Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 759 Dad's Letter

Chapter 759 Dad's Letter
"When you read this letter, your mother and I should no longer be by your side."

"However, don't be too sad. Mom and Dad, after all, have seen countless scenery in life and won countless honors. This, you have enjoyed everything you should enjoy, and almost everything you should experience I’ve experienced it, so, it’s time to leave.”

Li Shuyao sighed softly, it seemed that this was expected a long time ago, and she didn't know what happened, was she chased by the enemy or chased by some force?

Memory, Mom and Dad seem to be studying biopharmaceuticals.

It is really possible to be targeted by some weird things!

Continue to look down:

"And I chose to leave at this time because you are 18 years old, and you are an adult at the age of 18, and you can face the world independently, so, parents can rest assured that you can face the world independently .”

Li Shuyao was speechless. If it hadn't been for her time travelling, it's not certain whether the original Li Shuyao would be able to pass this hurdle. She was depressed for a while at that time.

And what an excellent girl she was back then, she gave up the one-stop postgraduate entrance examination and doctoral examination, and then started posting videos of playing the piano at home.

She herself still vaguely remembers the mentality of wanting to immerse herself in music at that time.

However, it seems that they still made the decision on their own initiative?
Continue to look down:

"Mom and Dad believe that you can live well in this world. You are very smart and have excellent grades since you were a child. You even surprised us by skipping grades. We originally planned to wait for you to graduate from college, which is about 22 years old. It’s time to make this decision again, but your excellence allows us to make a decision in advance with confidence.”

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, ah...that is to say, if she hadn't skipped a level like crazy, would Mom and Dad still be with her for four years?

At this time, Li Shuyao suddenly felt sour for no reason, thinking of the happy smiles on the faces of her parents who skipped grades again and again...

Once, maybe I worked so hard just to see the smiles on their faces.

Now that I think about it, it's a little ridiculous. It seems that my own excellence has promoted their departure?

If she is a child who will never grow up, if her grades are in a mess, if she cannot leave her parents for the rest of her life, does it mean that they will never leave?
Li Shuyao knew that this idea was unreliable, but she still thought about it subconsciously.

"Huh..." Li Shuyao let out a sigh of relief. In fact, she was a little confused at this time, and maybe the former she was occupying the upper peak at this time.

Or maybe, the two of them have long been inseparable from each other, and she is her.

Continue to look down:

"The bank card in the bag is for you. The card is issued with your identity information. The password is your birthday. There are 100 million in it. If one day you can't live on and choose to sell this house, you should You will find the secret compartment we left behind, find the 100 million, I believe that with your ingenuity, you will be able to unlock the password left by your mother, and now it seems that I read it correctly."

Li Shuyao: "..."

No, you read that wrong, I didn't use a password, I settled the fight with a simple punch.

"This 100 million plus the money you sold the house, plus these two gold bars, is enough for you to live comfortably in a small city, and find someone who loves you, and spend the rest of your life in a mediocre way. it is good."

"Actually, I originally wanted to give it to you directly, but your mother thinks that she still wants you to practice and experience. If you can survive in this city by yourself, you may not look down on this little money."

Li Shuyao twitched the corners of her mouth, although she said that she is quite rich now, but 100 million is not a small amount of money, it is really a lot.

Li Shuyao made a rough estimate. Even if the house is sold at the lowest price, it can be sold for 600 million yuan. Add the 100 million yuan and two gold bars, buy a house in a small city, and find a peaceful job. It's not bad to live on.

This should be the last insurance that parents give themselves.

According to the plan of my parents, if Li Shuyao fails to work hard in this city, there will be no problem in spending the rest of her life smoothly.


You think highly of your daughter too. If your daughter sells her house and doesn’t want anything in it, and she doesn’t come to clean up the things in the attic, wouldn’t it be cheaper for people who come later.

Continue to look down:

"We once asked someone to tell your fortune, and the fortune teller said that you will be rich and powerful in the future. Although your mother and I don't believe in that magic stick, we are still willing to take this as a good wish. We didn't expect you to be rich. No matter how rich you are, as long as you can be healthy and healthy, after all, the more rich you are, the greater the risk."

Li Shuyao admits this point, she is indeed very famous now, but she still has a lot of troubles, even though she has turned down 90.00% of the entertainment and other things, some disgusting things still happen from time to time They would come to their door. According to Lu Yao, there were very few people who asked Li Shuyao to participate in some kind of reception, party invitation, or even invite her to write a song.

That is to say, Li Shuyao was stubborn, and Lu Yao refused all of them.

Anyway, Li Shuyao's rising speed is fast enough, and she has set up her own studio, and hardly goes out to participate in any activities or anything, and doesn't pursue any awards, so she is not that disgusting.

Speaking of which, Li Shuyao's path of e-sports has actually blocked a lot of things for her, and it has changed many people's impression of her being in the entertainment industry.

As the saying goes, if you don't want to be strong, Li Shuyao has nothing to ask for. Instead, those platforms are begging her to release songs, so it really went smoothly all the way.

I earned a lot less money, but I also had a lot less trouble.

As for the movies coming out this year...

There are a lot of interests of video platforms tied up in it, so as long as Li Shuyao doesn't really engage in something that won't pass the trial, there is no need to worry about someone blocking the way.

Continue to look down:

"Of course, if you can become rich and powerful by your own ability, I believe you also have the strength to keep this wealth. My father's advice to you is to be low-key and modest. A kind heart, be kind to others, don't do evil."

"Perhaps doing good will make you suffer a little grievance for a while, but doing evil will definitely plant the root of disaster for you. If doing good can avoid the root of disaster planted by doing evil, then is it also a kind of gain? Liu Bei's sentence I really like the saying 'Don't do evil because it's small, don't do good because it's small', I think this sentence can be used as a motto, that's what your dad and I did."

"Of course, you have to learn to be smart and not stupid. How to understand this sentence is up to you. Dad can't explain it in detail, but Dad believes that you are a smart person. People, smart people don’t really need much explanation.”

"Oh, by the way, I suddenly remembered something that I didn't tell you when I wrote this. Haha, looking back, you must be very sad now, haha, don't be sad, we two are not dead, we are going to plan a fake death , and then leave here and go far away.”

Li Shuyao: "???"

What the fuck?

What is this operation?
 Li Shuyao: "Hmph, I'm not from Qidian Orphanage anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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