Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 741 How about the whole Gu?

After confirming with Shen Zongyue about the intention to release the song, Li Shuyao pushed other matters to Lu Yao. After all, it is better to leave all the details to Lu Yao. Li Shuyao doesn't know much about signing contracts.

This kind of thing should be left to a professional person. When Lu Yao brings the contract to her to sign, she can just write the pen, and then just hand over the song to Lu Yao.

The rest of the copyright, distribution, publicity, etc. can be done by Lu Yao.

After talking with Shen Zongyue, Li Shuyao ran downstairs, seeing her leaving back, he was somewhat moved.

After so many years in the e-sports circle, Li Shuyao is really the most special professional player he has ever seen. He played with the highest configuration, won the championship for a year, and retired immediately after winning it, without any hesitation.

Just give up the high salary, rarely take commercials, basically don't accept endorsements... It seems that she can do whatever she wants, do whatever she wants, and forget about it if she doesn't want to. I haven't seen her go to any music award ceremony.

Really enviable.

He even had a feeling that he saw the club owners in the early days of e-sports. Most of them were rich second-generation. The entire e-sports club was more for playing tickets, and they also had a lot of money in their hands, so they took it out to play. I didn't intend to make money, just enjoy the process.

Unlike now, basically all kinds of big factories, groups and so on raise e-sports clubs, burning money and burning thrillingly.

Li Shuyao really lost a lot of money by doing this.

But after thinking about it again, maybe that's why people live so relaxed and comfortable. Sometimes you don't have to give up something in order to get something.

like myself...

It's shameless to be able to hang out in the upper echelons of CR.

When Li Shuyao ran down, the others had almost cleared the dining table.

"Why don't you go to sleep, look at one or two of you, you almost fell asleep lying on the ground." Li Shuyao looked at these team members who were changing clothes and preparing to go out for a walk, a little speechless.

Even though it's not even eight o'clock, I can still go to bed.

"It's okay, I can still do it." Coffee Bean shook his hair: "I think this is jet lag... ah... it's better to reverse it all at once, otherwise it will be too painful to do it for several days at once. We They all have a wealth of jet lag experience... ahh..."

Coffee Bean yawned while talking, and the others were actually similar to him, nodding and yawning.

"Okay, okay, don't shake it, your hairline is going to be lost." Li Shuyao waved his hand: "Okay, let's go out and walk."

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao also picked up her coat.

Several people filed out of the gate like last year. At this time, it was already dark outside, and the streetlights in the small cr square had already been turned on.

"It feels quite similar to before." Tantai Jingyi said with a smile: "I remember last year we also went out to stroll together after dinner."

"It's quite cold." Totoro tightened his clothes.

"Let you wear more." Xiao Hui put his arm around Totoro's shoulder and smiled.

"I'm not thinking that it's easy to fall asleep if it's too warm."

"You can still fall asleep while walking."


The big guys were talking and laughing as they slipped around in the CR compound, and the cameraman was shooting behind him with his camera, and gradually began to back away, gradually increasing the distance from these people.

He thinks that perhaps it is good to end this vlog with this receding figure.


Li Shuyao probably left the base around 8:[-] pm. Anyway, when she left, all the CR team members had already gone back to their dormitories to sleep. If there were no accidents, the big guys would go to bed after looking at their phones for a while.

Everyone will not be on vacation for the time being, but there are no training tasks. These days will be easier, mainly for filming various commercial endorsements and so on.

This is related to everyone's income, and they are all very serious. They say that everything else is false. Except for Li Shuyao, none of these people who gave up their studies to play a job is not trying to make money.

In other words, whoever works hard in society is not to make money, everyone is the same, as long as it is a formal way of making money.

In addition, they also participated in some variety shows or interviews with TV stations. These are also promoting e-sports, and almost all of them are official contacts.

So, they are really busy in the next period of time.

According to Lu Yao's prediction, they would have to be busy for at least half a month before they could have a holiday, but they really didn't see anyone for more than half a month.

But everyone is busy and happy...

The CR players at this time can be said to have gained both fame and fortune, so naturally there will be no resistance.

Li Shuyao hid at home, usually live broadcasted, and then drew some original paintings of the return of the great sage every day. Anyway, at her speed, the amount of sketches she drew in a day was comparable to that of others in a week, so she was not in a hurry.

After the painting of this thing is finished, there will be a lot of complicated productions, and she will be busy by then, the movie is not just a few episodes of anime.

Of course, Li Shuyao is already familiar with the song, so she recorded the song at home and gave it to Lu Yao, and let her and cr talk about the rest.

Anyway, now that CR is rich and powerful, it shouldn't be a problem to spend some money to buy songs.

Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening were waiting for Tantai Jingyi at home, planning to go out and play together after she came back, and then everyone went home to prepare for the New Year.

Fang Xuening plans to go back earlier, so that she can come back earlier, so she doesn't have to squeeze in the Spring Festival travel... It is too painful to rush home during the Spring Festival.

But nirvana... Tantai Jingyi has not waited to come back, but she has waited for the lovely Nan Yiyi.

"So, you want to give refrigerators to fans?" Li Shuyao opened her mouth as she watched Nan Yiyi, good guy, a good dancer, the leg of the station, why is she fighting with the refrigerator every day now.

"That's right, isn't there a station B rushing forward before, even though I fell into the water, but station B still picked up a refrigerator to give to the water friend, and then I will deliver this refrigerator." Nan Yiyi took a picture He patted himself on the chest and said, "How about it, do you want to go together?"

"Uh... that's fine too." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Where's Xue Ning?" Nan Yiyi looked up.

"She... probably just fell asleep..."


"Hi, Yiyi, I'm here."

As soon as the two finished speaking, Fang Xuening walked down the stairs slowly, and then she noticed Nan Yiyi with a surprised face and Li Shuyao who was looking up at the sky...

"Did this person blackmail me again while I was away!"

"I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense." Li Shuyao continued to look at the sky.

"Hmph, you still said no, did you say that I was sleeping while I was putting on makeup!" Fang Xuening pinched her waist and stared.

"Wow... So that's what real girlfriends are like, I'm so envious." Nan Yiyi thought to herself, and then looked at the two who were fighting each other with big eyes.

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business, Yiyi is going to deliver refrigerators to fans, will you go?" Li Shuyao asked.

"It's just that straightforward... to deliver a refrigerator?" Fang Xuening rubbed her chin: "This is too boring, isn't it?"

"Then what do you think?" Nan Yiyi asked curiously.

"How about... we have a little bit of Gu?" Fang Xuening said with a chuckle: "Come to Yaoyao, give me an idea."

Li Shuyao: "..."

Recently, why is this person more and more fond of tricks...

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