After CCTV's interview, The Return of the Great Sage became a hit in the country. Within two months of its release, it had raked in a box office of 15 billion. The number has decreased, but this number has also broken many domestic records.

In view of the popularity, and because the summer vacation is about to begin, after communication, it has been postponed for another month, so that it will be ready for release for three months, and overseas release is already being considered

There is also a foundation for overseas releases. First of all, Li Shuyao has a certain fan base overseas, whether it is music or games, she has a group of fans overseas.

Well, the fans in South Korea are still clamoring for Li Shuyao to release Korean songs... According to what they said, there are several Japanese songs, and there are also several English songs, and there is only one Korean song, which is still related to English and Chinese. mixed...

But Li Shuyao doesn't have any idea of ​​singing Korean songs anymore, and it's enough to write a song and give it to some boy and girl group over there to earn money.

Countries in the surrounding Han cultural circle basically have the legend of Monkey King. Although it has been changed in various ways, there are still some, so for them, this is an understandable culture.

As for Europe and the United States, although they may not understand it that way, there are still super refreshing fighting scenes and super-burning special effects production, so there is still a market, and it shouldn't be a problem to spend tens of millions of dollars.

But this has little to do with Li Shuyao.

In fact, she seldom looks at the results all the time. She always focuses on the work itself. Although it is said that it was moved from another world, she will re-create almost all the works, and will make certain changes according to this world. The adaptation will be improved and modified according to the evaluation after the release of the work in that world.

So in fact, Li Shuyao is generally better when she moves to this world, so she doesn't pay much attention to her subsequent achievements, after all, these are things that have been verified by the market.

In the CCTV interview, she basically said that it was quite satisfactory. After the video was released, it was indeed on the trending search, and the movie continued to be promoted in China.

The last question in the CCTV interview actually rekindled the audience's expectations and enthusiasm for her new album.

So she is basically focusing on the release of the new album now.

This time, she didn't warm up one by one, and didn't release anything at zero o'clock directly. Instead, she chose to sing one by one in the live broadcast room.

Naturally, this was also negotiated with station b, and they paid a lot of money for all the premieres at station b.

So the publicity started almost half a month in advance. Before Yangma’s warm-up, and later on Station B, Lu Yao, and a certain live broadcast platform owner who did not want to be named also joined in the fun, this time it can really be said It was highly anticipated.

Because of the explosive popularity of the return of the Great Sage, Li Shuyao's album this time has also attracted unprecedented attention. Some people even picked up the songs that Li Shuyao sang at the wedding of Liu Mengxi and Jiang Quan before. Although it is only a short fragment, it has already attracted many people. Excited.

It's okay to sing and cry to others on the spot...mainly...the fans are waiting to cry. Although there is an English song released before, there is no album to satisfy their hunger.

What's more, this album has been waiting for more than half a year.

I have released many singles before, but this is my first album.

July 7th, Saturday night at 16:7pm, 50 minutes before the release of the new album, Li Shuyao is already getting ready in the piano room, not only her, but Fang Xuening is also here, and several other A music area is up.

They didn't come to sing along, but to accompany Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao arranged this place as a small stage, with piano, guitar, drum set, violin and other musical instruments next to it, and directly created a small band.

Lu Yao stood opposite and looked at the people who were making the final adjustments to the instruments. This kind of singing directly with the band really felt very good. For today, they practiced together for half a month. During this period of time, Li Shuyao's family has been There is music coming out.

Li Shuyao didn't hide anything about this, and would often post photos or small videos of everyone rehearsing together on the platform, and other participating up masters would also post similar content, of course, there must be no specific content of the song .

Basically, it’s something like “Yaoyao’s song is so good”, “It’s another day of being addicted to music”, anyway, those ups who rehearsed with them have really gained a lot of fans during this period of time, which made everyone feel happy Itchy.

It is estimated that if the security guards in the park did not stop him, many paparazzi would rush in to take first-hand information.

Lu Yao turned his head to look at the live broadcast room. Although it hadn't opened yet, it had already begun to refresh the screen. Currently, the most people were playing Dasheng memes. Anyway, after the return of the Dasheng became popular, a group of monkeys came in every time Li Shuyao broadcasted... …

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lu Yao looked at Li Shuyao who was sitting in the middle. In front of her was a keyboard and a microphone, that is to say, she would be the one in charge of everything tonight.

Li Shuyao looked at the others, then nodded to Lu Yao, and everyone was ready.

"3, 2, 1, start."

As Lu Yao started, the lights of the camera also turned on. Li Shuyao straightened her collar and smiled at the camera: "Hi everyone, it's finally the day, haha, we rehearsed for this day long time."


The next few up masters also laughed together. After a while of contact, everyone is very familiar with each other, and there is nothing to be cautious about each other. At most, they watched more and more people in the live broadcast room. a little nervous.

"This time, the new album I released was mostly created during the journey last year. There are mountains, rain, broken bridges, stars, light, and the universe. Find your own insights in the album.”

"This is also what I have always expected in my creation. I hope that everyone can get some of their own heartbeat in these songs."

"Next, the first song, Broken Bridge and Remnant Snow."

No nonsense, Li Shuyao got straight to the topic from the very beginning, and there was no need to say too much. The audience couldn't wait for it. It took only 5 minutes to start the broadcast, and the popularity has already exceeded [-] million.

The Return of the Great Sage is still in theaters, and many people walk into the cinema every day, which is due to Li Shuyao's continuous enthusiasm.

As soon as Li Shuyao finished speaking, the sad flute sounded.

"The butterfly with broken wings and dead leaves that can't find flowers will never see withering..."

The simple and affectionate tune combined with Li Shuyao's melodious voice seems to pull people into the Jiangnan in winter. The audience seems to be standing on the broken bridge, feeling the lonely loneliness of the world.

It didn't take long for viewers to discover that they had actually seen it.

Because this live broadcast is not just about Li Shuyao and the others singing.

Lu Yao also interspersed the mv of the song, so when the audience saw the figure standing on the broken bridge looking at the West Lake during the chorus part, the feeling of sadness seemed to pass through the live broadcast to the audience. before the eyes of the audience.

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