I give the world destruction and new life

Chapter 460 The Players Who Are Rising with Wind and Clouds

Chapter 460 The Players Who Are Rising with Wind and Clouds

Tony's successful operation is also good news for Mikkelsen, which means that a new generation of prosthetic super soldiers will become possible.

For now, Dr. Krenzikov's central nervous system enhancement system, and Dr. Sean Weinstein's time-sensitive element extracted from Surte's blood are all worth astronomical prices.

The former requires Dr. Krenzikov to manually adjust the neural synchronization rate, and the latter requires Surte's blood as a raw material, but now that the technical difficulties have been overcome, these things will be mass-produced sooner or later.

Especially the latter, Wu Qianying has authorized Dr. Sian Weinstein to use the flesh and blood tissue in a sealed state after being disintegrated by overeating to a limited extent.

But considering its danger, Sean Weinstein and his team will carry the required biological materials to a certain laboratory space station of outer space military technology in the near future to complete.

There is also a very interesting research topic in the middle, which is where is the limit of Wang Zhengdao's space jumping ability.

Within the scope of the earth, Wang Zhengdao can frequently perform space jumps in units of thousands of kilometers, such as across the Atlantic Ocean, and back and forth between the east and west coasts of the Federation and the European Federation.

However, Wang Zhengdao could not allow himself to appear outside the [-]-kilometer-high Karman Line, and the Karmen Line is the boundary of outer space defined by human beings in modern times, and it is not a natural rule.

Why does this customary rule affect superhuman beings?And, if the scientific community now collectively changes its tune and changes the Karman Line to an altitude of [-] kilometers, will it have an immediate impact on Wang Zhengdao?
Or is it necessary to wait for the new Karman line to be fully recognized by the public who knows this concept in the entire human civilization before it will affect Wang Zhengdao?

If it is the latter, do all insiders need to agree with this definition, or is there a dividing line, and only a majority of people need to agree to have an impact?

Superhumans are a huge treasure trove. The happiest and most painful thing about these top scholars in the Lost Mountains is that they have countless questions raised every moment.

Many times, in order to substantively advance a certain plan, they have to make bold assumptions, and then regard the results of the assumptions as completely correct truths as anchors to continue to advance the project itself.

In this case, once the assumption is wrong, all efforts are equivalent to wasted.

And if they don't do this, researchers can only continue with their goals by solving a hundred thousand whys. That's how Sian Weinstein succeeded.

He assumed countless premises, and finally succeeded in purifying the time-sensitive hormone. Although he named it this way, why does this hormone, which is highly similar to adrenaline, make the nervous system highly active, so that the subject Go into some kind of bullet time state and no one knows.

Time-sensitive elements are still under the shadow of black-box theory, and Sean Weinstein joked that he is doing basic modulation work that graduate assistants can also do.

But this does not prevent the success of the joint project between Kerenzikov and Sian Weistein. Mikkelsen hopes to perfect the technology to the point where it can be manufactured out of the laboratory within the next three months.

In Mikkelsen's plan, all kinds of high-tech manufacturing industries will gradually lose their hematopoietic capabilities due to the loss of supporting industries within six to eight months after the start of the war.

Then there is heavy industry. Based on the fact that many industries controlled by Mikkelsen have already begun to transform into shelters five years ago, he is confident that sufficient productivity will be maintained in the war until the main population is consumed by more than a quarter. until.

Of course, all of the above times are dynamic, and the initiative is on the player's side.

And Makarian did not disappoint Mikkelsen. On the fourth day of Tanguy's operation to clear obstacles, a series of terrorist attacks suddenly broke out all over the world.

That may not be accurate, since many of the attacks took the form of assassinations without involving civilian casualties or property damage.

A total of four generals of the European Federation were attacked, and two of them died on the spot. The country where they were located had to immediately start the sequence continuation plan.

In the federal territory, Grand Commander Luther was also attacked. Fortunately, nearly half of his security team at that time were superhuman and well-trained. They responded in time and took Luther to hide in a A protective circle of thought power maintained by superhuman beings.

