Superstars start from Hong Kong Entertainment

Chapter 418 The transformation from an Asian king to an international superstar

Chapter 418 The transformation from an Asian king to an international superstar

Afternoon, around eight o'clock.

He Jin sat on the sofa in the hotel, quietly looking at the data report in his hand.

UK: [-]
Australia: [-]

Total data for other European countries: [-]

United States: [-]

Canada: [-]

Japan: [-]
South Korea: [-]
New Matai: [-]

Chinese-speaking area: [-]

The total data is [-] million.

This data is among the top among singers who have the ability to release records around the world.

But compared to the data of the previous ep, the data of this album is a bit worse.

"Don't think too much, it's normal for the data to go up and down.

Moreover, before it was an EP record, but now it is an album, the two cannot be synonymous"

Beside, Xiaoping thought He Jin was sad because the data was less than the data of the previous EP record, and couldn't help comforting him.

He Jin shook his head, "This data has already exceeded my expectations. I was wondering whether I should promote it in the United States for a few more days."

As the world's number one record market, the United States has always had a half of all the album records that are popular all over the world than in other regions.

From the data of this album, it can be clearly seen that the potential of this album in the United States has not yet been realized.

But in order to realize this potential, it is necessary to carry out publicity and use a huge publicity offensive to increase the data.

Hearing this, Xiaoping stopped talking.

He Jin is now Huaxing's boss, and his decision is a decision, a plan to be implemented.

And she works for He Jin, she can't make decisions for He Jin.

The main reason for saying this is that according to the plan, He Jin had to rush back to Xiangjiang on the [-]th to start his global tour.

It was about the tour, so she didn't dare to make random comments.

"Two days, you call Brother Tang and tell me that I will postpone my return for two days.

In addition, let PolyGram arrange the itinerary for the [-]th and [-]th. "

After a while, He Jin made a decision.

The start time of the tour is on the [-]th, and this time it will start from Xiangjiang.

The original plan was for He Jin to go back and rehearse for a few days, and get in touch with H4, after all, they will debut at their own concert.

But now, after He Jin thought about it, he felt that he could squeeze out two days.

Although the promotion here is over, it is very tiring to go back to the tour immediately after returning home, but the American market is very important to him.

If this album can't become famous here, then he can only wait until next year.

He didn't want to wait that long.

Therefore, it doesn't matter if you are tired.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

Xiaoping nodded in response.

When the boss speaks, she has to listen.


Although He Jin personally thinks that the performance of his album in the United States is not ideal.

But it is different in the eyes of Americans.

This is the first time that an Asian record has achieved a huge number of [-] in the United States.

This data is even comparable to the first-line singers in the United States.

The first album has set such a statistic, even with the previous EP as a foreshadowing, this is something that ordinary people simply cannot do.

Ordinary people, if they want to have access to first-line data, some need to work hard in the music world for many years, and some even fail to reach this goal in their entire lives.

Therefore, when He Jin set a record of [-] in the United States as an Asian, the American media couldn't sit still.

Under the influence of Polygram more or less, the second day after the data came out, many media in the United States reported this somewhat unbelievable event.

[Unbelievable, the Chinese He Jin has landed in the top [-] of the bulletin board]

[[-], a supernova is rising]

[Asian King He Jin, a title that is not well known by Europeans and Americans, and now, this title is changing to an international superstar]

A number of influential media in the United States published news about He Jin successively.

Of course, there are good and bad. In addition to approving He Jin's reports, some media discourses are full of rejection of He Jin's Chinese identity.

Among them, the report of Chicago Weekly is the most representative.

Their report should have been written by a racist guy.

He mentioned the term "yellow race" many times in the article, and publicly criticized He Jin's songs.

However, although there are many reports like Chicago Weekly, relatively speaking, under the influence of Polygram, most of the reports praise him.

Especially on the [-]th, the American Time magazine released the latest issue of the magazine.

This magazine features He Jin as the cover character.

The title of the cover is "The Most Influential Singer in Asia - He Jin"

[Asian singer He Jin's first album released in the United States finished counting the first week's data yesterday, [-], this is a data that we couldn't even imagine before.

We have never thought that Asians can actually set such a high data in the United States. Does this mean that Asians are gradually opening up the American market.

From Bruce Lee, to Jack Chen, who just won a box office of 2 million US dollars with "Drunken Master [-]", to He Jin now.

It is not difficult to see that Asians, especially Chinese, are exporting to us...

And judging from the data and word of mouth of this album, He Jin has gone out of Asia and is now shining his light in the world】——Time Magazine.

Time, also known as Time, was founded in 1923 and is one of the first weekly news magazines in nearly a century. window.

"Time" is one of the three major current affairs weekly magazines in the United States, with a wide range of content, expressing opinions on international issues and tracking and reporting major international events.

Time has a main U.S. edition, international editions, and European, Asian, and Latin American editions.

Time Europe (formerly Time Atlantic), published in London, also covers events in the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

The Asian edition (Time Asia) is published in Hong Kong, and the South Pacific edition is published in Sydney, covering Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands.

He Jin has been featured in Time Magazine before, but that time he was featured in the Asian edition, and this time it is the American edition, and there is also an international edition on it.

Every magazine in the world basically has its own slogan and main attack groups.

Time Magazine is no exception.

When Time magazine launched, it declared that it aimed to keep "busy people" well informed about world events.

The feature of the journal is to organize and classify the week's news, and provide background material for analysis and interpretation.

The slogan of "Time" is: ""Time" seems to have been written by one hand for another."

It pointed out that "its reports on various fields are not written for experts in various fields, but for the 'busy people' of "Time"."

This way of reporting immediately attracted the attention of readers. At that time, the audience market in the United States was occupied by many newspapers. The reports of newspapers were overwhelming, but they seemed disorganized, making readers confused and unable to quickly understand the news in the sky. Find what you need to know and focus on most.

This method of fresh news reporting is different from the traditional objective reporting of American newspapers, which has allowed Time to rise rapidly and become one of the three most influential weekly magazines in the United States.

And, because of its uniqueness, this magazine spread to the whole world at an astonishing speed, becoming one of the most influential magazines in the world.

Once an article about He Jin was published in the American edition of Time Magazine, the name of He Jin quickly appeared in the eyes of many American people who were not familiar with him.

Those business elites who are busy all day also know the number one person like He Jin with the help of magazines, and they buy He Jin's album with the intention of looking at it.

In such a cycle, in the next few days, the sales data of He Jin's "You and Me" in the United States increased day by day, and in just a few days, the streets of the United States were flooded with He Jin's songs.

How should I put it, He Jin was walking on the street, and when he heard his singing from the streets of the United States, he had the feeling of returning to Xiangjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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