Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 730 On Whether She Is Human

Chapter 730 On Whether She Is Human
"Yaoyao is so awesome, she can still train CR players' laning at this time, it's too strong."

"Thank you Yaoyao for your help."

"If you can really win the championship, Yaoyao will have one-third of the credit for the trophy."

"I just said why this person retired."

"If Yaoyao hadn't retired, she would have played better this year."

"Both Coffee Dou and Jingyi expressed their gratitude, and other team members also expressed their gratitude in the English stream and Korean stream interviews. It seems that Yaoyao has really helped a lot in this training."

"It's a pity, I still want to see Yaoyao smash all directions in the World Championship. Xiaohui is also very good but the suppression power is not so strong."

"Is there any plan for Yaoyao to come back next year?"

"It's impossible to come back. Isn't it good now? If you don't play well when you come back, you won't be sprayed to death."

"Don't be embarrassing, next year Yaoyao will release a new album and Wushan Five Elements movie, there is no time for a comeback."

"I hope that after the World Championship last year, the five members of CR can play a team or something, preferably with Brother Yinbi's team."

"I'm afraid you don't want Brother Yinbi to die."

"Last year's CR five people bumped into whoever died, really."


The matter of Li Shuyao training laning for CR players has naturally aroused many people's discussions. After all, she has retired for so long, and she has been traveling for a long time in the middle, but after returning, she still has such strong competitive strength. It is a little surprising and regrettable.

This time, not so many people questioned, mainly because Li Shuyao has often lined up with Yinbi and the others these days, and the opponents they often face are entire teams from some secondary leagues, or current players from the LPL.

The heat even sometimes has to compete with the S game a little bit.

So in fact, many people know that Li Shuyao's current strength is not bad, but after all, the silver coin still has some entertainment nature, and the intensity is definitely not as good as the competition. players compared.

Of course, there are still some doubts, and some people still think that this may be CR's hype for Li Shuyao or something.

They couldn't figure out the logic behind it, so they made up their own minds about the exchange of benefits. Anyway, you are here to hype, Li Shuyao has been playing for a year, how could there be a top professional player's operation.

Then CR released a video. The video was of course Li Shuyao training everyone. Of course, it was edited. The heroes that appeared were all heroes that had been used in previous games. Those who hadn’t been used would not be released.

That's the secret weapon for the finals.

But even so, everyone was dumbfounded.

The point of view of editing is to minimize the detailed operation of CR active players, mainly to reflect Li Shuyao. After all, she has retired, and she will not be targeted by others if she shows some operation habits.

Then everyone saw Li Shuyao's active team members in this crazy tulle CR, especially Xiao Hui's classmate, and they even published a collection of Xiao Hui being single-killed...

In the collection, there are not only cases where Xiao Hui was killed alone, but also Li Shuyao's mocking of Xiao Hui's classmates...Of course, everyone knows that this is a joke, but they still can't help but sympathize with Xiao Hui.

"Poor little Hui, Jiang Zi was killed."

"This is the strength of a world champion... No, the other side is also a world champion."

"For a while, I couldn't tell whether it was Yaoyao who was too strong or Xiao Hui who was too good..."

"Wow, it's so scary, I didn't expect you to be Jiang Zidi Yaoyao."

"Li Shuyao is really scary, and sometimes it feels scary and unreal. She is like a virtual AI."

"If oh, let's say join, is there a possibility that Yaoyao is actually a super robot made by the government, and then put into the world to let everyone experience the power of a cross-age robot."

"I think what you said is wrong, Yaoyao should not be a robot, but a clone, and then scientists directly implanted all kinds of high-end things into her brain, and gave her a powerful body. Knowing martial arts, she is attacking us with dimensionality reduction."


The fact that Li Shuyao helped CR players train did indeed attract a lot of traffic for her, but at the same time, it also aroused some people's curiosity about her again.

Just curious about who Li Shuyao is, or...whether she is human.

This topic is not very popular on Weibo, but it has aroused many people's onlookers and discussions on Zhihu. Speaking of which, this is not the first time that this topic has been discussed. The source is that after Li Shuyao won the championship last year, a famous Soul torture from a netizen who called me Yaoyao:

"Are the nursery rhymes in the book human?"

This was originally a question of her fans of Versailles. After all, she just won the championship and has excellent results in several fields, so the following painting style at that time was like this:

"Thank you for the invitation. I just came back from the scene. In view of the outstanding achievements of the nursery rhymes in the book in e-sports, video, music and other fields, I believe that she is indeed not a human, but a superman."

"I just took a photo with Yaoyao, and we shook hands and hugged. I'm sure he's a warm person."

"Hahahaha, FMVP Niuber, Yaoyao is the goddess of e-sports in our hearts!"

"Nonsense, Yaoyao is obviously our lovely Yaoyao ghost."


At that time, with the popularity of winning the championship, all the posts about Li Shuyao and CR had a certain degree of attention. There were also many replies to this post, but there were not so many.

Then today this post was dug out by someone:

"Take me a Luoyang shovel."

"Dig the grave and dig the grave."

"Who dug up this post, good guy, it's all nonsense."

"Let's analyze it rationally. I think the possibility of being a biochemical person is still very high. After all, a 19-year-old girl can excel in music, animation, e-sports, martial arts, food, and so many seemingly unrelated fields. It is impossible to reach the top, not to mention that she also has strong attainments in calligraphy, swimming, board games and other fields, and even maintains such a good body shape, no matter how much she eats, she is not fat, and she is also very beautiful. There are reasons to believe that biochemical humans are reasonable.”

"Have you ever thought that normal people won't get fat if they eat like Li Shuyao? It's scary to think about it, it's scary to think about it."

"Guess why the nursery rhymes in the previous book were called Yaoyao ghosts? Is it really just a trick of the water friends? Isn't there such a possibility?"

"No, you are so presumptuous. If you can't do it, it doesn't mean others can't do it. There is a kind of person in this world who is called a genius. Our family Yaoyao is this kind of genius."

"You are boring enough. According to what you say, Yaoyao is a biochemical person, the latest technology product, and then someone else's scientist made it specially for playing games? It was specially made for traveling around in an RV? E-sports and martial arts? I won’t talk about it, the anime and music are created by scientists? Stop teasing me, you asked scientists to write me a song?”

"Should I say it or not, although, the nursery rhyme in the book is indeed a bit outrageous, and sometimes I even have hallucinations. I always feel that this may not be one person but several people, and this person is the code name of these people. .”

"Brother, you are not alone, and I feel the same way."


 I feel a little uncomfortable today, I seem to have a bit of a cold, and I have been sleeping... Let's update it for now
(End of this chapter)

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