Chapter 10
In wealthy families, even bathing is a pleasure.

The big pear-blossom wooden barrels are full of hot water by the maids, and the whole body is stretched out after soaking in it.

This, of course, is much more refreshing than asking the boys to fetch two buckets of water a few days ago, and just take a shower in the small courtyard behind the study.

Not to mention, there is a slim Qiaobi next to her, the kind who can do whatever she is told...

The taste is indescribable without personal experience.

Ping'er shyly stood in a corner of the room, bowing his head and looking down.

Although she had the experience of serving her master and aunt's house, but it was the first time she served Jia Lian to take a bath alone like this.

She was very worried, what would she do if Jia Lian forced her.

As Wang Xifeng's dowry maid and the closest one, she knew that Dadi's final ending would also be to become Jia Lian's housemate, or aunt.

But obviously Wang Xifeng is not determined to praise her yet.

With Wang Xifeng's possessiveness and vindictiveness, if she dared to take the first step, it would definitely end badly.

As the person who knows Wang Xifeng best, she knows that once the other party gets angry, she will not recognize him!

I don't know if Jia Lian felt her worry. Although she asked her to pass towels, soaps and other things from time to time, from the beginning to the end, Jia Lian did not do anything excessive to her, even asking her to pinch her shoulders. No, just tossing in the bucket by myself.

In this way, she boldly took a peek at Jia Lian's figure.

The slender back is generous and fit.The skin is wheat-colored, clean and flawless.

It's really pretty...

It was only seen through the gauze curtain before, but it has never been so real.

Moreover, the second master picked up the crooked son from nowhere, humming to himself, it sounds interesting...


The sudden sound of water woke up Ping'er, and when she came back to her senses, it was indeed Jia Lian who stepped out of the bucket.

Not to mention, the key point is that he is not covered in a single thread, only drops of water dripping down his body.

Ping'er turned away in embarrassment.

When did he take off his trousers and robe...

Jia Lian didn't seem to understand Ping'er's shame, and said with a smile: "Why, have you never seen such a good-looking man? Don't you give me the handkerchief!"

Ping'er hurriedly sent over the dry handkerchief in his hand.


Ping'er, who was always nimble, now acted like a stupid maidservant, frantically fetching the clean clothes stacked on top of the shelves.

Looking at Ping'er like this, Jia Lian's charming thoughts that had been suppressed in the bucket just now rushed up again involuntarily.

In order not to be noticed by Ping'er, he could only turn sideways and bend down to put on himself.

Needless to say, Ping'er is youthful and charming, among the many juicy maids in Jia's family, she is enough to be ranked in the top three.

It's Wang Xifeng's dowry maid again. It can be said that if she is eaten up, no one else can say anything.

It's just that Wang Xifeng is suspicious of him at this moment, how can he do something that Wang Xifeng looks down upon, and it will only cause trouble?
Besides, Ping'er himself may not be willing.

Therefore, in order to gain as much advantage as possible in the next match against Wang Xifeng, he can't make a move for the time being.

The future will be long, and when he completely subdues Wang Xifeng, he doesn't believe that she will obediently hand over Ping'er.

That's why he restrained himself on purpose just now, and didn't even molested Ping'er a little bit, not because he was so serious, but because he was afraid that he would be out of control.

After finishing dressing with great difficulty, Ping'er also packed up his mentality, and followed Jia Lian out of the bathroom.

Going back to the house along the long corridor, before entering the door, a woman came over.

"Second Lord, this is what Zhao Er asked to bring in from Ermen, saying that it is what Second Master wants."

Jia Lian nodded, took it and took it into the house.

Because Ping'er was concerned about Wang Xifeng, after a brief treatment of Jia Lian's hair, he said: "I asked Feng'er and the others to come in and let the master continue to do it. I will go and see our grandma."

Jia Lian grabbed her wrist and said with a smile: "If you leave like this, your grandma must not be at ease if someone else comes in.

You should keep doing it for me. "

The young and refreshing girl knelt beside her and dried her hair strand by strand with a dry towel. Jia Lian enjoyed the process very much.

Others are naturally not as good as Ping'er.

Ping'er couldn't refuse, so he had to sit back to work again.

Seeing that Jia Lian unpacked the package from the old woman, it turned out to be a pile of books and manuscripts, and he thought to himself: "Could it be that the second master has really changed his sex?"

After a while, seeing Jia Lian looking at it seriously, he finally couldn't help but ask, "What is the second master looking at?"

Jia Lian glanced back at her, smiled and raised the manuscript in his hand: "This is an article I collected from outside with great difficulty. Guess who wrote it?"

"How can I guess that?"

Jia Lian shook his head, lowered his head and continued to study his homework, and said in his mouth: "I will go to Yangzhou soon, and I will see Uncle Lin at that time. If the old man wants to take an exam and ask questions, I can't answer a word, won't I shame?

So I have to work hard temporarily, maybe I can win the jackpot at that time, if so, I will bring you some more gifts when I come back. "

Ping'er said, "Could it be that these are all articles written by Mrs. Lin?"

"Clever! But the books aren't."

Jia Lian chatted and joked with Ping'er casually, while trying to figure out Lin Ruhai's temperament and political policies from Lin Ruhai's limited articles.

If you want to get close to a person, you must first match what he likes.If you want to match what he likes, you need to understand his personality and three views.

Obviously, Jia Lian and Lin Ruhai are relatively strangers. If he wants to understand Lin Ruhai, the only way he can do now is to look for clues from Lin Ruhai's theories and articles.

As for dealing with Lin Ruhai's examination and teaching knowledge, it was just a joke with the maid.

