Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 72 Signing and Planning

Chapter 72 Signing and Planning
The number of views of Dao Xiang's song is actually not low. Li Shuyao has accumulated a lot of popularity by relying on the previous videos, especially in the name of his father, so the number of views of Dao Xiang's video is more than 300 million and close to 400 million. But it is indeed not as good as the previous ones.

The food videos she usually posts every three to five times are basically around 70 million views, and occasionally a few can reach 90 million or even 100 million, but there are no more.

Therefore, hype is really able to present some excellent things to the public, so as to make them better. Of course, it can also make garbage sell for a price of gold.

It's just that it's okay to hype garbage once or twice, and people won't buy it if there are too many.

Lu Yao didn't help hype Daoxiang. The first reason is that the two parties didn't sign a contract at the time. The previous two helpings were already very face-saving. This time it was unnecessary. Moreover, Lu Yao also wanted Li Shuyao to take a look. It was also an excellent work with hype and There is no gap before and after the hype.

Of course, Station B was also featured on the homepage, and there was nothing else. After all... Li Shuyao did not sign a further contract with Station B.

"By the way, you haven't signed a contract with Station B or Netease Cloud?" Lu Yao was a little surprised. Logically speaking, if Li Shuyao is at this level, the platform should have issued an invitation long ago, unless Li Shuyao himself refused.

In fact, many ups on station B will post their own videos on many platforms, and some ups only post videos on station B. Those who only post videos on station B either have very few fans, or sign up with station B. exclusive contract.

"No." Li Shuyao shook her head.

"They didn't invite you?" Lu Yao blinked.

"Invite? Call?" Li Shuyao puffed her mouth: "Among the platforms that called me, Zhen Hong is the biggest, but he is still a snake spirit."

"..." Lu Yao opened his mouth, "Have you read your email?"

"Private message?"

"No, it's an internal letter."

"That's not it."


Well, I didn't even look at this product!

In fact, the editors of Bilibili and Netease Cloud are also a little helpless. The letter has been sent out for a long time, but there is no response at all, but they are not surprised. After all, not everyone likes to sign exclusives. Many ups have not signed exclusives with the platform. The contract, anyway, is not bad here.

Everyone is used to it.

But what made them feel helpless was not that Li Shuyao did not sign an exclusive contract with them, but that Li Shuyao only posted videos on Station B and music on Netease Cloud even though he did not sign it. People often asked them if they signed an exclusive contract with Li Shuyao , want to buy copyright or something...

But they really have it!
"For a while, a lot of people called me, added me on WeChat or Q, but I refused them all, and these people looked uneasy and kind!" Li Shuyao pouted: "I don't care about those guys! "

"..." Well, let me do these things.

"Then what is your intention? Do you plan to post only on Bilibili and NetEase Cloud, or on multiple platforms?" Lu Yao asked: "If you post on multiple platforms, you will earn more. If it is exclusive, it is best to sign a contract so that they I will also give you the best recommendations and share.”

This actually has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you develop multiple platforms, you will definitely have a wider audience. However, each platform will not give you such a good condition. High-quality recommendation resources must be leisurely given to exclusive contracted anchors. .

Of course, the recommendations that should be given will definitely be given, but they are definitely not as good as others. This is more suitable for some top stars and ups, and they are a little bit even introduced by the platform.

Exclusive development is also beneficial. If you are good enough, the platform will give you enough resources and give you a better share.

Li Shuyao thought about it for a while, why not be an exclusive, anyway, she herself doesn't want to set up a whole platform, first do it in one family, and then talk about it, it's not like signing for life directly, about once a year or two, and then splitting if she is not satisfied , what's the matter.

Li Shuyao and Lu Yao had a lot of talks. After signing the contract, they were about to start working. Lu Yao was very serious when he entered the working state, and he was not as unreliable as before.

The two discussed Li Shuyao's future, set the main tone for future development, and signed a contract with Station B and Netease Cloud in a short period of time, which was divided into two parts, one for video and live broadcast, and the other for audio.

Live broadcasting is definitely going to be live broadcasting. The benefits of live broadcasting are huge, and it is also easy to attract fans. At that time, you can edit the live broadcast video and publish it, and you can also contribute to those popular edited videos, such as what can really play? .

In addition, Li Shuyao also plans to have the opportunity to spend a year in the e-sports professional circle. It doesn't take too long, about a year is enough. Anyway, her current level is not inferior to professional players, and even much higher than many professional players. It's just awareness and understanding.

These are trivial things to her, who made her study ability max.

Lu Yao was quite surprised by this, but she didn't know that Li Shuyao had such a trick.

Nowadays, e-sports is getting bigger and bigger in the domestic market, and many celebrities choose to show their faces in e-sports. It would be good if Li Shuyao can really play a round of e-sports, even if he doesn't have any achievements.

She can hype!

It’s a gimmick in itself for a well-known beauty from the music district to play e-sports. Of course, if the strength is too poor, the other team won’t want it. .

E-sports is still a place where strength speaks.

So this point is still open to discussion. If the strength is enough, then it is okay to fight. If the strength is not enough, it is better to take the route of singing up honestly.

There was another plan that surprised Lu Yao, but it wasn't a surprise.

Li Shuyao plans to draw cartoons.

Previously, Li Shuyao's MVs were basically drawn by herself, so Lu Yao also put a question mark on her choice to draw comics.

There are many people who are good at drawing, but few can draw manga well.

After all, it is not only about painting, but also about telling stories. Many comics are not cool in style, but they become popular because the stories are good enough. This is the difference between comics and ordinary paintings.

However, she only made suggestions and would not interfere too much. In the end, it was up to Li Shuyao to decide what to do.

After all, she knows what she is capable of. She is just a manager, not her master or parents.

"Then let's go to Xiaoxue Ning to participate in her live broadcast. I will give you some live broadcast promotion. In addition, we will sign contracts with these two platforms as soon as possible. In this way, we can also use the platform's resources. Got it." Lu Yao thought for a while and said.

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Don't worry about advertising. Sometimes we don't pick up for a long time, and the audience will let us pick up. The copyright fees for the current songs should be able to make a lot of money." Lu Yao continued.

"Okay." Li Shuyao nodded with a smile: "I'll leave it to you in the future, haha."

"..." Lu Yao blinked, why does it feel like this guy finally found a tool...

 The route is more or less the same.

(End of this chapter)

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