Same as last time, after winning the championship, in addition to answering some questions related to the game, the cr players also mentioned Li Shuyao's special laning training during the interview.

Then Li Shuyao appeared on the trending searches again gorgeously.

Relying on the trend of the World Championship, basically those who get involved can be on the trending searches together, and the speed is very fast.

Today is Saturday, and because five rounds have been played, it was already ten o'clock in the morning when all the games were finally finished. five innings.

So this morning's hot searches are basically taken up by s12, and two of Li Shuyao's hot searches are also normal.

Well, anyway, the popularity of Li Shuyao's live broadcast room was getting higher and higher. She had watched all the content of the official channel, and then went back to replay a few games on the computer, and then brought the audience We have watched a lot of multi-division commentary and reaction videos released by the volume kings on station b.

Some juan kings didn’t do translations, so they edited them and posted them. Li Shuyao had to help with the simultaneous interpretation, and the narrator over there yelled, and then she yelled along. translate.

This time the audience cheered.

Good guy, these "raw meat" they just can't understand and can only listen to it, at most they can understand wow, gg, and they don't understand anything else.

But Li Shuyao's translation is obviously more interesting.

She also learned a little bit about the tone of the commentary, and now everyone felt that watching her yelling was much more interesting than watching other commentators.

Just like this, I watched it after two o'clock in the afternoon before I was ready to download it.

"Okay, okay, today's live broadcast is almost here, oops, don't watch it, haha, I can't finish watching, I still have to do real-time translation for you, haha, I'm exhausted, I'm exhausted, No more translations, I don’t understand some of them, I really don’t understand…”

Li Shuyao looked at the continuation of brushing in the barrage and quickly waved her hands:

"You wait until the up masters get the cooked meat out. I won't translate for you. This thing is too tiring. That... the new song that I promised you will definitely be done. Don't worry. It will be posted in due time.”

"That's right, CR said that it will be used as the theme song, haha, I'll see what they want, and maybe give them an English song, haha, I'll talk about it when the time comes."

"Okay, okay, I have to go to eat. I didn't eat at noon when I was translating for you. If you are not hungry, I will be hungry. What kind of question marks are you asking? It's already two o'clock in the afternoon. Can I be hungry? "

"Okay, okay, get off, bye..."

After speaking, Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief, and then quickly downloaded the broadcast. Some people are very annoying, and they specially give gifts while others are downloading the broadcast. Here's to calling the soul!

Li Shuyao is that soft-hearted person again, watching the special effects of this gift floating out one by one and embarrassed not to read it, the result made these people push their feet!

Now every time I download the broadcast by myself, I have to extend it by [-] to [-] points. If there are any gifts, I can't give them in advance!

After the broadcast, Li Shuyao let out a long sigh of relief and slumped on the chair.

She had already moved from the balcony to her own room. After all, it was more convenient to watch the video live on the computer in the room.

Fang Xuening over there also packed up.

At noon, Fang Xiaoning ate at the studio.

The studio is at work today.

Today is the finals, there must be a lot of traffic, so everyone works overtime, and everyone is used to this, after all, entertainment, always go to work when others are resting.

But Li Shuyao is not the kind of boss who works overtime without thinking. If you go to work on weekends, you will come back on Monday, right? Since you go to work when others are off, then you should rest when they are at work.

As soon as she finished the broadcast, Lu Yao called.

"How is it, are you tired?" Lu Yao asked with a smile.

"It's okay, I'm not that tired." Li Shuyao scratched her head, she really wasn't very tired, even if she didn't have a system, she had practiced martial arts for a long time, so she was full of energy all day long.

"If you're not tired, let's have a barbecue in the afternoon. I've already bought everything, haha, just wait and eat." Lu Yao laughed.

"Hiss, it's hot pot in the morning and barbecue in the afternoon. Oh, it's kind of a fat set meal." Li Shuyao smacked his mouth and said.

"Isn't this CR winning the championship, why not have a good meal to celebrate?"

"That's fine, let's eat, haha, there's not much room over there in the studio, come to my backyard."

"Succeed, it just so happens that you still have a grill or something, we have a lot of people, and we can quickly finish the skewers together, and put aside some that don't need to be skewered, and then we will start grilling on time at 5 p.m.! "

Lu Yao laughed and said:
"It happens to be a holiday for them tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so we won't go to work this afternoon and prepare a barbecue together, how about it?"

"Okay, here we go and fix everything on the big screen. Let's have a barbecue while listening to music. If we're tired, we can take a rest in the tent."


The tent in the backyard withstood the test during the typhoon. After Li Shuyao inspected it, there was basically no damage. It may be because the wind in the yard is relatively small, so it continued to be tied there after cleaning.

This means that the weather is relatively cold, and Li Shuyao has drained all the water in the swimming pool, otherwise he can have a swimming pool party or something.

Li Shuyao sometimes thinks that being her own employee is so blissful...

Not long after the call was hung up, Lu Yao and Fang Xuening brought the members of the studio laughing and came over. Everyone brought a lot of things, and the four kittens followed beside them, also bouncing around.

Anyway, among other things, they smell!
Rice grows really fast. Although it is not as good as parents and sisters, it is only a little bit worse than it is, and its energy is very strong. It has not stayed at home these two days, but has been going to work. Run over there.

Uh... mainly because it's always easy to get beaten when it's at home.

Even Shuping would be beaten along with her.

Because it always messed up certain things in the house, Shuping might not be able to see it all, and then it was beaten by Fang Xuening... Shuping was beaten along with her because of her weak feet.

So Shuping brought it to the studio.

If you can't afford to mess with it, you can't hide it, come to the studio and hurry up.


It blends like a duck to water in the studio.

As we all know, the lethality of kittens is much higher than that of adult cats, so this guy immediately opened up the situation in the studio, so now basically except for sleeping at night, Fansheng is basically in the studio.

Sometimes I don’t come back to eat, anyway, there is no shortage of food there, and the people in the studio feed it in different ways every day.

Standing at the stairs, Li Shuyao looked at the little friends who greeted her with smiles one by one, and then the busy figures felt a little warm.

Everyone joked with each other when they were busy, and they laughed happily.

Li Shuyao felt that this state was right.

After all, you want to bring happiness to others. You must be happy yourself in order to bring happiness to others.

Hmm... the white-haired ones are the happiest.

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