A scumbag, no matter how hard he tries, cannot become a top student in a short time.

As for Lin Ruhai, who is at the level of a god of learning, he is not a talented player. In front of him, he is an ordinary person, even a disabled person.

He will not use his own shortcomings to attack the other's strengths.

Ping'er didn't know Jia Lian's many thoughts. Seeing that Jia Lian didn't look like a joke, he felt emotional: If the second master was so serious and eager to learn from the beginning, how could he have studied in the Imperial College?
If he could always treat his studies like this, he would be famous now, just like the master Xianzhu in the house!
Now, I'm afraid it's a bit late...

But no matter what, it's a good thing that the second master is willing to make progress.Second Mistress would be happy if she knew about it.


"Yo, you two are very concubine lovers!"

When Wang Xifeng entered the door, she saw Jia Lian reclined on the kang pretending to be reading a book, and inside the kang, Ping'er was sitting obediently wiping Jia Lian's hair, and said sourly.

When Ping'er saw Wang Xifeng came back, he knew that he was a bit reckless.Seeing that the water droplets on Jia Lian's hair had already gone away, it only needed to be loosened for a while to dry, so he got off the kang, packed up his things and went out.

Wang Xifeng didn't have any trouble finding Ping'er, she sat down and said, "Yingchun and the others originally said that they would come to practice for you, but the old lady told them not to disturb you and let you have a good rest, so they didn't come."

"Yeah." Jia Lian nodded casually to express his understanding.

Seeing that Jia Lian didn't turn her head to look at her, Wang Xifeng was immediately annoyed: "I'm leaving tomorrow, and you still have time to read those miscellaneous books. If you have the time, you might as well go to bed early. Maybe you'll be more energetic tomorrow morning."

In one sentence, Wang Xifeng defined Jia Lian's reading as miscellaneous books.

Jia Lian turned over and went over there.

Wang Xifeng frowned and stared at Jia Lian a few times.

It was still hot today, and Jia Lian was wearing very thin clothes just after taking a bath, just a light yellow thin robe was casually put on her body, with her arms and calves exposed.

In addition, his body was tilted inward, and most of his chest was clearly visible as he pulled his robe.

Jia Lian was originally tall and tall, and he was known as a handsome man by everyone!If not, Wang Xifeng would not hold him so tightly and would not let any woman approach him. This is actually exactly the same as a man's desire to possess a beautiful woman.

Therefore, at this time, Jia Lian's lazy appearance wearing only close-fitting robes after taking a bath is extremely attractive to any woman in the world!
Wang Xifeng stood up and walked into the room. After two steps, she stopped and said, "I'm going to take a bath too."

Jia Lian, who is serious about learning, frowned when he heard this.

If you want to take a shower, just go and tell me what to do, when did this bitch become so polite?

A good night's sleep.

As soon as Jia Lian woke up in the morning, he realized that someone was watching him. When he opened his eyes, he met a pair of Danfeng eyes.

Some are bright, and there are also some love that is usually invisible.

"Why are you staring at me like this? Why, are you thinking about how to murder your own husband?"

One sentence made Wang Xifeng, who was a little embarrassed, annoyed, and hit Jia Lian angrily.

He wanted to get up, but felt a little powerless, his heart became clear, and he couldn't help but raised his head again, glaring at Jia Lian with water in his eyes.

"I always feel that you are different from before." Falling asleep again, leaning her head on Jia Lian's shoulder, Wang Xifeng muttered to herself.

Jia Lian tilted his head, glanced at the spring scenery inside and outside his bellyband, and said with a smile: "Oh, what's different?"

Wang Xifeng blushed suddenly.

She couldn't tell exactly what was different, she was sure it was that person, but the methods were quite different.

In the past, how could he have such a reputation, and how could he be so domineering. If people refused to follow him, he still wanted to use force!
She didn't go to sleep until midnight, which caused her to have no strength at all, which is really abominable.

Although Jia Lian couldn't see Wang Xifeng's face, he could feel her meekness at the moment, so he asked, "What time is it?"

"Probably carved at the beginning of Mao."

When Jia Lian heard the words, he retracted the claws that had just been poked out.

I wanted to impress Feng Lazi more, but unfortunately I ran out of time.

Seeing Jia Lian get up, Wang Xifeng also sat up, brushed her makeup lightly, and said, "It's still early, why don't you sleep for a while? Although the time is set, it's just the servants. It's okay to let them wait a little longer."

Wang Xifeng was afraid that Jia Lian didn't have a good rest last night.

But Jia Lian shook his head while dressing: "Morning is the best time to hurry, and I'm afraid it will be hot at noon."

Wang Xifeng was a little dissatisfied, "I didn't see you being so filial before, and I don't know if you were so devoted to filial piety when my mother-in-law died..."

Wang Xifeng immediately sensed something was wrong when she said the words. Seeing Jia Lian looking at her with a smile that was not a smile, she blushed and decisively changed the subject: "The accompanying people and Marco are all arranged. Is there anything else that needs to be bought? The journey is far away, how many Make some preparations to avoid trouble on the road."

Upon hearing this, Jia Lian immediately laughed and said, "Sure enough, I have something to discuss with you."

"what's up?"

"Give me some silver."

As soon as Jia Lian mentioned the money, Wang Xifeng immediately became vigilant: "What do you want the money for?"

Suspicious look on his face.

She knew that Jia Lian had already received money from the cashier, part of it was used for their traveling expenses, and the other part was to go to Yangzhou to buy sacrificial objects and daily expenses.

Now asking her for additional money, I'm afraid the intention is not pure.

(End of this chapter)

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