Chapter 140
In the early morning, just after dawn, Lao Ma came to his video store.

At this time, there were very few pedestrians on the street, only the owners of some breakfast shops were rushing to work.

When he came to his shop, Lao Ma opened the shop door first, found more than a dozen posters of He Jin from the shop, took them to the door and pasted them on the door.

Ever since he pasted the poster at the door one night in advance and it was stolen by someone, he has been careful, and the poster will be put up on the same day.

After putting up the posters, he moved a table by the door, and directly moved the record player in the house to the table. .

After doing this, the sky was already bright, and there were gradually more pedestrians on the street, so he went into the house and took two tape recorders and walked to the two breakfast shops on the corner of the street.

"Old Ma, you came so early today!"

Seeing Lao Ma, the owner of the breakfast shop asked in surprise while making breakfast.

"Today, He Jin is posting a special, come and prepare early!"

The old horse said.

As he spoke, he put a tape recorder on a counter behind the breakfast shop.

"I play it on your tape recorder. If someone asks you, just say it's He Jin's new album. I have it for sale!"

After speaking, he pressed the play button of the tape recorder, and the music started.

Is it really cruel to leave?

or it's shameful to be gentle
or lonely people don't care

day and night unconditional


As soon as the tape recorder was played, an attractive melody "Sad Pacific" sounded directly.

"The song is nice, but is it useful for you to play me?"

Although the owner of the breakfast shop admitted that the song was nice, he still didn't quite understand what Lao Ma meant.

"You don't understand this, your shop is full of people, as long as there is one person who is interested in this album, I can earn five yuan.

Don't worry, when I make money, I will definitely not treat you badly. "

Lao Ma said with a smile, humming the sad Pacific Ocean after listening to it all night last night, and walked to another hot rice noodle shop.

As a professional video store owner, Lao Ma is very concerned about the sales of a record.

He will give priority to listening to almost every singer's album on the market.

From these records, he will select tapes that he thinks the audience will like and play them on a loop in the store to attract customers.

As one of the five heavenly kings, He Jin is so popular that he doesn't need to verify whether his albums are good or not, and whether they will be popular.

But when the album arrived yesterday, he listened to it immediately.

After listening to it, he found that he likes almost every song in He Jin's record.

This kind of situation is rare, because Lao Ma listens to songs every day, so he is very picky about the quality of songs.

Usually, the songs of several big heavenly kings are on the market, except for one or two songs that he thinks are good, he doesn't think the other songs are good.

But He Jin's album broke this rule.

What kind of concept is the capital city's flagship.

This is the rhythm of explosion!

So, he came directly to the store in advance today and started the preparations.

He thinks that his listening style is no different from that of the general public. Since he thinks this album is good, other people must think so too.

In this way, as long as other people hear this song, they should think of buying a CD or tape to go home and listen to it.

Therefore, in order to make his business better, he put the tape recorder directly in the snack bar with good business.

He wants to come and hear He Jin's voice all over the street.

At that time, under the bombardment of music, everyone passing by and eating will know this album.

And on this street, there is only his old horse and a video store.

In this case, if he doesn't make money, who will make money?

As for why he is the only video store on the whole street.

This question has to be asked to Lao Ma’s son, Xiao Ma, who wanders around the street with a machete every day...

After distributing the tape recorders to the two breakfast shops, Lao Ma bought rice rolls and returned to the shop leisurely.

Turn on the turntable and play.

"Sad Pacific" immediately began to sound.

"Boss! Get a piece of "Eternal Sun""

"Boss, He Jin has three new albums, vinyl ones."

"Uncle Ma, I want He Jin's album tape!"


This morning, the whole street was full of He Jin's singing.

Those who know, those who don't know, are bombarded by this album.

And because the songs in this album are all golden songs, the first one can't attract people, maybe the second one can, if the second one doesn't work, there will be a third and a fourth.

So, for one morning, the old horse was in full bloom.

People come and go to his store, and almost all of them come for He Jin's album.

Of course, these people are certainly not all because of his marketing strategy.

As a popular king, there are not a few people who like to listen to He Jin's songs.

These people don't need Lao Ma's publicity at all. After they know that He Jin has issued a special post, they will take the initiative to come to the door.

This can be seen from the fact that other audiovisual stores did not have any marketing strategies, but He Jin's albums are selling well.


my heart does not regret
Folding and folding are all for you

my tears are endless
The burden entangled in dreams and nights

On the street, a man and a woman walked hand in hand.

"Whose song is this? It's pretty good."

One has short hair and the other has long hair.

Women with short hair and men with long hair.

Listening to "A Thousand Paper Cranes" coming from the side of the road, the short-haired woman asked.

"It seems so strong!"

The long-haired man listened carefully and said.


The woman nodded and said nothing, and the two continued to walk forward.

Male: The unsolvable eyes and heart are like sea needles
Just guessing I've lost my appetite

kinda annoying and kinda charming

Female: Romance is not talented enough to react too late
Not careful enough to pick the wrong color

but very contradictory like your stupid

Man: No matter how beautiful and sweet the smile is, it’s not yours
none special
Female: no matter how bitter or salty my eyes are, you comfort me
It's sunny again

"Is this also his song?"

As I walked, singing came from the video store next to me.

The brisk and moving melody attracted the woman again.

"It sounds like it is!"

The man nods.

"This fellow is really hot!"

The woman looked at the video store. At the entrance of the video store, posters of He Jin and Guo Fucheng were plastered on the wall like door gods.

"Five heavenly kings! It must be hot!"

The man said sarcastically.

Hearing the sarcasm in his words, Xia Lin, also known as Wang Jingwen, glanced at him, you are jealous of him.

"Why am I jealous of him? It's just a star packaged by a big company!"

The long-haired man said.

"But the composition and lyrics of their albums are all arranged by themselves, and their talents are not bad."

Wang Jingwen said.

"Heh..." The man laughed, with a clear sneer.

"Wait for me, I'll buy a record of his and go back and listen to it."

As Wang Jiawen said, she walked to the video store.

"Let's go!" said the man.

The two entered the audio-visual store together. There were many people in the store, and they all surrounded one area.

"Boss, bring me a piece of He Jin's vinyl."

The two of Wang Jiawen didn't go in, but found the boss.

"Sorry, no more! Come back tomorrow!"

The boss was counting the money, he looked up and said apologetically.

"Then CD!"

Wang Jiawen prefers vinyl. Although vinyl is a consumable, it has the best sound quality.

But since she didn't have vinyl, she could only make a second choice and choose CD.

"Sorry, there are no CDs, not only CDs, but also tapes!"

The boss pointed to the place where the tape was selected with an apologetic expression.

Looking around, Wang Jiawen saw that the place had dispersed. Some people were holding tapes, while others came out with empty hands and a look of displeasure.

"Isn't He Jin the five heavenly kings? He is so popular, you can't get enough goods, and you are too good at business!"

The long-haired man said with some dissatisfaction.

The boss looked at him and said:

"It's because it's too hot, so it's sold out. It must be gone today. If you need it, come tomorrow. I've already contacted Huaxing's deliveryman, and I will replenish it tomorrow morning."

(End of this chapter)

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