In the end, because they were afraid of Tang Ji's sudden appearance, the attackers gave up their plan to continue the siege after 2 minutes and retreated calmly.

Other federal officials were not so lucky. More than seventeen high-level federal officials were attacked, and nine of them died. The new Federal Minister of Finance Marcin Cooper won the lottery twice, one for the players who completed the task, and the second The second is armed with angry naturalized people.

Marcin Cooper almost single-handedly overthrew the three naturalized families, and he directly bankrupted them.

The Sect of the Adventists, a broken tool that was almost abandoned by the pioneers, was picked up again. Makarian supported them with a lot of weapons and equipment, as well as 150 blood of greed that can give people the ability of [cancer recovery], That's pretty much the last of the Blazers' inventory.

In return, the fanatics of the Adventist sect launched riots in almost every major city in the European Union, attracting the attention of a large number of law enforcement units.

They don't dare to come to the Federation now. Tang Ji's rise has been accompanied by the blood of the descendant sect.

Mikkelsen wanted to collect the dispersed rights as much as possible before the all-out war, relying on the power of centralization to compete with the players, and Markarian saw through Mikkelsen's plan two months after entering this world.

What Makarian wants is chaos. The more chaotic the world is, the better it is for the players. The commanders and officials who were attacked are basically those who are inclined to accept the advice of the Ark organization and those who are ready to accept the olive branch of Mikkelsen.

With Paulina coming to power to become the new big pioneer, the least morale of the team within the Blazers organization has been restored. When Tang Ji's mission is not involved, the team can almost complete the task [-]%.

Under the command of Paulina, the members of the door team hiding all over the world opened the dimensional door all over the world, allowing players participating in the operation to quickly transfer.

Order in chaos is the best portrayal of players. They don't need to have a pre-war meeting. As long as the various missions written in advance by the planning department are continuously released to these players, they can manage everything by themselves.

Killer players are the best pawns in Makarian's hands, while Mikkelsen has only one pawn in Tangy's hands.

Even if he is the 'queen', it is difficult to keep up with the swarm of players.

Ariel Amato, a killer player, of course they don't agree with their own name. Some small groups call themselves Legion, while others like to call themselves Bounty Thunder, Treasure Hunter, and so on.

But Ariel felt that the killer's generalization was very accurate. He really looked like a killer. At least in his short player life, most of the tasks he received from the system were related to killing people.

And he will be rewarded for killing... Poor Ariel Amato, if he is willing to read more books in this world, maybe he can read the story about Pavlov and his dog.

But he didn't, Ariel was busy killing people for rewards.

[Mission (beta 0.5): Kill a specific target, Bavi Callahan]

"Publisher: Pioneer (main task test)

》Task Requirement: The target dies
"Task Difficulty: Yellow (Medium Difficulty)
"Precautions: The target has a medium level of protection measures, smart players will not bury their heads in the past, make good use of your abilities
"Warning: Death in yellow missions will deduct player points

From Ariel's point of view, this task is very simple. The relatively advanced technology in this world has too many ways to kill people, and that fat man named Bavi Callahan is obviously an easy target.

Ariel Amato was near the target now, and those pioneers directly threw him to a place where he could quickly complete the task, and gave him two guns, one long and one short.

That's right, the gun, obviously they don't have too many requirements for the way to complete the task. Ariel can use his own ability to make the target die of oxygen poisoning, or he can cleanly enter the beautiful looking house, use the two Take the gun to kill the target.

Ariel's ability is to create pure oxygen in an area. The pioneer who directed him once said that this ability has great potential, if he can control his ability precisely.
But Ariel obviously can't. Compared with the route that the Blazers want him to take, Ariel prefers a bolder direction. He likes to use his ability to replace all the gas in the area, and then throw a match into it.

On the first day he came to this world, Ariel learned this little trick. Oxygen can make the fire burn more vigorously, and if the purity is high enough, it can cause an explosion.

