Superstars start from Hong Kong Entertainment

Chapter 411 Publicity and Singing

Chapter 411 Publicity and Singing
Sting, formerly known as Gordon Sumner, was born on October 1951, 10 in Wallsend, England, a singer.

British evergreen singer, who has been popular since his debut until 2022.

However, He Jin knew him not because of his status as an evergreen tree in England, but because of a song.

"Shape Of My Heart"

The classic track of Luc Besson's classic French film "The Killer Is Not So Cold".

"Hurry up and go in! Your show should start soon!"

After greeting He Jin, Sting turned sideways and said.

Judging by his appearance, he should have just recorded a show.

Watching Sting leave in the elevator, He Jin pondered slightly, he remembered that "This Killer Is Not So Cold" seemed to be released in France in August this year!I don't know if the theme song invites sting...

"Hi! He Jin, nice to meet you, you don't know, I'm a big fan of yours, your ep last year was perfect, I've never seen such a good song, and it's three songs!"

At the recording site of the TV station, as soon as He Jin and others arrived, a tall black man showed his big white teeth and opened his arms to He Jin.

Black is Seale, currently the most popular singer in the UK with the most varied styles and the most unique voice.

"My new album will also be released this month, I really hope it won't be affected by your album!"

After the two hugged, Schill said again.

Xier's words made He Jin's heart skip a beat.

It occurred to him that Hill's album this year seemed to be his most successful.

The album was named "Seal (1994)" after "Seal".

The single "Kiss From a Rose" was not only included in the original soundtrack of the movie "Batman Forever".

More importantly, he won three full-weight trophies for record of the year, song of the year, and best pop male singer at the 1995th Grammy Awards in 38.

In other words, this is Hill's peak year.

And He Jin's first album will collide with it this month.

What makes He Jin more fortunate is that the release date of Seale's album seems to be at the end of the month, while he is at the beginning of the month, which still has an advantage for him.

If it is released at the same time, I am afraid that I will be stepped on.

As for Hill's fear of his album being affected by He Jin.

Just listen to this, don't pay too much attention to it.

Just like when He Jin was in Asia, the album could be as tough as Michael Jackson, in the UK, Seale is not afraid of anyone.

"I've listened to your songs too, I really like your song "Killer (Live)""

He Jin said.

In fact, He Jin has not heard this song, he has heard one of Hill's upcoming album.

However, he chose to say this for social reasons.

No way, Hill is indeed popular in the UK, but in Asia, his influence is too low, and it is not yet the Internet age, and the spread of songs is not so wide.

"Really? You really heard it? That's really an honor. I've been in Asia, I've been to Thailand, India, Japan, they listen to English songs, but I'm not very famous there, It was really a surprise to me that you could hear my song.

By the way, you should be Japanese!I don't know if you know Gucun Shinji, I know him very well. "

This Hill, like other blacks, is born with social bullying, his mouth is like a machine gun, and he keeps shooting.

"I know Mr. Gumura Shinji, and I know him. We met at the award ceremony and had a good chat.

However, I am not Japanese, I am Chinese. "

Speaking of being Chinese, He Jin unconsciously puffed up his chest.

Although China is still lagging far behind, in the next two decades, China will overtake the others and become a world power.

Every time he thinks about the strength of China in the future, He Jin can't help feeling a sense of pride in his heart.

"Sorry, I thought you were Japanese, I'm so sorry!"

Schill was a little embarrassed. As a person who had been in Asia for several years, he knew the opinions of people from other countries on the Japanese.

That is the aftermath of the evil things that Little Japan has done.

The two chatted for a while, and the program recording began.

Although PolyGram arranged for Hill to help He Jin's promotion, it doesn't mean that Hill really came to help.

He actually came to promote his album.

With the same goal, under the care of PolyGram, the two naturally appeared on the same show.

The program recording of this issue is different from the program recording He Jin participated in when he was in Asia.

Compared with the programs in Asia, which are mostly variety shows, the promotional programs in European and American countries are mostly talk shows.

Of course, He Jin and other propagandists are not allowed to be talk show actors.

Instead, the two of them would be interviewed by stand-up comedians.

The recording of the show did not happen by accident.

Although it is the first time to participate in the recording of a foreign program, He Jin is not like in the previous novels, because he is Chinese, he is discriminated against and the host makes things difficult for him.

Dramatic stories are not so easy to come across.

He Jin belongs to the British Polygram, although he is not a direct descendant, but because he has created more benefits for Polygram than the direct descendant, so in terms of importance, he is more valued than ordinary Polygram direct descendants.

With PolyGram's influence in the UK and the world, even if someone is unhappy with him because of his skin color, he will hold it in his heart.

Therefore, the recording of the show was very smooth, and the host didn't ask any excessive questions. All the questions were about music, He Jin's personal life, and the new album.

Since it is to promote the album, it is natural to sing on the show.

He Jinhill sang songs from his new album at the beginning and end of the show respectively.

Hill sang "Kiss from a Rose" and "Bring It On".

Among them, the former is the song that won the Grammy Award for Seale in the future and was selected for the "Batman Forever" album.

As for He Jin, he also sang two songs, namely "If I Let You Go" and "mylove".

These two songs by He Jin are from the Irish group Westlife, which will become popular in the United States in the future, which is also known as West City Boys by the Chinese.

On the Internet music channel in the future, these two songs are one of the most famous songs of West City Boys.

As an English song that can be popular in China, it will naturally be popular in Europe, America and other places, and it will even be even more popular.

This can be clearly seen when He Jin sang on stage.

When he came on stage and began to sing "If I Let You Go", the rhythm of the music was fully unfolded, and the audience below were immediately attracted and stared at him intently.

As a live interview on a talk show, there are naturally many audiences.

However, He Jinge is not popular, if he is not mentioned, most of the audience will not know who he is.

Just when everyone was wondering what He Jin had the ability to be on the same stage as Sear, when he spoke, y immediately attracted the audience's attention.

every day

Time goes by

i still can't forget you
Nobody knows

I hide my love for you in my heart

He Jin followed the music, kept moving his hands, and danced to his heart's content.

At first, the audience was only attracted by the singing, but gradually, the audience was driven by the rhythm and began to clap their hands rhythmically.

"Who is this Asian? Is this the song from his new album? It's very nice!"

"Yeah, and besides, he's so cool..."

"I know him, he is the singer of "One Day" and "Zombie", you have heard these two songs!"


(End of this chapter)

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