Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 91 Official Media Forwarding

Chapter 91 Official Media Forwarding
Everyone in this world has troubles, probably because human nature is greedy, dissatisfaction is the normal state of people, so there will be troubles, but if you let him give up everything now, I am afraid most people will not be willing .

So what is my trouble is too much money, why am I face-blind, what I like to be ordinary and basically pretend to be B, so that they all give up and they are willing?

Anyway, Li Shuyao is unwilling. She admits that the increase in popularity and money will bring her a lot of troubles, but she knows that without these things, she will be even more troubled, so there is no need to pretend to be that B, just get cheap and quietly.

After playing a few games and educating a wave of masters of Hanbok, Li Shuyao has been honorably promoted to the rank of grand master, and is now ready to learn the tricks of the masters.


Li Shuyao ran to sleep.

All the beauties come out of sleep, nothing can affect their sleep!

the next morning……

Li Shuyao was awakened by a phone call...

Li Shuyao sat up in a daze, threw a kitten on the carpet, and then picked up the phone in a daze.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, it was past 9 o'clock.

The silent time I set is until 9 o'clock. After 9 o'clock, there will be a sound when the call comes in, and I wake up...

"Hey, sister Lu, it's early in the morning..." Li Shuyao pouted, "I haven't woken up yet..."

"..." Lu Yao opened his mouth...

All right, I'm used to it, one of these started later than the other, she still waited for a while, but this guy still didn't get up.

"What is it?" Li Shuyao asked.

"There is an official media that wants to repost your song. Let me ask you what you mean. My opinion is that it can be reposted, and this opportunity is rare." Lu Yao hurriedly said what she wanted to say.

"Sure." Li Shuyao said, "I also think it's pretty good, it should be just in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Yes, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival in one week, and they are going to enhance the atmosphere, and they will forward it on the same day." Lu Yao said.

"That's good, it's a good opportunity." Li Shuyao nodded.

"Okay, then I agree."

"it is good……"

After hanging up the phone, the first thing Li Shuyao did... was to continue to prolong the silence of the call, and don't ring me before ten o'clock next time!
After waking up, I stopped sleeping. After getting up and washing up, I opened the fan group to have a look. The live broadcast last night was not long, and the effect was good. The fan group is not so lively at this time, but there are still some people greet.

The fan group was probably peaceful, at most there were a few people who wanted to drive, but were stopped in time by the managers!

Well, well done to the management!
Those few screenshots are waiting for my emoji pack!I took a small notebook and wrote it down, and I will publicly criticize you tonight!

In addition...

Someone is already scolding her in the private message... Well, it's weird. Of course, there is also a private message on Weibo. She did open Weibo quietly, but she didn't make it public. She plans to hang up during the live broadcast tonight go up.

But these guys are really no one, thousands of people come here to spray themselves...

The main arguments are these few.

It is said that Su Shi is unrestrained, and you are insulting Su Shi by singing so gracefully!
It is said that Su Shi is a great poet, and you are insulting Su Shi by singing other people's lyrics!
It is said that this poem is an ancient poem, so it should be sung with ancient rhythms. If you sing with modern tunes, you are insulting Su Shi!
Well, anyway, he was insulting Su Shi anyway, and those who didn't know thought that one or two of these people were Su Shi's descendants.

No, it feels like one or two of them are Su Shi himself.

Well, in addition to these, there are also some people who come to scold her from strange angles, which is very strange in short, but it's not too strange, after all, there are all kinds of people.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, although she said that there were more private letters of praise, and the one who praised her most, but seeing these people scolding her felt very uncomfortable, even if there was one of them.

Since it is uncomfortable, delete it!
My old lady was struck by lightning, and even lost some important things. That old lady was also angry with a P, deleted and blocked without discussion!

Although there may be more and more of these people, but if one less is blacklisted, the less one will feel better.

So at noon, Li Shuyao skipped down to cook. She was very happy to see many people's praises, and blocked some people who might scold her now and in the future.

She doesn't blame those who scolded her, after all, everyone's thinking is different, but the two sides have different ideas, there is no need to argue, and it's not because they were cheated by their teammates in the game...

In the game, if she is cheated by her teammates, she can type three dialogs, but here she doesn't want to type a single word. The purpose of typing three dialogs in the game is to win, and it doesn't make any sense here.

Never try to change a person's mind, because most people who read books don't listen to other people's opinions... well, she herself is similar!

But she still knows one thing, if you can't do it yourself, don't expect others to do it.

So everyone has a different worldview, so it’s fine if you don’t get in touch.

As for Netease Cloud, Li Shuyao was very happy. They gave her a very good recommendation, plus her own fans, soon there were three or four thousand comments there.

The audience of this song is obviously much larger than the previous songs. The front part is either in a foreign language or with rap. In fact, not everyone can listen to it and like it, but this song...

Well, basically everyone likes it except those who have a unique understanding of Su Shi.

While eating, she held her mobile phone and read the comments on Netease Cloud:
"I feel like I can memorize my Water Tune song head."

"Su Shi: Remember to burn some copyright fees for me, I have no money to buy wine."

"Mr. Dongpo wrote this poem many years ago, waiting for someone with a natural voice to sing it."

"When will you sing the list of masters, please wait online, it's very urgent."

"Lyricist: Su Shi, this is the best lyricist."

"A single lyricist has already killed all of them."

"Mr. Dongpo, it's probably the brightest moon in my heart."

"There are many unsatisfactory things in life, but if you keep thinking about unsatisfactory things, I am afraid it is not good. I think this is the meaning of Mr. Dongpo's poem. He is sad and unsatisfactory, but he is still full of enthusiasm for life. He sent out the best wishes for life, instead of just complaining and worrying, this is probably the difference between Su Shi, he is also sad but he is more able to embrace life."


A lot of people are discussing Su Shi here, which Li Shuyao had expected. After all, no one in China can compare with Su Shi in popularity... There are only a few people who can compare with Su Shi in the last 5000 years.

After lunch, Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi continued to score points respectively. At this time, Tantai Jingyi no longer doubted Li Shuyao's strength, and scored points every day under her nose. The eyes are removed and played as ping pong balls!
In the past few days, her impression of Li Shuyao has changed a lot. If it wasn't for the fact that there is nothing wrong with him from the inside to the outside, and she is still a little greedy for money, and still such a genius, she would doubt whether this guy has been secretly sold.

 Some of Netease Cloud's comments come from real Netease Cloud comments, you can check it out if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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