So Ariel intends to use his own way to complete the task. Among the many killer players, there are always some who want to become the leader, and making their own reputation is obviously what the leader has to do.

He needs some personal style, which is very important for making a name for himself.

So, Bavi Callahan, your beautiful house needs a redecoration Ariel just crouched in the grass and started displacing the gas in the villa.

In the next second, a cold gun barrel pointed at his head, and the tactical eyepiece with a thermal imager marked his outline very clearly.

There was still a trace of doubt on the face of the reinstalled security guard, and he asked the captain: "I found a guy who seems to be mentally disturbed outside. He is peeping into the room. Do you want to take him back?"

"It might be the paparazzi. Check it out. Some audio-visual equipment is directly destroyed." The captain replied, and then borrowed to watch his own TV.

His employer, Bavi Callahan, is a celebrity, a well-known social activist in Gaul, and has a lot of reputation in the Taha Gang. He is the only communication bridge between the Gaul government and the Taha Gang.

And he himself has been working on solving the isolation problem in the thirteenth district recently, hoping to normalize the thirteenth district and let the Taha Gang come out.

In addition, Bavi Callahan is also a supporter of the Ark organization. He has been lobbying the politicians in Gaul to accept the special features of the Ark organization. He clearly supports the Ark organization to directly manage the ECS bureau and requires stronger management measures. .

A lot of the populace liked him, but a lot of superhumans didn't like him, so Bavi Callahan had recently stepped up his security measures to prevent a superhuman up there from making a mistake.

Just yesterday, Bavi Callahan had just encountered an assassination, so all the security personnel raised their equipment levels.

And Ariel hit the muzzle today. As a player who has just arrived for less than two weeks, he doesn't know what thermal imaging is or what a life detector is. The pioneers may have mentioned that when he Certainly not paying attention.

Being pointed at by a gun, Ariel's first reaction was to pull out his dagger and turn around to fight back. This was an instinct he had honed over decades in the previous world.

Gunshots resounded through the quiet wealthy area. The security guard kicked the opponent's limp arm with his toe, and looked at the smashed head. He felt that he was really unlucky today. hours to explain.

But fortunately, he has video footage of the whole process as evidence.

Of course, not every player is as stupid as Ariel Amato, and more players are really trying their best to complete the task in order to get more reward points.

Edel Dali, an old player who just came out of the world of sword and magic, was lurking in another villa not far from Ariel, watching Ariel die of stupidity indifferently.

Behind him, the real owner of the villa and his family were already lying in a pool of blood, and Edel took a step back to avoid the oncoming blood.

Edel didn't like to be stained with blood. In the last world, he was an assassin who walked on the dark side, and this world is no exception.

The body that was allocated to him for free simply added a little bit of physical fitness, allowing the skin to form a stratum corneum to resist shooting from small-caliber weapons. Edel did not intend to borrow his supernatural ability at all.

Like a ghost, he took advantage of Ariel's death to attract the attention of most of the security personnel, and sneaked into the target's villa without a sound.

The security system and the fence didn't exist for Edel, and the cameras were disposed of by the Blazers before they could spot him.

In the name of the pioneer, he still holds the most powerful supercomputing system in the world, and enslaves the ghost to serve it.

At the corner, a security guard looked at Edel who suddenly appeared with some surprise, and before he finished warning, Edel used a dagger to finish off the opponent.

The signal light representing the vital signs finally went out as the security guard's heartbeat dropped, and Edel knew that there was not much time left for him.

He speeded up, broke into three rooms in a row, and finally saw the target - Bavi Callahan, a pale and fat man with a visual weight of more than 120 kilograms.

And the sound of footsteps came from behind Edel, and he could not escape, but fortunately he did not intend to escape.

He directly stepped forward, without giving the opponent a chance to make a scene, he stabbed the knife into the chest and shattered the heart, and then he raised the knife and cut off the target's head.

Countless bullets shot through Edel, but he didn't care anymore, and directly blew his self-destruct vest
This time he was sure that the target couldn't die any more.

(End of this chapter)

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