Superstars start from Hong Kong Entertainment

Chapter 42: Continental Distribution Copyright Sale

Chapter 42: Continental Distribution Copyright Sale
There is no need to consider whether New Era Audiovisual has the ability to act as an agent for the release of He Jin's album in the mainland.

As the three most powerful record companies in China at present.

Although New Era is not as good as China Record Guangzhou and Pacific Media, it can barely be called one of the big three.

Since the reform and opening up, as the closest place to Xiangjiang, since the 80s, Guangzhou has been the birthplace of Chinese pop music, and it has blown the clarion call for the Chinese record industry to charge towards its heyday.

It can be said that [-]% of the current Chinese pop music comes from Guangzhou, and spread from Guangzhou to the whole country.

Now Guangzhou is the music center of the mainland.

When the concept of "MTV" did not exist in the mainland, record companies in Guangzhou began to imitate the operation of Xiangjiang Company, using video tapes to promote singers.

At the annual order meeting, when other record companies only provided trial listening, the colorful music videos caught the attention of merchants at once. This kind of music promotion method can be said to be unique.

In this way, the major companies in Guangzhou naturally made a lot of money.

Among them, Pacific Audio and Video and China Record Guangzhou Branch were the first to eat crabs.

Then, there is the new era of audio and video.

However, although New Era Audio-Visual is indeed in line with Huaxing's goal of cooperation in mainland China, Huaxing obviously will not agree to hand over the distribution rights of this album for only [-] million.

Now He Jin's album has started to gain momentum, and the songs in the album have been verified by the Xiangjiang market, which proves that these songs can be widely circulated.

Therefore, one million is obviously not enough.

Huaxing directly rejected the one million offer and offered three million.

Naturally, New Era would not agree to paying [-] million yuan to buy distribution rights.

Now in mainland China, the circulation of CDs and laser discs is basically unable to move forward, and they all rely on tapes.

The tape albums released by Hong Kong singers in mainland China are generally priced at around 25.

How much does it need to be sold at this price to earn back the distribution copyright fee and the cost of national distribution?

The new era does not want to work in vain.

Therefore, they naturally declined the request.

Huaxing's asking price of [-] million is naturally not intended to really ask for this price, it is just a negotiation process.

In the end, after several days of negotiations, the final price was two million.

Huaxing packaged the release and sales rights of the album "Youth He Jin" in mainland China to New Era Audio and Video for [-] million.

Because this is a copyright sale, one-fifth of the 200 million will belong to He Jin.

In conversion, He Jin got 40 directly.

Plus one-fifth of the album's first week sales profit in Xiangjiang, He Jin got 36 yuan.

All of a sudden, He Jin got 76 yuan.

After repaying the 9 owed to the company, He Jin still has 67 left.

67 million!

Overnight, He Jin changed from a pauper to a small rich man with a net worth of hundreds of thousands.

This is not counting other publishing rights and subsequent album income.

If this album can break a million copies worldwide.

That He Jin's net worth is at least several million.

It's no wonder that others say that records are the most profitable in this era.

Look at Chen Long, look at Hua Tsai, these are typical people who have moved from the film industry to the record industry.

However, compared to Andy Hua Tsai who directly regards being a singer as his profession, Chen Long is purely for fun.


He Jin, whose net worth soared, got one-fifth of the [-] deposit paid by New Era. After [-] yuan, he immediately felt his waist straightened.

That night, he invited the staff who made the album together to have a rub.

Then, he spent [-] yuan to buy a big mobile phone.

"Hello! Brother Hua?"

"I said, what's the matter with you? You've called me four times today?"

Brother Hua's tone was full of helplessness.

Anyone who is harassed by someone who has nothing to do will complain.

"Cough cough..."

He Jin coughed in embarrassment, "Didn't I ask if you are free tonight! I want to treat you to dinner."

Brother Hua was silent for a while, "I told you in the morning, I have a show tonight!"

"Okay! Then tomorrow, I will call you then!"

Andy Lau: "..."

Hanging up the phone with a sad face, He Jin couldn't put it down holding the big brother, imagining whether he looked like the big brother when he was on the phone.

In other words, this big brother's phone is different. Compared with a pager, it is so convenient. If you want to find someone, you can just dial it.

No more running to public phone booths like before.

The only regret is that, apart from Tang Zhengchuan, he only knows Brother Hua's phone number.

Brother Tang's words are too rigid, with a straight face all day long, there is nothing to talk to him about.

So he could only ask Brother Hua to test whether his eldest brother could connect to the phone.

He wanted to find other people to share his joy, but he didn't have any friends in Xiangjiang, so he really didn't have a chance to share it.

"Hey! What are you doing! Have fun?"

A crisp voice rang in my ears.

He Jin, who was sitting on the armchair playing with the big brother, was overjoyed when he saw the person coming.

Isn't there someone who has a mobile phone and is familiar with it?

"Sister Huimin, have you finished filming?"

he asked.

"Well, get ready to play!"

Zhou Huimin nodded, sat next to him and started eating coffee rolls.

According to her, when the family conditions were not good, her mother would buy coffee rolls and lemon tea for her as snacks.

After getting used to eating, she now likes to take these things with her whether she is performing or doing anything.

"Sister Huimin, what's your phone number?"

He Jin asked with his big brother in his hand.

Zhou Huimin glanced at the big brother in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "I see you have been holding it all day, it seems that the album has been divided."

"No, I just sold the publishing rights. Most of the songs in my album are written and composed by me, and I have the copyright, so I have one-fifth of the copyright income."

He Jin smiled awkwardly.

Zhou Huimin's words made him feel like he was showing off, so he was very embarrassed.

"My phone number is 75..."

Zhou Huimin told He Jin her phone number, and He Jin hurriedly saved it in the phone.

After so many days of filming "Goddess of the Sword of Heaven", today is finally going to wrap up.

Well, in fact, it's not a few days, it's almost twenty days.

This speed is nothing in the whole Xiangjiang.

Last month's "Noble Banquet" only took seven days.

In Xiangjiang, fast speed is not a problem, the problem is whether it can attract people to watch in the cinema.

If it was before filming started, the crew of "Goddess of the Sword" might worry that Zhou Huimin would not be able to support the box office alone.

Don't worry about it now.

Who would have thought that He Jin, a transparent newcomer with [-] yuan, would rise up and become the hottest fried chicken of the month.

Yes, it is the popular fried chicken.

In this October, both Liming and Brother Hua have to give way.

Because the two mainlanders became popular in Xiangjiang.

Of these two people, one is naturally Jet Li, who was promoted to a first-class superstar by virtue of "Once Upon a Time".

The other person is He Jin.

As soon as "Youth and He Jin" was released, it quickly became popular in Hong Kong. On the radio, "A Cloud Made of Rain in the Wind" was played by the host every day.

On the TV music channel, "The Rainy Season of Seventeen" is broadcast no less than seven or eight times a day, and some people feel nauseous after watching it.

But there are fans who call every day to see He Jin.

On the street now, He Jin's slightly longer hairstyle and light blue denim jacket are eagerly imitated by teenagers.

According to a tabloid report, Ho Jin's posters were the best-selling posters during this period, higher than those of Hua Tsai, Leon Cheung, Jacky Cheung and even radish Aaron Kwok.

(End of this chapter)

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