself.

Fortunately, I never lack friends.

Well, in other words, money never lacks friends.

After thinking about it for a while, he took a few screenshots, including landscapes, girlish looks, and battle scenes, and then posted on Moments: "This anime is good."

After posting, I took a look at my circle of friends by the way.

Then he discovered that there are actually many people in the circle of friends who are watching this anime, some say the picture is too beautiful, some say the battle is too smooth, and they are excited to watch it.

Sure enough, everyone is paying attention to this new anime released by Li Shuyao.

As soon as I refreshed my post, many people liked it and commented on it. I am used to it. I saw a comment: "Yo, Yaoyao is very good, please be a sailor."

Wang Pei smiled and replied:

"This animation is really good, I tap water."

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